Mediums have told m...
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Mediums have told me I am a healer.

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The first one to tell me this was over30 yrs ago, Ive since been to three more mediums, recent one two days ago and she said Iwas a healer.
Thing is I am not religious, and Idont believe in christianity any more.

So thinking after so many hints I baught a book by Jack Angelo to read and see about learning to become a healer.I obviously need to practice but I dont want to goalong to a spiritualist church. I live alone apart from my two little dogs.
Interestingly enough after the first medium told me 30odd years ago, I went into nursing a couple of years later and it was only after I retired that I remembered that first meeting with the medium and what she had said!.

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

Hi Caringsoul,

You don't need to be religious to be able to heal. Perhaps then spiritual healing isn't the right healing method for you? Have you looked into Reiki & other healing modalities? I am not a religious person either & that was another aspect which originally enticed me towards Reiki as you can be of any religion or no religion at all with Reiki.
Anyway, it's just a suggestion 😀
Love & Light

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

Hi Caringsoul.

When someone says ' you are a natural healer' or 'you can heal' it doesnt always have to mean that you will lay hands on someone to heal them.

The fact you have been in nursing demonstrates that you are indeed a healer.

Healing comes in many guises.. just listening to someone is healing, working in a caring situation, voluntary or paid. It really doesnt mean you have to be aware of spirit/guides etc.

As shining star says, Reiki takes away the myth of needing to be Reiligious, so this can sit well with many people.

There are many hospices/care homes etc that really welcome things like Reflexology, Massage, Reiki as a complementary therapy.

Enjoy your pathway

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

Thanks, may look into reiki then. Dont know enough about it all yet, so will investigate it!.:)

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

Hi caringsoul, just hold someone's hand and be there,that is all that is often required to heal.Just being there at the end of a phone,being a friend and yes, A Caringsoul . Has anyone ever told you that just being with you makes them feel better? Do Strangers tell you their woe's ? Well, I look on this as your Healing Light being bright and clear for people to unconsciously see, it's switched on so go and glow. ;):Dlyn

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

I do tend to be a magnet for peoples woes, yes. Folks tend to chat to me and ask my advice.

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

There ya go then, Get on and Shine that Light,you are doing the work. ;)lyn

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

I just want to clarify that you don't need to be religious to be a spiritual healer.

Spiritual does not mean religious. Do not confuse the two.

We are all spiritual beings whether we realise it or not.

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

A friend came to visit some months ago and he told me a psychic told him some scary news. I said that was naughty of them as I thought they was'nt allowed to scare anyone with such things. He never elaborated and the conversation was changed.After he left I soon forgot it. Then just before xmas he was killed instantly in a head on crash, now I can't get that last visit from him out of my head!!.

I keep thinking, did he know he was going to be killed?.

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

Sorry to hear about your friend. lyn ( I've emailed):)

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

Thanks lyn Ive replied.:)

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

Hello Rosie
Quite right!
Perhaps anyone needing an explanation of what spiritual healing is would like to look at the National federation of spiritual healers website .
They have a very grounded expanation of what spiritual means to them re healing.
This is quite an interesting thought for healers to address as many healers appear not to have it clear in their own minds what they should call themselves .
My own experience is that if Im comfortable with the label 'spiritual healer' then people I am talking to are comfortable also .
Kind regards

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

Hi CaringSoul
this is something Ihave always being told....although I attend Spiritulist meetings occasionally, I am not a Christian 😉
Icomplained about the type of people I seem to draw into my life in recent years - it made me feel there was something wrong with me (on the 'reflection of yourself' basis)
I then wondered ifthe 'healing' was what attracted these people to me, as I do seem to end up helping them in one respect or another....? I was even told not to end a new relationship, but to keep it as friendship as the person concerned needed my help...the situation entailed me eventually having to walk away.
The downside is that by drawing the wrong sort of people, I find that it reflects in the attitude of others towards me at times. Some totally unbelievable things have happened or been said to me and even making complaints about these, have not made any impact...
Being a healer in this respect, can be hard going too

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

Yes, people do tend to draw to me and open up. Dont mind really as folks have said I give good advice.

Strangely enoughbefore I went into nursing I applied to the samaritans and was told I would take peoples problems to heart and get too involved. This is true as I have to make myself stand back and make them stand on their two feet.
I suppose I am too sensitive at times.

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RE: Mediums have told me I am a healer.

Just a quick one but I was also told the same, I never went looking to fullfill what I had been told but one day Reiki dropped in my lap and I have never looked back!

Its surprising how things turn out 😉

with blessings, Reikilight

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As far as I know spirit mediums are with communicating with people that passed over into the spirit realm known as behind the veil in respect spiritualists.

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As far as I know spirit mediums are with communicating with people that passed over into the spirit realm known as behind the veil in respect spiritualists.

This is an old thread that was last active 7 years ago, so you're unlikely to get a comment from the original posters.
However, not all spirits are dead! I would tend to see a medium as someone who mediates.
