I really like to treat clients in this position, you have pretty much total access and they are a little higher up(except for seated). I am learning that this is a pretty powerful treatment position for giving good treatments, I was wondering if others find this as well?
RE: Side Position
Totally agree.
I think people are more relaxed and supported in side position which allows the energy changes to happen more easily. I don't think clients feel as exposed as in supineand you don't get the'stiff neck' problems ofprone.
I find that if the client is very emotional then being supine is too much for them. The chakras at the front of the body are to do with the emotions and they feel very exposed. Putting them on their side or starting in prone gives them some 'protection'.
It is also excellent for people who are suffering from back pain and find it hard to lie flat on their front without discomfort.