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Why do I shake when giving Reiki

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When giving Reiki, my body often kind of shakes when balancing their chakras. My body also automatically does this when it's stressed - after which I feel really relaxed. Has anyone else experienced this? Do they know what is happening?

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RE: Why do I shake when giving Reiki

Feels like you need grounding first.

being love

kim xx

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RE: Why do I shake when giving Reiki

Hi Sacred Star
No, its not that. I'm a Reiki Master and have been practising for many years and know that I'm well and truly grounded! This only started after my Master attunement. I assume I'm taking the blocked energy from my client, or from me, and passing it out through my body - but I've never met anyone else who experiences this.

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RE: Why do I shake when giving Reiki

Hi Crusty

It sounds like you are channelling a bit more energy that your systems can handle, the next time this happens please try using your intention to reduce the flow a little and see if that sorts it, if so you might need to look for some further attunements to increase the capacity of your energy systems.

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RE: Why do I shake when giving Reiki

Hi Crusty,

The energy is affecting you in a way that is making you shake.

I have met three "Shakin' Stephens" so far (You make the fourth).

One is a spiritual healer, one is a Reiki Master and one is a Level 2 student of mine. Because of this, they have to give treatments using the off-hands methods and work in the close layers of the recipient's auras. Their healing is no less effective than a steady-hands-on healer.

It can be disconcerting when one's hands and/or body start to shake when giving healing - particularly when nearly everyone else appear to be 'rock solid' and still. It wouldn't do for us all to be the same.

May I recommend that you revel in your specialness and enjoy being different.

If you are a teaching Master you might use YOUR method as an example of how the energy can affect some people and so give added confidence to your students that, seemingly, minor differences are all part of and acceptable ways of Reiki.

It doesn't always have to be stirred and not shaken!:D:D

Here I go again - Just for today do not worry.;)

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i was so relieved to read your response on this subject. I am a Yoga Instructor and Holistic Massage Therapist.  I run a retreat in Cornwall and every so often after a massage my whole body shakes for an hour or so.  In my gut I feel that I am expelling the negative energy I released from my client.  I could not believe that it was due to me not being grounded.  Thank you.

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RE: Why do I shake when giving Reiki

I have met three "Shakin' Stephens" so far (You make the fourth).


One is a spiritual healer, one is a Reiki Master and one is a Level 2 student of mine. Because of this, they have to give treatments using the off-hands methods and work in the close layers of the recipient's auras.

Their healing is no less effective than a steady-hands-on healer.


MAYBE ALSO MAKE SURE YOU ARE GROUNDED, BRING earth energy into you before you connect to reiki, if you do not feel a stron connection to grounding then please see Paul Crick for Gaia Now Attunements.
It is very grounding and is a clean energy

just a suggestion


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RE: Why do I shake when giving Reiki

My hands, and sometimes my body shakes when I'm giving Reiki, usually when I'm giving Reiki to the head area. The people I experienced this with were taking anti-depressants. I put the shaking down to this.

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Like Crusty, I am a Reiki Master and I sometimes shake. This is usually over the abdomen I don't touch on these areas I have my hands a few inches above the body. I always ground myself. I never really gave this much thought till I read Crusty's post.

Love light and laughter 🙂

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Crusty, one of my master students shakes too and she works hands off now, no less effective but more comfortable to receive. Only happened after her master's attunement too.

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My experience is that Shaking is the 'Kriyas' taking place. Kriyas are spontaneous shaking twisting, twitching, bending etc of body completely uncontrived. Weeping, yawning, laughing can happen As kundalini rises ( Reiki in some cases can activate kundalini) it clears the blocks along the way. It says something about where you are on your journey.

Before giving Shaktipat I just mention that energy will do what it will, learn to cooperate with it. You ask for healing and then when it begins to happens why block it by worrying?

If I were you with shaking I would just go along with it rather than be embarressed and feel awkward. You can expalin to the client that as the energy moves it is best to cooperate rather than block it. And that you are doing the same. your clients will understand and reap the benefits of the flow that comes into play when two or more people meet with the intention of spiritual goals. It becomes a satsang then. Energy movement is always more in such situations.

I don't think and almost know that no matter how grounded you are if Kriyas want to happen they jolly well will. Listening to music can do it! Try meditation alone so that the kriyas can happen then. and you can request the energy to move in private rather than when you are with people. It hears you! It will become more gentle provided you give it time to flow. Be grateful for the flow that seeks to clear the consciousness. Energy literally shakes things up, well you know that now
All is well when you surrender to what is.

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Hi Everyone, I have just recieved my 2nd Attunment and a week prior to it I started experience, shaking arm, and hand, this then morphed into my head and neck shaking, convulsing, twictching (involuntary quite similar to having an epileptic fit when performing self healing, normally when I was healing at my feet. Now after having my 2nd attunement, these movments are starting much quicker into the self healing sessions and have become much stronger and intense. My body has even felt like its swinging when I am in an upright position. I also have huge massive snake jaw stretching yawns during the episodes. I can also feel pressure moving upwards inside my body and head. Then calmness. I have also had a sense/feeling visualisation of a coiling structure moving upwards too.  Tonight though this happened with a client. Is this the clients energy or mine. Oh and any ideas whats happening? I have for months experienced facial twitching (contorts) eye flickers, and twitches,   eyes crossing, being pulled down then pulled upwards in their sockets. I am not worried, just wondered what everyone's thoughts about what is happening to me are? Thankyou
