I know someone who would like some reiki on a broken collar bone, broken only 5 days ago. I know we shouldn't reiki a bone until it has been properly set but the collar bone is not set. The xray looks like a clean break . Not sure what to do. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks
Lena xxxx
RE: Reiki on broken bones
Hi lena,
Yes I think that's right, although I believe your friend can still give reiki on other areas of the body, not directly to the broken bones - this is the recomendation when you want to avoid a certain area I think.
Josh 🙂
RE: Reiki on broken bones
I haven't had any personal experience of using Reiki with broken bones, but I was lead to believe it was a myth. Surely if you dedicate the healing to the highest good of the person then it's not going to do any harm?
Love & Light
RE: Reiki on broken bones
ORIGINAL: x_shining_star_x
I haven't had any personal experience of using Reiki with broken bones, but I was lead to believe it was a myth. Surely if you dedicate the healing to the highest good of the person then it's not going to do any harm?
Well said Shining Star.
I was taught not to heal broken bones when I learnt Reiki, but we have to go with our beliefs and intuition on the matter. For me, if we are giving healing for the highest good, then no harm will come from treating the broken bone or the area around it. I have given reiki to someone with a broken toe, directly on the toe (well about 1" above it!) before and it was very beneficial for them.
In this respect Reiki could act to reduce bruising, lessen tension in the muscles, alleviate pain and allow the body to move the bones back into place.
Obviously, as with all conditions, it is recommended that the person has sought suitable medical advice, especially with something as serious as that.
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Reiki on broken bones
Hi Lena,
I was taught, and indeed I now teach, that you shouldn't give Reiki on broken bones until the break has been properly set. The reasoning behind thatis that you don't want to encourage the body to heal and set the bone itself if it is not set straight. This may result in the bone having to be rebroken and reset.So wait until the bone is checked and set in plaster. Unfortunately we live in a litigious world these days.
Problems arise over bones that aren't set in plaster, for example the collar bone and ribs. From personal experience I broke one rib and cracked another on holiday recently. Had them X-rayed and told basically - "tough they will heal themselves in about six to eight weeks - justkeep taking thepainkillers". I have had several Reiki treatments on them by others and myself and four weeks later I am virtually back to normal with only a slight twinge when I sneeze!
My advice therefore, based on personal experience, is go for it and give some treatment.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
Thank you all so much, great help.
I've decided to wait a while until the hospital is happy with the progrss and then I will give him reiki.
lotsa love
lena xx
RE: Reiki on broken bones
When giving healing the body will heal what is wrong or broken therefore if giving reiki for the higher good the bone will heal in the correct way.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
Ah this lovely old myth again. We either trust Reiki or we don't. If you trust it use it. I have sent Reiki into many broken bones and never has there been a problem. If you were to scan your hand would probably be led to the broken bone, so why go against what the body wants.
Trust Reiki and put your own fears aside.
Love and light,
RE: Reiki on broken bones
This isa very interesting question. I have a very common sense approach to Reiki and to healing. Reiki energy will stimulate a broken bone to mend back together. I would imagine if the bone is at an odd angle it will mend and stay at that angle. I tend to prefer my clients to go to the hospital if they have a broken bone. Once this has been put in a cast or set by a doctorI then treat it with Reiki to stimulate and accelerate the repair process.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
ORIGINAL: ChristinaM
Ah this lovely old myth again. We either trust Reiki or we don't. If you trust it use it. I have sent Reiki into many broken bones and never has there been a problem. If you were to scan your hand would probably be led to the broken bone, so why go against what the body wants.
Trust Reiki and put your own fears aside.Love and light,
Well said, Christina. These myths about Reiki should be put to bed once and for all.
We live in a society that is Health and Safety mad and overcome with a paranoid fear of everything.
Trust the Reiki to act for the utmost good of the person receiving it and give them Reiki at every opportunity - whether or not they have broken bones (set or unset - it doesn't matter).
RE: Reiki on broken bones
I've decided to wait a while until the hospital is happy with the progrss and then I will give him reiki.
Good for you.
The following points or similar should be in your codes of conduct.
The Healer will not treat any person, who to his or her knowledge, is at the time of the treatment, under the care of a medical approved Practitioner, for any condition that may be affected by the therapy/treatment, without the knowledge and consent of that medical approved practitioner.
The Healer should not offer healing as an alternative to orthodox medicine, but as a complementary treatment.
I know it is unfortunate, but please remember that in today's society the realthreat ofLegal action (malpractice)exists. Therefore IMO not only follow your codes of conduct, but be insured and if in doubt please ask your patients/clients doctor for permission.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
ORIGINAL: Healistic
The following points or similar should be in your codes of conduct.The Healer will not treat any person, who to his or her knowledge, is at the time of the treatment, under the care of a medical approved Practitioner, for any condition that may be affected by the therapy/treatment, without the knowledge and consent of that medical approved practitioner.
The Healer should not offer healing as an alternative to orthodox medicine, but as a complementary treatment.
I know it is unfortunate, but please remember that in today's society the realthreat ofLegal action (malpractice)exists. Therefore IMO not only follow your codes of conduct, but be insured and if in doubt please ask your patients/clients doctor for permission.
What if person wants an 'alternative treatment' as well as the 'conventional treatment', in spite of the doctors advice?
What if the person wants only the alternative - in our case Reiki - and gives up or stops the conventional treatment
in spite of the doctors advice e.g. chemotherapy making them unacceptably more poorly - so they stop treatment.
Also re. the approval of a doctor :
1) The doctor shouldn't even admit to treating somebody - confidentiality,
2) I wouldn't break a persons confidentiality by asking a doctors permission/approval to give - in this case -Reiki.
My view and practice (Code of Conduct [sm=scratchchin.gif]) is; If a person wants Reiki from me, they will get it! I don't have to ask permission from
anyone except the person being treated! In fact I get asked for Reiki treatment, even though I do not advertise.
As Christina said "We either trust Reiki or we don't. If you trust it use it"
I agree that insurance is necessary - even if only for your own peace of mind.
It costs almost nothing compared to the hours of worry that might be experienced IF a client ( or their family)were to complain or a doctor put their oar in.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
What if person wants an 'alternative treatment' as well as the 'conventional treatment', in spite of the doctors advice?
This is only a personal thing whilst I can accept you have your views I cannot totally agree with them. IMHO Reiki is a complementary therapy not an alternative. As therapist IMO we should always ensure that any therapy should only be given with the Doctors Consent, if that person isreceiving ongoing treatment from their doctor. Whilst treatment is at the person own choice IMO we would be wrong to offer any treatment for an obviously serious complaint without advising that person to see their doctor. We also have to remember that we could fall into the trap of offering a diagnosis of an illness which would IMO be also totally wrong
Also re. the approval of a doctor :
1) The doctor shouldn't even admit to treating somebody - confidentiality,
2) I wouldn't break a persons confidentiality by asking a doctors permission/approval to give - in this case -Reiki.
There is no breach of confidentiality here the requirement is that the patient hasmentioned the treatment totheirdoctor not the healer asking the doctor for permission.
But if visiting a person in hospital of course the healer would need to ask permission of the nursing staff/doctors.
What if the person wants only the alternative - in our case Reiki - and gives up or stops the conventional treatment
IMO if you really want to help someone in that position then surely you should be offering reiki to help them overcome their emotional problem with the treatment, otherwise you could in fact be saying "Don't worry give it up I will give you reiki so no problem” I am sure you don't mean that or do you?
RE: Reiki on broken bones
This is an interesting debate 🙂
I think the question is,should healing be classed as a therapy at all? would you say you had received a treatment if the local clergies laid hands on you for healing?
My own thoughts are that it should not, therapies work on the principle that if you do x and y you will most of the time end up with z, this is all established over many years of trial and error.
There are no certainties with any form of healing, it is up to the healee what they do with the energy treatment, they can completely reject it or use it for something completely different to what might have been discussed at the outset of the treatment.
As for working on bones broken or otherwise, it might well be worth considering that quantum touch use the same energy to manipulate bones or adjust their alignment etc. there is no reason why other modality users can't create the same effects, so with a broken bone you would put your intention to realign it first before healing it! just a thought.
There are also a growing number of individuals that have rejected conventional mainstream medicine and do not even have a Dr to ask, they have taken responsibility for their own health and decide for themselves who will and who will not treat them and when they will receive treatment.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
My own thoughts are that it should not, therapies work on the principle that if you do x and y you will most of the time end up with z, this is all established over many years of trial and error.
Yes you are right Paul. The problem is that it has been classed as a therapy, as per the house of lords report. So we are stuck with it.
I can understand that there will be healers out there that do their own thing come what may, that’s fine for them.
But my point is that if you are calling yourself a Reiki Practitioner or Therapist then you should abide by a code of conduct and ethics.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
I think the question is,should healing be classed as a therapy at all? would you say you had received a treatment if the local clergies laid hands on you for healing?
Yes it should. Reiki is not the same as other forms of healing because it works directly on conditions.
My own thoughts are that it should not, therapies work on the principle that if you do x and y you will most of the time end up with z, this is all established over many years of trial and error.
If Reiki is used correctly it should have a consistent positive result on whatever condition is being treated.
There are no certainties with any form of healing, it is up to the healee what they do with the energy treatment, they can completely reject it or use it for something completely different to what might have been discussed at the outset of the treatment.
Do you mean up to the healee or healer? A healee cannot reject the energy if a healer channels it into them.
A bone should always be set by a doctor before a Reiki practitioner does any healing work on it, or they will heal it in the unset position. The energy will not adjust the position of the bone. Reiki practitioners should work with doctors not against them.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
Yes it should. Reiki is not the same as other forms of healing because it works directly on conditions.
Most forms of healing work directly on the conditions. In fact some (not me) will tell you that they work better than reiki and are far superior. There are many posts on HP that say that.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
My own thoughts are that it should not, therapies work on the principle that if you do x and y you will most of the time end up with z, this is all established over many years of trial and error.
There are no certainties with any form of healing, it is up to the healee what they do with the energy treatment, they can completely reject it or use it for something completely different to what might have been discussed at the outset of the treatment.
I think this is the point of view held by most Reiki people.
I think I may be in a very small minority when I sayI believe that with Reiki you can have outcome z if you do x and y. I have found that the results are consistent and repeatable across a wide range of both physical and emotional conditions. The other thing I have found is that the healees cannot reject or use the energy in a different way, it is the frequency of the energy and how much and where it is put that determines its effect. I suppose it depends on how you use the energy what the outcome will be.
With broken bones, I always insist any of my clients see a doctor first and have it treated medically. I am happy to work on a broken bone once it is set to enhance the healing process and greatly reduce the time it takes for full recovery.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
If we look at the original question , the bone in question had been ex-rayed and deemed fine to heal as it was, it is often the same with broken ribs, they could strap up the rib cage but it make little difference to the setting of the bone.
At the end of five days it would probably need re-breaking to set it in a different position to what it already is setting itself in, bones need putting into position as soon as possible as the natural healingprocess of the body starts as soon as the break happens.
But yes let common sense prevail, if someone asks you for healing and their bone is sticking out of their body, they need urgent medical treatment 🙂
I would be interested to hear how some of youbelieve you can override someones free will and force them to accept energy healing, andwhy do you believe you can again override someones free will and determine the outcome of their healing?
RE: Reiki on broken bones
Hi Dawn,
ORIGINAL: kashikoi
Do you mean up to the healee or healer? A healee cannot reject the energy if a healer channels it into them.
That is purely a matter of personaly belief. Everyone will have their own view on that. 😉
A bone should always be set by a doctor before a Reiki practitioner does any healing work on it, or they will heal it in the unset position.
The energy will not adjust the position of the bone. Reiki practitioners should work with doctors not against them.
Why will the energy not adjust the position of the bone. If Reiki can work on a physical level (which it can) then it can cause the body to adjust in various ways.
I don't think that anyone has said we should be working "against" doctors. Of course we should all be working with them.
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Reiki on broken bones
I would be interested to hear how some of youbelieve you can override someones free will and force them to accept energy healing, andwhy do you believe you can again override someones free will and determine the outcome of their healing?
I tend to see at as if someone comes for a treatment and they allow you to treat them, then the energy you use will determine the outcome of the treatment, for example a low frequency energy of around 7Hz will cause a broken bone to repair,regardless ofwhat thehealee wants the energy to do. The healee cannot stop the energy acting on the broken bone, any more than a patient can stop the action of say radiotherapy or ultrasound. Ultrasound is an energy which acts on the body, if the body is within its range it will respond regardless of the patient's wishes.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
Why will the energy not adjust the position of the bone. If Reiki can work on a physical level (which it can) then it can cause the body to adjust in various ways.
I agree to a certain degree, I think it all depends on the specific situation for each individual. If it is a simple break and the bone is set in the right position then I think it's fine to treat it. If the bone as Paul rightly said is sticking out of the healee's arm, then it needs to be set first. I think it is expecting a bit much from Reiki to pull the bone back into the arm, stop the bleeding, heal the wound, and alignthe bonestraight and keep it immobilsed until it heals.
I have complete faith in Reiki, but if it was my arm, I would go to the hospital first, get it treated, thenI would heal it with Reiki everyday until recovery. That's just my opinion.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
ORIGINAL: omega1
I agree to a certain degree, I think it all depends on the specific situation for each individual. If it is a simple break and the bone is in the right position then I think it's fine to treat it. If the bone as Paul rightly said is sticking out of the healee's arm, then it needs to be set first. I think it is expecting a bit much from Reiki to pull the bone back into the arm, stop the bleeding, heal the wound, and alignthe bonestraight and keep it immobilsed until it heals.
I have complete faith in Reiki, but if it was my arm, I would go to the hospital first, get it treated, thenI would heal it with Reiki everyday until recovery. That's just my opinion.
Well, obviously, yes, if it's that severe then it would be expecting a little too much. If it was that severe I'd be taking the person to the hospital myself. 😉
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Reiki on broken bones
I would be interested to hear how some of youbelieve you can override someones free will and force them to accept energy healing, andwhy do you believe you can again override someones free will and determine the outcome of their healing?
I would not force anyone to have healing. I would only heal someone who came to me for healing. I never heal anyone without their permission, because it is intrusive and invasive to enter someone's energy field without prior consent. However, I do not believe that the healee can reject the energy if they are being healed, as some healers say. If energy is channelled into them, it will start to heal them, regardless of whether they want to be healed or not. This is why it is so important to have consent for healing, so as not to force healing on anyone who does not want it.
If a doctor injected someone with a needlewhile they were not looking and aware of it, it would still effect them, even if they did not want the injection. The same goes for Reiki. If energy is channelled into someone, it will effect them, whether they want to be healed or not.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
Hi kashikoi
Now that is what separates energy healing form therapy, therapy can and oftenare administered without the patients consent, they can be force fed drugs and all manner for therapies without their consent, if you don't agree with this, then ask anyone who hasbeen placedunder the mental health act.
None of the energy beings I work with will admit to being able to work on someone energetically without their higher self being in agreement, non of them can or are prepared to override someones free will concerning spiritual energy matters, which covers all the different energymodalities Ihave received.
I therefore apply this to all my energy work, If I do not get consent, I will not give healing, regardless of my own personal feelings on the matter, in energy work a lot of things seem to be grey areas, but this one is black and white and a definite no, no.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
Are we not all missing the point slightly?
Reiki, like other complementary therapies, is a 'wholistic' treatment, ie. it worksto encourage the whole person to heal.
It is a very western reductionist view to talk about broken bones and whether or not Reiki energy, given at the site of injury will or will not cause the bone to set at an odd angle etc etc. As I say, Reiki is a wholistic treatment, its not about particular symptoms or injuries - it works for the WHOLE person. And it is that own persons body/mind/spitit that decides how best to heal itself - not the Reiki practitioner. I think we're all getting caught up in the Newtonian mindset. Look to the east (or an intergrated view of both east and west), where Reiki came from and see the body/mind/spirit as a whole (that is also connected to the rest of the universe)once more!
RE: Reiki on broken bones
Are we not all missing the point slightly?
Reiki, like other complementary therapies, is a 'wholistic' treatment, ie. it worksto encourage the whole person to heal.
I don't think we are missing the point. Mikao Usui used Reiki to directly treat conditions, as he very clearly specifies in his interview. He worked straight on the illness or injury. The concept of the energy going where it needs to is a Western add on to Reiki.
If Reiki is being used in terms of just allowing the energy to go where it needs to (which it does not do anyway, it goes where you put it) then it is not treating the person at all, let alone as a whole. I think it is pretty obvious if someone comes to a Reiki practitioner with a torn ligament, that it is their ligament that needs treating. Reiki is so much more effective when used directly on conditions. Claiming that the energy is intelligent and goes where it needs to is, in my opinion, doing a disservice to the paying client. Clients should expect results with Reiki. Damaged bones, cartilage, ligaments etc can fairly easily be improved with Reiki healing.
RE: Reiki on broken bones
I am a Relfexology practitioner with a Traditional Chinese medical background so that is more my field and i apologise if i have spoken out of turn about Reiki. (I have done levels 1 and 2 but do not practice).
I wanted to clear up any confusion about what i was saying before tho. I am not claiming that the energy is intelligent, or goes where it needs to. I just wanted to make the point (and broken bones are maybe a bad example to use to make it) that the healing process is up to the client as it is their process. It is only my personal opinion, but i think looking too specifically at a certain area or complaint can mean you miss the whole picture. In Sekhem (sorry if spelling is wrong) there are emotional and mental reasons behind why a bone is broken, in Chinese medicine it may be associated with the kidneys, kidney meridian, and therefore has associations with the whole body which is linked via the concepts of yin and yang, the 5 elements etc.
Again broken bones may be a bad example as that is an example of first aid, but i think that the healing process of any of my clients may be something i share part of with them, but it will always remain a mystery to me. The concepts mentioned above are merely a theoretical framework to help understand what may be going on.
Hope this makes sense,
RE: Reiki on broken bones
Hello Melissa,
I tend to agree with you. I know for a FACT that Reiki goes where it is needed. Time and again over the past 10yrs I have seen the proof with my own eyes. I give Reiki 'tasters' at events etc and I give 15 mins. I am not 'treating' anyone, just letting the energy flow for them to experience how it feels. It's AFTER this that I ask for feedback and then people say "oh, I felt more heat/cold/tingling etcin this spot". I then ask them have they had an injury/operation/ emotional trauma in that areaand EVERY time the answer is yes! So, without me knowing what problems there have been/are the Reiki has gone in and worked on the relevant area. Yes, if someone comes with a specific problem as a client we discuss lots of things at the consultation and sometimes it is so obvious that the physical problem is being caused by an emotional one. I then work with the correct energy for emotions and without fail the physical problem improves. This is just my own observations and opinions but I am more than happy to work this way as I am being guided and taught by the Reiki energy every time I use it and prefer that than being told by another human being what I SHOULD be doing thank you!
As for brokenbones (this comes up time and again on this forum!) of course no one in their right mind is going to Reiki an unset bone. But even if they tried the bone is not going to set straight away lol! Set bones can be treated for three continuous days to aid the healing process and to have a more 'perfect' edge to edge mend. I have met with other Reiki healerswho have had a lot of sucess with this method.
Just keep Reiki simple. Dr Usui did not invent Reiki, he re-discovered it and used it in a way that suited him. Who's to know that his way was the only or correct way of using this ancient energy? What if he was using it in a way that it was not meant to be? Reiki energy is Universal and there to be accessed by those who are willing to work with it. Let's stop trying to make it more complicated than it is, use it in the way that is best for us as the channels and RESPECT all others who are on this path with us.
Have a nice day lol!
Love and light
RE: Reiki on broken bones
Just keep Reiki simple. Dr Usui did not invent Reiki, he re-discovered it and used it in a way that suited him.
This is a typical statement made by many Reiki people. It comes down to what you mean by Reiki. If you mean any spiritual energy system, you're right Usui-sensei did not discover every spiritual energy system that exists. IF on the other hand by Reiki you mean Usui Reiki Ryoho, then Usui-sensei DID discover and develop HIS OWN SYSTEM. Usui Reiki Ryoho IS unique to Usui-sensei, with specific techniques and methods unique to his teachings. In his own words he states that his Reiki Ryoho is unique and unlike any other system in the world. Of course now there are many systems of Reiki based on his teachings, which are simply adaptations of his teachings, some effective some not.
use it in the way that is best for us as the channels
In my opinion we should be using Reiki in a way that is best for the people we are treating. Just a thought.
RESPECT all others who are on this path with us
I may be more in line with Japanes tradtition here, but I believe we should respect the founder of Reiki and his teachings by keeping to his teachings and not making things up as we go along simply because it suits us or is easier for us.Again, this is just my opinion. Each to their own as they say.