A little list of sports massage and other links you may find useful when training in Sports Therapy.. the information on this one is limited, so please if you have anything to add to any of these links, it would be greatly appreciated.
ITEC Sports Massage[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=57242 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=57242[/link]
ITEC A&P Past Papers
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=182871 ] http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=182871 [/link]
Long list of past papers
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=6812 ] http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=6812 [/link]
ITEC A&P Past Papers
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=25214 ] http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=25214 [/link]
I know The London Massage Company have got loads of good links on their site to helpful sites [DLMURL] http://www.thelondonmassagecompany.com/resources.aspx [/DLMURL]
Sports Injury Bulletin is always a good soucre of info too. They've got a good forum and have some interesting articles, bu t you need to be a member
hopefully im able to post this link, as I have been doing some research into training in sports & remedial 'therapies'.
There are plenty of level 3 sports massage qualifications, and three main awarding bodies: VTCT, ITEC and ActiveIQ. These qualifications are on the old national qualifications framework (NQF), which is being changed to the QCF.
There are no sports massage (or remedial massage) qualifications on the QCF above level 3.
The governing body in massage, sports therapies and bodywork is General Council for Massage Therapies, and their minimum practitioner level is Level 3, all higher levels are classed as 'progression routes'.
The 'pull' for FE colleges to run Level 3 qualifications is that they can get government funding to run them.
Sports Massage courses do exist at level 4, and these are not on the NQF/QCF. These are (usually) accredited by a government approved Awarding Body, who will be regulated by the Qualifications & Curriculum Authority (soon to be QCDA). The main ones at the moment are OCR, BTEC and NCFE, although I think ive also seen an 'Open College Network' (OCN) one somewhere too.
Sport & Remedial Massage qualifications are now at Level 5, and the main awarding bodies for these are BTEC and NCFE. Again, these are not on the NQF/QCF, but are externally awarded.
Sports Therapy seems to exist on the QCF at levels 2 and 3, but in the guise of Sports & Fitness Therapies, and these are VTCT qualifications.
Aside from that there is the course run by Sports Therapy Education Ltd, that doesnt seem to have an external awarding body qualification, so dont know what its level is. Then there is the Level 5 NCFE qualification run by Active Health. That seems to be it for vocational courses, and neither are on the QCF, but the Active one is externally accredited.
Above that there is the foundation degrees and BSc in Sports Therapy run by a number of universities.
Prices do vary, from £200 right up to about £3000.
I have read on some websites that if a course is not on the QCF then it isnt a recognised course, which isnt true. Courses on the QCF can differ drastically, for example you can do level 3 sports massage at a local college for a year, or you could do it privately as a two day weekend course.
Some of the non QCF courses at a high enough level, can be used as a direct route into university.
As far as recognition goes, with the way the industry is moving, you should check to see if is recognised by the GCMT, as they now hold the standards in Sports Massage, Sport & Remedial Massage and Sports Therapy. If in doubt, check with them
I hope this helps, if you are confused about the qualifications available.
Hello all, im hosting a cerivcal manipulation course in newcastle upon tyne on april 25th (its a friday). It is being ran by John Gibbons, and ive had confirmation from Balens insurance that they do cover this type of course. The course will be £165, and could add a lot to your practice. If you are interested let me know at posture@shieldchiro.co.uk , the course is going to be limited to 10 people, and for us northerners we dont get many courses this far north so snap it up while you can!