Hi I would love and appreciate opinions, thoughts and experienced knowledge on spiritual healing.
I know a boy who is 11 years old who recieved healing at a healing centre by a trainee healer, he said the lady who gave him healing brought him some loving pure energy through, and he also felt her energy.
My question is this, if a healer ( trainee healer ) gives healing to someone and they have suffered emotionally, mentally and physically can their pain and feelings be passed on to the person recieving the healing ?
I ask this question because the boy I know recieved healing, and he has not being the same since, he is angry now, he displays emotional stress and acts like he hates the world, before the healing he was different, he was calm, collected and very wise for his age.
This healing centre has being confronted on this situation but refuse to comment, but I asked about it and they said everyone has stress and thats the way life is but it does not effect healing ?
The Lady who runs the Healing centre did go on to tell me that the healer in question had suffered all the above ? issues as the boy suffers now, after I gave her a reading about the healer and the effects she has on others.
When I explained about the reading and we talked about the problems this can have on others she asked me to talk to the healer for her ? and I do not work there or give healing there ? this all felt very poorly run.
I could feel the energy in the centre as soon as I entered it, it felt like there was negative energy there and lies seemed to pour out of the walls, I later discovered that 2 healers at the centre were suffering mental health problems, and one of them was the one who give healing to the boy.
thank you for looking and please share your thoughts, this little boy is still struggling 5 weeks later.
my thoughts are in this but please share your own thoughts on this.
Healing is a force that is taken to the parts of understanding the ways that you can complete a mission of accomplishment as the young child may need guidance to achieve the ways that he or she can make the love of acctions bring together the ttime of there ways...Isiasha 13 as the forms of intellectual persuits combine the parables the process of jesus brings about the passage that completes the works of heaven....
Looking at this thought of this the day invest in you's will see that this is his time to comfront the particulars of the worlds light a day to that you can bring accomplishing competness...As with Rieki healing development is a part of accomplishing goals and understanding you can bring about the force of making decisions from healing on a active flow...Now remember the who you are this can bring about the style of the partnering prospect of creative intelectual polarity of the past to the future looking for the pardons of the spiritual isnt plausable attributes to bring about the look at mighty ways of uplifting the spiritual to build the positive that he can complete if one but looks to the ways of the day listening is a key...Thinking as you will be available to consiously complete efforts that you may bring together the new with the old looking back is avaialbe if you only listen to your Angels at this time as you can be tought to memmerise the what you want.But accomplishing the ways that they can bring together your ways of accomplishment this time this is a height that is not common as the energies will provide the sought after expressive indevours. Will is a part of healing that are possible if you make the ground work a part of the possible partnership of the male dominante that completes the intellect this is a common distance that is complimenting but also a condition that is sought if you look to the laws of the lland...Asthe making of the building of the indictions of the creative mascaline partnering as the intellectual completion of the true spirit of individualism can bring completion with productions of the powers of the day bringing in some type of the dominating factors will bring about the creative posiblities is with the completions of the product that is avaialble this is a time of sending positive thoughts to the love of your interests this is a time to consol those that are available to meet your needs to bring forward that what is apparently in your mists....Gypsee
My dear friend, I read this post and felt like I could not breathe, I know there is a great amount of logic in what you have to say here, but I felt there was more than logic, there was a great message with wonderful news to share.
Would you pm me and give me this message in laymen's terms, I felt energy in this post and lots of it and all good, but your dialect was beyond me.
please take that as a complement
most of us ordinary posters
I don't see anyone on here who is ordinary.
Each one of us is special in our own unique way...
whether we say it, know it or deny it.
Just sharing my opinion...
and that is
that each one of us
is unique.
Thank you for sharing your words..
I love this...
the creative posiblities
and this...
to bring forward that what is apparently in your mists
My dear friend, I read this post and felt like I could not breathe, I know there is a great amount of logic in what you have to say here, but I felt there was more than logic, there was a great message with wonderful news to share.
Would you pm me and give me this message in laymen's terms, I felt energy in this post and lots of it and all good, but your dialect was beyond me.
Aw, I was so disappointed there, Quantrum! I thought if anyone could understand Gypsee it would be you! (that's meant as a joke, not as a challenge BTW!)
Thank you for sharing your words..
I love this...
and this...
Oh I translated it as
to bring forward what is apparently in your midsts
Maybe Gypsee could enlighten us 🙂
Reading this thread for the first time, it was quickly apparent to me, IMHO, wherein the problem lay. (Yes, the thread has developed a sub-plot anent the nature of healing or who's the best healer), but to get back to an 11-year-old boy who was almost sectioned. The 'almost' is so far. It seems to me there's precious little help that can be given over a forum, when IMHO the problem lies very close to home.
Conspiritualist sums up in his own way what I was thinking for sure, which is certainly not a 'personal attack', but rather pointing toward the cause of the problem the thread is about. Roger may be accurate in some of that, not maybe in all his supposings. Who knows?
I'm pretty sure that some of us 'get it' and clearly see where the problem with the poor child lies.
It reminds me of a girl I knew, just starting university, who had all kinds of problems, and in quiet times, or if she became passive, was 'taken over' against her will by trance mediumship (which may not be the case here of course) - because her parents had exposed her and pushed her down this path from childhood.
Hence my comment that it looks like little will be achieved over the forum.