I was wondering are those of a certain starsign more inclined to be involved in spiritual healing than others? There should be a disproportionate number of Pisceans if the astrological textbooks are to be believed.
I think that's rather a generalisation as you're only talking about people's Sun sign. I think if their whole natal chart was looked at then there is an increased likelihood of a pattern. For example, someone might not be Piscean as their Sun sign (what is generally referred to as a starsign) but might have a lot of Piscean influences across their overall chart.
If you want to look into astrology in detail then I would recommend reading Parkers' Astrology: the Definitive Guide to Using Astrology in Every Aspect of Your Life.
"The Astrology Workbook" (sorry can't remember who wrote it, it's part of a collection of books on various similar subjects) isn't bad but the Parkers' guide is probably the best.
I'm a Piscean and I'm a great believer in spiritual healing - though I'm not an active practitioner.
Thank you, Bannick. A fair point. Though it would still be interesting to find out.
Has anyone got any info on the star chart of dear old Harry Edwards? He certainly had the gift.
Hiya, I'm piscean too, tho I'd never call myself a healer, as such!
My own thoughts on spiritual healing is that it's somthing that everyone and anyone does instinctivley...ie if you've got a headache you put your hands on your head, if your kid bangs his/her knee you rub it better ect...I think sometimes people are more 'aware' by nature that they are performing healing, likewise some people try and develope it and go down the route of giving it a lable or becoming attuned to some 'form' of healing
Just my thoughts:o
Hmmm I'm a capricorn and a believer in spiritual healing. ... I didn't know that pisces was more linked to it
Hi Knightofalbion,
Some of the HP profiles do show their starsigns and I couldn't help to notice that a lot of members are Pisces and Capricorns. I might be wrong and the majority might not be Pisces and Capricorns but it just looks like it to me. I don't think they are all interested in spiritual healing but certainly they are close to their spirituality in general maybe. I am not an expert at all, though.
I have begun healer training and I'm a Scorpio 🙂
Barbara x
I am a Capricorn and do Reiki, Spiritual Healing and some others.
Having said that I have a sister who is a Virgo and one who is Libra and they both do all sorts of healing as well as meditation, yoga etc. so to me, we are all on a journey of spiritual discovery and I don't think the starsigns really enters into in.
Has anyone thought or written about the combination between starsign and Chinese year?
I was wondering are those of a certain starsign more inclined to be involved in spiritual healing than others? There should be a disproportionate number of Pisceans if the astrological textbooks are to be believed.
My Boyfriend is Piscean (Year of the Pig) and is not interested at all. Shame he won't be a guinea pig for my Reiki level 2 as I need the practice. Luckily he has grown used to the windowsills having lots of crystals on around the full moon.
Ps I am a Taurean female (Year of the Rabbit)
Hi knightofalbion
I've just looked up Harry Edward's birthdate and its 29th May 1893 which makes him a Gemini sun. Now Gemini does rule the hands and he used a method of hands on healing. I've just done a quck check on his astrological data without an accurate time of birth and he has a stellium in Gemini with Sun Pluto Neptune and Venus there.
Sun conjunct Neptune would give qualities of being Pisces Sun, but no Pisces in chart at all unless of course his ascendant or midheaven is Pisces.
Love and Light
I'm not convinced that star signs make a person more inclined towards spiritual healing, but I do believe that some of us are born with more inclination towards the healing or psychic arts. My interest in the alternative seems to be around as long as I am! what age did others develop their interest?