Have just done my intro to shiatsu workshop (with horses) really enjoyed it :), and when giving treatments I felt so chilled and relaxed (like the horse!), although friend fo mine had said that she always feels very energised afterwards which is compeltely the opposite to me!
I guess it is an individual thing as to how you feel - and wondered how others felt?
RE: Giving Treatments
Lucky you... sounds wonderful
luv & peace
stormdeva x
RE: Giving Treatments
Hello Apache!
Welcome to the world of Shiatsu!
Afte rgiving a tretament, I usually feel relaxed AND energised. To give good Shiatsu, you have to be relaxed yourself. I don't count the numberof treatments when I was feeling better afterwards than at the start of them! (but, please, don't tell my clients...)
RE: Giving Treatments
Treating others usually prompts us to clear our own energy first or during. 🙂
It's a good sign that your putting out the energy that is passing thru & not taking on board stuff, but then you probably know that! [sm=rollaugh.gif]