Does the NFSH website need improving?
As you mayalready know, there's a national NFSH website, and then most regions have their own website, to keep members up to date with what's happening locally. The thing is, some look much more professional than others- region 7 (might be biased here:D) and region 1being the better lookingones, but in my opinion some of the other ones look as if they're in need of some help!
What I want to know, is why aren't all the seperate region's websites following the same format? If that's down to lack of money (NFSH is a charity afterall) then whyisn't the national website improved and then all the appropriate information relating to the different regions added there? I just think this would look much more professional to members of the public looking for information and just creates a far better image.
What do you think?
RE: NFSH website
Hi Azalia, I found out the other day that the main NFSH website is being updated, and alterations will filter down to regional and local levels. I think that regional pages will have to work as part of the main site only.
I'm looking forward to seeing the changes.
Hope you're well, how are you getting on with the training, I hope you're enjoying yourself.
Rosi x
RE: NFSH website
Sorry I missed you reply Rosi, but thanks for giving me the update.
I think it will be lovely to see the new website when it's finished...I know thattechnology and onlinestuffisn't that important to healing overall, but from what I've experienced of the NFSH so far, they're a really professional organisation and I think their website should reflect that. Afterall, it's probably one of the main sources of info that the public find on the NFSH when they're looking for more information about the organisation. Also, not all regions have a website, so it would be reallynice to see what other areas are getting up to:D
Yes thank you, I am enjoying myself on the course, and just about to join as a probationer. I've also found (by astounding synchronisity!) a lovely lady who has offered to start up a support and development group in my area. So yes, things are going really well.
Thanks for asking xx
RE: NFSH website
Yes thank you, I am enjoying myself on the course, and just about to join as a probationer. I've also found (by astounding synchronisity!) a lovely lady who has offered to start up a support and development group in my area. So yes, things are going really well.
Hi Azalia, It's good to hear that you'e enjoying the course and about to sign up as a probationer, and brilliant news that a new support group is about to start near your area, it really is important to have that support coz you will have lots of questions, and it's just nice to be with other like minded individuals who understand what you are doing.
Keep us posted on your development.
Oh, they've changed the courses since I did my training, what are the new courses like?
Rosi x
RE: NFSH website
Hi Rosi,
Yes, I'm really glad that I've found someone to help me through the probationer stage.The situation has changed slightly because I'm now unsure whetherthe lady will be able to take a group- but I know for certain that she is more than willing to take me on which is great news:D
The new course- I guess that's a little difficult because I haven't got the old one to compare it to, but I get the feeling that they've really padded it out and gone into more depth in certain subjects. Last time we learnt about transactional analysis:D The new course is made up of Stage I, Stage II and Stage III andthe course comprises 10 units. I'm about to go onto Stage III whichfinishes the last two units. In March I'm attending one of the MBS events and working on the NFSH standso that will be interesting...a little cramped and very difficult to keep bobbing up and down to do the grounding etc, but a lot of fun and good experience so I am told!
I promise to keep you posted,
Azalia xx
RE: NFSH website
Hi Azalea
The courses seem to have changed a lot since I did mine 11 years ago, you had to do NFSH courses 1 - 4, work with a healer for two years then sit an exam. I enjoyed the courses because I met like - minded people. However, I don't think they made a jot of difference to my healing abilities.
In my humble opinion, the healing comes from high entities, I just tune in to them. These entities don't need courses, they know their stuff with or without courses! However I know these courses are necessary to become a Healer Member of the NFSH.
I am recovering from a hysterectomy 3 months ago, and things haven't been going smoothly. I have a few Spiritual Healer friends, all with many, many years experience. They have been giving me healing, but are all busy people and I don't like to bother them. So on Saturday I took myself off to my local Spiritualist Church for healing. A lovely girl gave me healing, and it was really strong and powerful, it was a beautiful experience. When she was finished she told me she was "just a probationer"
I was delighted at this news, it proved to me what I had always suspected. Probationers are just as "good" as experienced healers. So enjoy it Azalea, and remember....... your healing is just as strong as the experienced healers who are mentoring you!
Love and light
Moonstone x
RE: NFSH website
Hi Moonstone,
I enjoyed the courses because I met like - minded people. However, I don't think they made a jot of difference to my healing abilities.
This is the 'problem' I am having at the moment....although I have enjoyed bits of the course I don't really feel it has strengthened me as a channel at all. We almost never actually get a chance to practice the healing which is very sad considering that's the reason we're all there. I don't mean to sound big headed or vain but I don't really think I've learnt anything in the theory lessonsthat I didn't know either. Everybody else seems to be learning stuff about themselves and it seems to have shedded some light on their personal development, but this just hasn't happened for me. Sometimes I feel a bit left out because they're all married and have grown upchildren etc, whereas I don't have those experiences to talk about. If they actually involved me in their conversation now and again they might actually discover that although I haven't had the physical 'acheivements'/experiences that they have like marriage, children, divorce,permanant jobs,I am coming from the same space as them spiritually.
In my humble opinion, the healing comes from high entities, I just tune in to them. These entities don't need courses, they know their stuff with or without courses!
Oh, I totally agree! Wayne Dyer has a saying ' A few moments spent in total awe of yourself and the world around you will contribute to your personal development more than any metaphysics course'. This is my experience also.I've had a lot of stick from Reiki people who have cornered me and said very unapprovingly "what do you want to do spiritual healing for if you've done Reiki? I think that the energy is the same, whatever you call it." Although I tried to tell them that I agreed with their POV, and that I wasn't doing the course for a qualification but rather for my own development and to meetParliament's new requirements they weren't having any of it. Before I started the NFSH training the world of healing really began to open up to me. I began to see my connection to the healing energy as something that I was part of, rather than something I 'did'. This revelation was exciting and I began to 'know God' "as the place where we are all One". I guess that kind of thing can't be taught in a course as such, because you have to be ready for it. It's not really something you can comprehend with your mind, it's more like a knowing that comes to you when you're ready to accept and work withit.
Probationers are just as "good" as experienced healers. So enjoy it Azalea, and remember....... your healing is just as strong as the experienced healers who are mentoring you!
Thanks! I needed to hear that! Giving healing has been made so PC in the course that I'm worried that if work with my intuition I'll put my hands in the "wrong" place. For example when we move from one body part to another in the scanning we have to close our hands before moving onto the next body part because we would "disturb" the aura.We're not allowed to move back up the spine because we will "raise the kundalini energy". We have to work diagonally across the knee to scan the root chakra for fear that we'll be accused of sexually abusing our patient!....the list goes on and on and on. Thank goodness I have a mentor who trained 8 years ago who can restore my faith in what I'm doing!!!
RE: NFSH website
PS- sorry for taking this thread [sm=offtopic.gif].....they have actually changed the new website now, what do you think?
[link= ][/link]
RE: NFSH website
...they have actually changed the new website now, what do you think?
[link= ][/link]
Well it's better but still not that good. It just seems a bit...square and structured. Like it has used a basic template, rather than being designed from scratch. Not keen on the colour scheme either.
ah well, still better than the old one!
RE: NFSH website
I had a peep the other day and they haven't finished the website, there are some options where info hasn't been added, so I think it's still work in progress.
Rosi x
RE: NFSH website
I don't like the new site at all! I agree that it's square, "out of a box" - I was expecting something a bit softer somehow.
Who is it targetted at? There's nothing on it to explain what spiritual healing is, how it can benefit people, it just isn't tempting to either the lay person, the would-be healeror the experienced healer. I don't know.....maybe I was expecting too much.
RE: NFSH website
I take it back It's all tucked away under "Media"! But even there the layout and presentation is sooo inconsistent and uninspiring........
RE: NFSH website
I think it's better than before. All progress.