spiritual healing q...
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spiritual healing question

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I wonder whether i can ask any healers here a question. When receiving absent healing, is it best to have just one healer.....I personally feel that to receive healing from several different healers is not beneficial..........for instance, healing, to my mind, is a very personal thing and some healers will direct more beneficial energy than others. This isnt to say that particular healers are not `good` - merely not right for a particular person.

Do you think it wise that when receiving healing for a chronic complaint where you have to send updates on the condition etc, that a different healer should send should send healing energy each time.....this possibly cancelling out the previous healers energy......i think it is messy and not beneficial to have different healers send absent healing to someone.........not all energy is received the same and i think it can hold back a cure and its like sending different energy waves.........i hope that i am making sense............I personally benefit from certain peoples healing energies and not others....some energies make me feel ungrounded and in a bad place whereas others make me feel better and more grounded and whole and peaceful.........therefore, do you think we should have just one healer whose energy we find beneficial when receiving absent healing..........

Many thanks...

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stay with one. Healing happens when your mind calms down not by blasts of energy. Going here, there and everywhere...how unsettling is that! Same with absent energy.
It will vertainly help with opening of trust as well as opposed to staying in comparison of this healer with that and this energy to that.
Settlednes is key to happiness

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Hello Sophie,

Different energy healing methods effect different vibrational levels and frequencies, this is probably why you find certain energy methods more beneficial and others less beneficial.

If you would for example ask 3 Reiki Healers to sent you distant healing for the same reason and let them all know about each other, that would allign the healing energy.

If you ask a Reiki, a Theta and a Spiritual healer for distant healing at the same time and would not let each other know that would be just confusing for yourself and everyone involved, in my humble opinion.

Love & Light

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Thank you both for your replies which are very helpful.

My situation is this....I use absent healing for several chronic conditions...I request the healing from the same place always via email.....however, different healers take these absent healing requests.....I dont know who they are as such and it is pot luck who reads the absent healing requests any given day and directs the energy.....

I am very sensitive to energies and can end up feeling extremely zinged up and ungrounded....I hope that makes sense and doesnt sound mad. Because my conditions are chronic and varied, I may send in an additional healing request for something that has flared up and in my heart I feel that whoever takes that healing request (who may not know of me and know my chronic conditions etc) over rides the healing already being sent with their intervention and those chronic conditions start creeping back...........Even though all the healers work at the same place, etc....I just feel in my heart that it makes it all so messy and uneasy.

I also find that not all healers are compatible with everyone....a bit like not all doctors suit every patient, etc.........there are some healers who are obviously more attuned to me and direct a more compatible healing for me if that makes sense (I dont know how healing works i have only ever been a recipient so forgive me).......there are some healers who will send me soothing, grounding healing energies and others who will make me feel in a really bad place.....very unsettled and zinged up and weird......and also some that make me actually feel so much better and there is an easment of symptoms and pain etc.......and some where things arent so good............

Healing energy works....there is no doubt....and on that basis, when they say that healing can do no harm....I feel that if healing has the power to make such significant changes then it also has the power to be detrimental....even from a fully trained healer...........I dont want to be zapped with healing energy by different people all the time and it makes me feel very uneasy......For instance, and this is just a for instance.......If I am already receiving absent healing for, lets say high blood pressure and slipped disc and that healing has already been directed to me and i am feeling better - its been sent by a compatible healer and i am feeling settled and grounded etc and all is good....... but a few days later I am suffering from bad migraines and feel depressed....for example....and i then mail a healing request for the migraines etc.....for some additional healing.......but a different person takes that healing request (who doesnt know me.....doesnt know that i have high blood pressure and a slipped disc for example (i dont by the way) and they dont know tht i am sensitive to energies etc.....and they send out healing for the migraines and the depression.....so a different persons healing energy is being sent.....the original problems return because their healing has over ridden that which was already being sent..................its confusing i know - and also you dont know these people....dont know their names etc......

Am i right in thinking that we all yeild differently to different healers....i think that s the case.......and therefore i feel that only one healer should deal with each person....does that makes sense...........I can see that if they are all there together directing energy at one time to one person that would be fair enough.....but for a different person each time to be zapping you with their energy cannot be truly beneficial........

I hope that i am making sense

thank you

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Hi Sophie.

You might find it helpful to stop thinking of 'healing energy' and start to think of what you are asking for and receiving which is 'healing'. 🙂

Every healer is different and will deal with your request in different ways, some will utilise mindfulness to assess your requirements when putting together a healing session, whilst others will give you whatever they supply as a standard healing session, which will be given to everyone irrespective of what is going on within them.

Now here is the rub, you are the person who is creating expectations of what you want to receive rather than just being open to receive the healing that is sent to you, this will from time to time cause a conflict which can make the healing that you receive feel wrong to you.

For healing to manifest, a change needs to happen, if you are open to the changes then healing will flow, if you are not open to change, then you will have to block the changes that are required, this puts you at odds with the healer who is trying to help you by creating the healing change.

You are focused within your symptoms of pain and suffering which you are looking for relief from though the medium of healing, the healer should be focused upon the overall impression of where you are at the moment that they create the healing for you and what is required to create a healing change that will manifest healing within you, which as you can appreciate are often two completely different things.

You might find it more helpful to simply request healing from a healer, without giving them a list of your symptoms or expectations, then just be open to accept the healing that the healer creates for you at the time they tune into you and can asses for themselves what type of healing they sense you require from them. 😉

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:021: sophie123;

When receiving absent healing, is it best to have just one healer.....

Not necessarly since there may be some healers like Reiki Healers which their energy is too week to do much of a greater change unless its a mild cold or some light Pain one may have. Then there may be some others, which may have a very strong craft of healing and a lot of ailments will get healed very quickly.

I personally feel that to receive healing from several different healers is not beneficial..........for instance, healing, to my mind, is a very personal thing and some healers will direct more beneficial energy than others. This isnt to say that particular healers are not `good` - merely not right for a particular person.

Exactly But that´s what it is all about! You´ll never know which Healer has the right healing power in him, her. Therefore it may be very beneficial to have more healers send or give live healing sessiones at different times but not at the same time. Why not the same time? Because it´s like having many doctors work on one! It may not work out so well or the healing will stop all together because there´s no room for all crafts to work on one. There are specialists of Doctors and then there are Docs like in Scrubs, the series.

Do you think it wise that when receiving healing for a chronic complaint, where you have to send updates on the condition etc,

You both should do it! Send the updates.

that a different healer should send healing energy each time.....this possibly cancelling out the previous healers energy...

Not necessarly.

...i think it is messy and not beneficial to have different healers send absent healing to someone.........not all energy is received the same and i think it can hold back a cure and its like sending different energy waves.........i hope that i am making sense............

Reiki for instance is quite unspecific! It goes from here to there then over there then here again and then there again etc. Here you may feel a lot of action happening onto and In you but not much effect in your health is done. Some people just do Reiki because of only those sensationes. And then there are those energys which are specific like a professionel Doctor knowing specifically what need´s to be done and does it. Is ist done, that area may not be redone the next time unless it needs to because the healers channel wasn´t open long enough to finish that one project of many or the others.

I personally benefit from certain peoples healing energies and not others....some energies make me feel ungrounded

I found out that being Ungrounded gets a healing much faster done then being grounded. Being grounded and sending or giving energy to that person, what happens there? You act as a lightning rod, which not many healers know of except me because I´ve tested that on a person with her agreement and so it was! By being Grounded, no healing occured but Not being it, a healing occured like by back pains.

and in a bad place whereas others make me feel better and more grounded and whole and peaceful.........

Reiki may feel that way but then again, what does it do? Any changes in hard to heal ailments?? :023:

therefore, do you think we should have just one healer whose energy we find beneficial when receiving absent healing..........

That be the best if you know of him or her being the best! 🙂
