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Hot Feet...

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Does anyone feel this too?
Often when i'm giving Reiki, or just sitting or lying in bed at night with my hands on myself, the soles of my feet get really hot.
My hands can get quite hot at times but no where as hot as my feet.
I would be interested to hear if anyone else experiences this.

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RE: Hot Feet...

probably irrelevant but when I had my first reiki treatment (me, the client), I felt at exactly the same point on the bony top of each feetsome pressure.

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RE: Hot Feet...

Hot feet? Oh yes, have done for years. It's rather nice actually in the depths of winter, but never uncomfortable at any time of year.

I don't have to be actively doing Reiki ... talking or thinking about it is enough, or being in this forum 😀

The other thing I get is very dry lips ... always have to have lip balm handy ... most especially when teaching and attuning. But again, not a problem 🙂


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RE: Hot Feet...

I've worked out that it's energy, but why does it happen?

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RE: Hot Feet...

Possibly you need to be more grounded (don't we all though. . .).
In some ways the looking for reasons for why something happens an deprive us of the experience of it actually happenng. It's our minds (well mine at least, but i can't imagine that I am so original that this only happens to me. . .) that need explanations that deprive us of simply having the experience. Allowing yourself to simply experience this hot or cold and to observe how Reiki treatments change you is the best bit, rather than looking for a mind-orientatedrational explanation.

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RE: Hot Feet...

I knew for sure that i would hear of others who would of experienced the same on this site; i never thought i was an original.
I haven't just experienced it recently, i've felt it for a long time now and thought i'd enquire.
I do enjoy the experience but haveoften wondered why it's happening.

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RE: Hot Feet...

Possibly you need to be more grounded (don't we all though. . .).

Well RMc I think I'm pretty well grounded where Reiki is concerned, though I'd agree with you about us wanting to rationalise everything ... but then that's human nature, isn't it?

I accept that hot feet, dry lips or whatever other "symptoms" might occur ... are simply justthere 🙂

And in answer to Energy 3 about why it's happening ... maybe the answer is that it's Reiki's way of letting us know that we're connected.


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RE: Hot Feet...

That's a nice thought, Thankyou.

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RE: Hot Feet...

Hi there,

I would like to mention that when i had my 2nd Degree Reiki attunement my teacher put the Reiki symbols on my feet as well as my hands.

When iget home from work the 1st thing i do is kick my shoes off and pull off my socks (making sure they are well hidden from the dog).

I like to think thatwhere ever i walk i am spreading light around the world. 🙂

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RE: Hot Feet...

Hi everyone,

I would love some heat, my feet are usually cold!!

I always get a strong tingling in my feet when working with reiki, or even just thinking about it!

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RE: Hot Feet...

being a Reiki virgin, but knowing about Reflexology and meridians, to me, it looks like some energy is running in the feet, especially alonga meridian.

When my reflexology therapist gives me a special kind of meridian-(as in accupuncture) reflexology, I always feel - and only ever feel this in my life - a delightful numbing sensation in the top half section of the feet, and spreading to the lower legs, feeling cold-hot. She tells me it is the energy along the meridians....

Reiki originated in Japan, I believe, where Shiatsu (meridian body treatment) comes from too...I think a shiatsu, acupuncturist or reflexologist could give interesting explaination for this phenomena.

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RE: Hot Feet...

Hi Fadette

Yes you are correct reflexology and other so called physical therapies uses the energy to heal though a lot of reflexology teachers wouldno agree withthis, but that might be something to do with them wanting to get it recognised as a therapy and not everyone is happy with the thought of healing 🙂

Energy can and often does flow through the feet and this will produce different sensations depending on which type of energy people are drawing up at the time, it is nothing to be concerned about and quite normal.

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RE: Hot Feet...

Hi Paul,

With the greatest of respect I have to disagree with your comments regarding reflexology being a energy therapy. As a practitioner of both Reflexology and Reiki I can assure you that from my experience they are not the same thing.

Reiki requires the practioner (well this one anyway) to focus ~ visualise and direct healing energies.

Reflexology requires the systematic application of pressure to specific areas in the feet.

Whilst I agree that the power of touch is a healing tool in itself ~ I do not channel Reiki whilst giving a Reflexology treatment. I use my knowledge of anatomy and physiology and my experience as a reflexologist, to detect areas of stagnation in the feet. I then apply thepressure therapy to break these reflexes down in order to restore the flow of energies (qi) in the body.

The outcome may be similar but the application is quite different.


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RE: Hot Feet...

Hi Meridianmoon

You would get the same effect if someone who had not studied a&p had a go at reflexology, it does not follow the meridians which are energy conduits but it does have an effect throughout the systems.

Yes I agree that you are not consciously channelling the energy like you do with energy healing although I often channel the energy up the body through the feet,butsomething has to transfer what you are doing on the feetinto the different systems.

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RE: Hot Feet...

I totally agree with you Meridian moon.


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RE: Hot Feet...

Hi Paul,

Again, with respect, I find your comments to be a little dismissive of the skills of qualified reflexologists.
Personally, I spent 1 year, perfoming 40 case study treatmentsand hours and hours of studying to qualify. Since then my knowledge and skill has grown and grown.

To suggest that anyone who "had a go" would get the same results is wrong and frankly misleading.

I use my knowledge of Reflexology to detect areas of imbalance. We work on the principle of balancing out entire body systems. Without a good knowledge of A&P how would we be able to acheive balance and a reduction in symptoms. If a client comes to me suffering from IBS, for example, I would look to work the entire digestive system, the nervous system, the adrenal glands etc. Without knowing how these systems work together treatment would not be anywhere near as effective.

Reflexology is based on the "western" principlethatpressure applied to thevastnumber of nerve endings in the feet sends signals to the brain via the nervous system and back to the corresponding area. Many of us are also reintoducing the meridian system into Reflexology ~ working to rebalance using either direct or partner meridians in the feet. It is theacupressure that directly affects the energies (qi) in the body.

I am a also a practioner of auricular acupuncture ~ this works in a very similar way to reflexology and again has nothing to do with energy transferance between practioner and client. The key is the stimulation of the nervous system and meridians in the body.

meridianmoon x

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RE: Hot Feet...

Hi Meridianmoon

I was not belittling your achievements merely stating that if someone was to sit down and work methodically through someone's feet for an hour or two then things would happen as that is the nature of reflexology, it would as you say not be fine tuned but things would happen without the understanding of how it happens.

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RE: Hot Feet...

To me hot feet is a sensation of being grounded rather than not being grounded. It shows energy flowing through the meridians and that there are no blockages preventing the energy from reaching the feet.

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I’ve always had cold feet all my life as a healer and reader I found it usually related to an issue I had cold feet about. Then not so long ago I started to get hot feet every night so I meditated on it..... I found I was accepting situations and no longer having cold feet about them. Look in to changes in your life that you no longer fear

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Does anyone feel this too?
Often when i'm giving Reiki, or just sitting or lying in bed at night with my hands on myself, the soles of my feet get really hot.
My hands can get quite hot at times but no where as hot as my feet.
I would be interested to hear if anyone else experiences this.

There are different reasons for such feeling:
1. Temperature [external] changes (this is clear)
2. Exercises (this is clear)
3. High blood pressure (check your BP before and when you have hots)
4. Infection (for example cellulitis can manifest hands are hot, swollen, painful, or red)
5. Inflammatory conditions (RA for example, here consider if it is symmetrical -both hands, both feet or just one. This can be helpful in diferenciation)
6. Peripheral neuropathy very common manifest the way you
7. Also sometimes fibromyalgia manifest this way too
8. Erethromilalgia
9. Nutrition. Neurology. Kidney. Liver. Toxins. Shoes. Vascular probs... CMT disease, everything what might cause neuropathy...Etc... can write long long long post.

Even history play role .

So, just keep an eye on this and monitor and then you can have more understanding what and why...
