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What is Spiritual Healing?

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Spiritual Healing is not associated with any religion, -ism or –ology.

Spiritual Healing is a natural process where a healer channels healing energies to a client, thereby stimulating the client's own inner healing mechanism to bring about recovery from illness. It can be helpful in a wide range of physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological problems, sometimes to a remarkable degree. In addition, spiritual healing is also notable for often initiating improvements in clients' attitudes, clarity of thought and in their quality of life.

Spiritual Healing is completely non-invasive and fully complements any other treatment that you may be having. Your doctor is able to refer you to a healer and you may request the visit of a healer when you are in hospital. Spiritual Healing has been recognised as a therapy by the NHS.

-Peter Clifford MNFSH, from [url] Healthypages directory.[/url]

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Posted by: @azalia

Spiritual Healing is not associated with any religion, -ism or –ology.

Spiritual Healing is a natural process where a healer channels healing energies to a client, thereby stimulating the client's own inner healing mechanism to bring about recovery from illness. It can be helpful in a wide range of physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological problems, sometimes to a remarkable degree. In addition, spiritual healing is also notable for often initiating improvements in clients' attitudes, clarity of thought and in their quality of life.

Spiritual Healing is completely non-invasive and fully complements any other treatment that you may be having. Your doctor is able to refer you to a healer and you may request the visit of a healer when you are in hospital. Spiritual Healing has been recognised as a therapy by the NHS.

-Peter Clifford MNFSH, from [url] Healthypages directory.[/url]


I've been a long time away from this site so I'll start by saying hello.

As regards the statement that spiritual healing is non invasive I beg to differ.

If disease is invasive then so is the cure. Both affect the cells of the body but in different ways. Disease etc is usually a direct physical corruption of the cell whereas spiritual or call it by its true title "energy" healing produces a reversal of corruption by introducing a stronger positive energy to neutralise the corruption in the cell.

It is also possible that if the damaged cell is beyond repair the introduced positive energy may reprogram a spare stem cell to take over the role of the cell.

Lobsters and some lizards probably use this method to regenerate lost limbs. 

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I am not sure if that is entirely true.

Spiritual Healing, is addressing the spiritual realms of the body.
Addressing the etheric body, and all the dysfunctions.
To heal the etheric is to step down into the physical as a healing.

The spiritual healer is not necessarily required to do such things as 'channeling healing energies to the client' - in fact, i think that sounds
a bit archaic.

In Ascension, the healer teaches the client how to heal themselves -
and all authentic spiritual healing is by way of karma clearing.
The healer just points out what needs healing in the etheric body realms.


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sorry oka,
but I am in complete agreement with azalia's reply which is a perfect definition of spiritual Healing.
Also spiritual Healing can be done by contact (touching the patient), near to the body ( hands up tp 3 inches from the patient), or at a distance which can anyere from being in the same room or on the other side of the world.
Spiritual healing energies are directed to the patient. these energies work were they are needed regardless of were we Healer or patient) think they may be needed. and this is on all levels. mind - body - spirit and emotions.
It is true that a lot of dis-ease in the body may have its beginings on another level, for example - emotional disharmony, so the healing energies would work on the source and so relieve the symptoms, rather than just dealing with the symptoms.

Love light and healing to you

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'working on the source' .. that is precisely what i am talking about.

The source of any problem, ALL problems, is somewhere in the etheric body -

Revealing, or rather DEFINING the source of the probelm in the etheric body, starts the real healing, and the healing steps down into the physical form as a healing.

A healer can trigger such - or reveal the problem in the etheric body - but it is up to the individual to do the healing.
No healer can really 'heal' another in this matter.
Unless they are the original other half (victim or perpetrator) of a karmic circumstance.

'healing energies' is really a misnomer, or rather a bandaid for the REAL healing is removing the 'matter' that is problematic in the etheric body realms.

Nearly every dysfunction in the etheric is karmic in nature - and in this, the client/individual must learn to clear their karma.
A healer cannot do this for the client.
And what isnt a karma, is a spell, curse, mechanised device, an etheric implant, or a timerift.
And these also, must be removed by the clients own conscious intent.

Namaste and Blessings

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I do understand where Oka is coming from with this.

Yes, the client can only heal themselves if they wish to.
The Healer is simply the guide to bring awareness to the client; to bring what is in the subconscious into the conscious, it is then up to the client to affect a healing, with guidance from the Healer, if that is required and needed/wanted.

It is important that the Healer is clear in their intentions and is non-interfering because the client's healing path lies within their own choice, and in the manner that is right for them.

I have had experience of a mechanical device implanted within my energy field which was removed by a Healer. I 'knew' there was a problem because I was experiencing physical as well as psychological pain, but I did not consciously know the cause, the source, of the problem.
Subconsciously I did, and so I was lead/guided to the appropriate Healer by my subconscious...all I consciously had to do was follow the intuitive guidance of my subconscious and/or of my 'higher' self.

Entities can be 'living' within the etheric fields too, and the client needs to address why the entity was attracted to them, after it has been sent gently back to its time, place and/or dimension.

Healing is a fascinating subject, and like everything there is much more going on below the surface than is first realised.

Happy healing everybody.

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Spiritual healing can be the best healing if healer has full command on this type of treatment, client has full confidence on spiritual therapy and
on the healer as well, other (physical treatment) is not ignored. IMHO it (spiritual healing) will be hundred percent useful and doubling the effects, if physical treatment is correct.

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The spiritual healer is not necessarily required to do such things as 'channeling healing energies to the client' - in fact, i think that sounds
a bit archaic.

Based on 0ver 50 years as a spiritual healer and teacher and a member of many healing associations, I have taught and shown that Spiritual Healing is the channelling of healing energy from its spiritual source through Spiritual healing guides/angels/ascended masters to the recipient.

The channel is usually a person, whom we call a healer or healing medium and the healing energy is usually transferred to the patient through the healer's hands. The healing does not come from the healer, but through him/her. "If that means archaic then so be it". But remember that: From the first existence of life to now. For as long as the written word has existed there have been references to Healers. Most people remember the examples of healing through Jesus. In the Christian era, healing was considered an integral part ofthe Church. Jesus looked upon His Healing Ministry as an integral part of his work. Latterly Harry Edwards became involved with absent healing as well as contact healing throughout the Second World War. After the war he became a full time healer and established the Sanctuary at Shere. The healing power is channelled through the many healing mediums in many races and countries. Healing is not defined by creed. The act of healing was outlawed outside the Christian church in earlier years and many healers and mediums were executed.

Healers see the body mind and spirit as one interdependent unit and believe all three must work in harmony to maintain positive health. Any problem, be it a broken leg or depression needs the power of healing to restore the balance of the whole person. It is felt that sickness often starts in the mind, or at the deeper level of the spirit, and it is often here that healing begins.

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I've had

I've had people say that I sometimes 'give' to them, sometimes they say they don't feel like they give me enough or anything back - I tell them we are sharing - it's not an exchange. I've had people tell me I'm an 'enabler' for them, enabling them to see and feel different things that help them in their thoughts. Some have said I've brought back to them something they thought they had lost or had died within them.
Little do they know that I do receive from them - maybe its just the satisfaction of receiving from them that I am somehow helping them along their path. I like to give and it's not necessary to receive.

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Hi Azila and others

I believe that there is only one purpose for obtaining a precious human birth and that is to understand the causes of suffering and to undo these causes through practice for oneself and all beings. I'd say that "spiritual" healing would play a part in all this wouldn't you?

I think this is the same for religious and non religious alike but for my part at least this comes largely withing the traditions of Buddha Dharma. In fact the separation between religious and secular; between church and state is a fairly recent phenomenon.

While it is true that institutional Christianity has, during certain periods in history, maintained its integrity by persecuting spiritual healing that took place outside institutional control, spiritual healing has always been important to the religion. And while spiritual healing may take place outside institutional religion in a secular state I think few religions would accept that it was not important in some shape or form.

Perhaps I am a pedant but... I guess you can reasonably argue that spiritual healing is not the exclusive domain of religion but I don't think you can reasonably say that "spiritual healing is not associated with any religion" in any shape or form!!!


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hey, man. May i have a question? May i post a message to you?

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Spiritual Healing is natural state of human being. We are all healers.

Pain, lust, hate and all other negatively, interfere us to receive healing (and other) spiritual energies. When clean us from them, then flow of spiritual energies towards us, will be instantaneous.

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Spiritual Awakening

I am having a spirtiual awakening through shekem angelic healing. It has left me light headed, highly sensitive, ear buzzing, i feel like i am spiritually high and very open I do not know what is happening to me. Please can you help as I am very confused.

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I am having a spirtiual awakening through shekem angelic healing. It has left me light headed, highly sensitive, ear buzzing, i feel like i am spiritually high and very open I do not know what is happening to me. Please can you help as I am very confused.

If it is a spiritual opening just as well you don't know what is happening to you! Being open is not going to hurt you any way (or attract negativity from anywhere as a common notion held by many)
Analyzing it or trying to figure it out is just wasting this opportunity. Mind always wants to claim everything
Ear buzzing is naad. A good sign. Active surrender is what is needed. Divine is flooding in make space by surrendering.

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Hi everyone, as someone who has just had their mind opened to alternative healing and knows very little about the subject. My world has changed so much from one session, Is it important that I need to know anything else other than I know it has a very positive effect and I got what I wanted, needed and more. That's just an open question for discussion.

However I have found all your explanations and definitions very educating and interesting.

Love loulou

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Spiritual or spirit healing is the belief that religious faith can bring about healing--either through prayers or rituals.



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Spiritual awakening is continuous process of becoming a whole person. The peoples who are balanced with positive energy can care for themselves and people close to them.

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For me..Spiritual Healing is the way to rediscover yourself, release the stress of life and get positive energy in you. In fact, people do spiritual healing on daily basis as meditation and yoga. Some people start it with a guidance who support them and help in the process to be spiritual. In New York, a most famous spiritual healer - Chamunda Swami Ji shares his spiritual knowledge with all who want to be spiritual.

andy johnson healer
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‘Healing’ is the restoration of the natural energetic balance of another living being, man or animal by a ‘healer’ who amplifies and focuses their own life force, known variously around the world as Chi, Prana, Ki, Num, bio-energy, etc., depending on the culture.

The process is a non-invasive, drug-free gift from Nature, has no negative ‘side effects’ and generally works very well with humans and animals, especially dogs and cats. The effects vary from person to person from very subtle to the theatrically dramatic.

Known for thousands of years in the China and the Far East as Qi Gong, practitioners use proprietary meditation techniques, called ‘Nei kung’ (Inner Power), to redirect their inner ‘Chi’ externally using their hands to heal a wide variety of physical ailments.

Operating regardless of faith, or religious belief, it is commonly practiced among so called ‘primitive cultures’ worldwide.

As the Edwardian Occultist Dion Fortune remarked, ‘yesterday’s Magic is today’s science’.

The body (human or not) heals itself second by second. As a fantastically complex micro universe of inter-dependent electro-chemical interactions, controlled, ordered, directed and balanced by the ebb and flow of the mysterious ‘Chi’.

When things go wrong, i.e. become unbalanced, emotionally or physically, harmonious equilibrium is lost, manifesting as physical dis-ease; where a little outside assistance is helpful.

Anthony Welsh Counselling
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For me, spiritual healing is almost certainly when mind, body and soul come together in a perfectly harmonious way.  Furthermore, it's interesting to reflect how I have felt this both in a religious setting (Lourdes), and in a non-religious one (e.g. by the sea/on the beach on a nice holiday as the sun sets, or during my first visit to a spa hotel I know and love, as I genuinely felt a noticeable uplift in my physical well being from being in the spa pool).  All in all, though, I would say the answer surely lies in that holistic coming together of the three things alluded to (mind, body, soul), and more importantly, in a way that is truly uplifting.    
