Dont have a video nor a babysitter to take a class but i would love to do some tai chi or chi gong for relaxation and exercise so can anyone recommend an audio cd at all?
RE: Tai Chi Cds?
There is probably not to much audio out there, possibly Ken Cohen and Stuart Olsen.
RE: Tai Chi Cds?
There may also be some guided meditations by Bruce Frantzis?
RE: Tai Chi Cds?
Not keen on recommending such things as you could end up harming yourself.
RE: Tai Chi Cds?
hi all
many thanks for the recommendations....i found 'qi gong meditations' by one of the people you mentioned on ebay...looked good.
my other Q was going to be whether its ok to learn on your own?
could you hurt yourself doing something gentle like qi gong?
RE: Tai Chi Cds?
Most unlikely unless you get into some of the advanced stuff such as Mantak Chia teaches. The key is to always remain relaxed and finish up by centering yourself and bringing the energy back to the navel region. Leave it in the hands for instance and you might bring on rheumatics or similar problems.