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Healing Types and Styles

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Hi All.

With all the post on different types/styles of healing, I thought that it would be interesting to know how many are actually out there.

Perhaps we could list those that we know or find and perhaps a link to a web site. Also if anyone has first hand experience of what they list, then perhaps a short comment would help.

What do you think?

Over to you.

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RE: Healing Types and Styles

Hello Healistic

There are lots!:D Here are two former threads on this very topic:

[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=174936 ] http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=174936 [/link]
The many forms of reiki

[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=318709 ] http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=318709 [/link]
Difference in reiki systems??

No doubt others have erm, been invented? developed? manifested? since then. 😉


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RE: Healing Types and Styles

I think I counted 270 or so varieties here: .

I wonder if it's a case of being an 'attunement junkie' for someone to wish to be attuned to so many different types of Reiki? I know of some people who do enjoy being attuned, because of the wonderful way it leaves them feeling and the healing they get. They may have exchanged attunements with other masters for the experience but stayed with one or two types of Reiki, mainly Usui.

Excuse my ignorance, but for anyone who's attuned to say more than 10 Reiki-type modalities, is it possible to gain an in-depth knowledge in and experience of all of them? And how do you know which energy is coming through at any given moment? Or does it not matter?

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RE: Healing Types and Styles

Excuse my ignorance, but for anyone who's attuned to say more than 10 Reiki-type modalities, is it possible to gain an in-depth knowledge in and experience of all of them? And how do you know which energy is coming through at any given moment? Or does it not matter?

That is a very good question I supposeyou couldlook at in two ways.

  1. The energy would be what is required at any given time.
  2. Using intuition you would channel what is required.

IMO It does not matter, for me the healing energy is channelled through me by my healing guides and it is they that decide where, when and what is required. As a trance healer I have also been a channel for ascended masters/archangels.

So I suppose what I am saying is that IMO any healer can advance their abilities by themselves through their personal connection/empowerment to the spiritual energies (call it what you will) without the need for 207 earthbound attunements.

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RE: Healing Types and Styles

ORIGINAL: Healistic
So I suppose what I am saying is that IMO any healer can advance their abilities by themselves through their personal connection/empowerment to the spiritual energies (call it what you will) without the need for 207 earthbound attunements.

That's my viewpoint as well. Instead of looking without at the dozens of modalities that I could attune to, I'd prefer to go within and develop an in-depth relationship with what is already there and growing through experience and reflection. I think of it in terms of cooking. I get more satisfaction in eating on one or two dishes that have been cooked with passion, precision and focus, than in grazing on a buffet where the flavours mingle all over the plate into a mess. And I've yet to come across a buffet that delivers quality on all counts.

New Age London
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RE: Healing Types and Styles

So true. Attunements can be addictive, just like anything else.

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RE: Healing Types and Styles

When I see people advertising and claiming to teach the multitude of attunements it is a very good indication that they simply have not found their connection to source. If any one of their attunements actually worked they would not need to feel that they would need to go out and get more.

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RE: Healing Types and Styles


When I see people advertising and claiming to teach the multitude of attunements it is a very good indication that they simply have not found their connection to source. If any one of their attunements actually worked they would not need to feel that they would need to go out and get more.

thats one way of looking at it patrick, maybe another wayis that they are looking for a system that really resonates with them as you have


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RE: Healing Types and Styles

ORIGINAL: Crystal Cub
Excuse my ignorance, but for anyone who's attuned to say more than 10 Reiki-type modalities, is it possible to gain an in-depth knowledge in and experience of all of them? And how do you know which energy is coming through at any given moment? Or does it not matter?

As most systems incorporate the same core principles, it would only be a case of learning the "add-ons" for each one, but as others have said, personally, I feel that you know which one resonates with you. I am attuned to 4 styles and there is very little in the way of "add-ons" between them, and most of the learning I have gained from each of the styles has fitted in with all the others so, to me, it all feels likea single system.

As for which energy is coming through, intuition plays a bit part in the way I give treatements. I can feel the differences, but do not let conscious decions get involved in "deciding" which energy should be used. All the ones I have access to work with each other and sometimes All of them will come through at the same time, whilst at other times, one specifically stands out as a requirement by the client. e.g. if my hands feel like they are being pushed off the body into the aura, I know that it is Gaia Now that is coming through and being required by the client etc.

I certainly have no intention of going out there and getting attuned to as many as possible as I don't see that the majority of them have anything more to offer than what I have already learned, with the exception of having other peoples beliefs imposed on me which, IMHO, is not what energy therapies are all about.

Love and Reiki Hugs

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RE: Healing Types and Styles

ORIGINAL: Energylz
As for which energy is coming through, intuition plays a bit part in the way I give treatements. 

Perhaps that's a measure of the skill and self development a practitioner has achieved in order to work fluently and at ease with their intuition.

It concerns me that someone could get trip happy getting attuned to multiple systems and not gain a depth of knowledge in a few of them. Your 4 systems are far less than the 10 or more I was referring to.

I think about the understanding I've gained in Usui Reiki of byosen, and how the sensitivity in my hands and my intuition grows to enable me to have greater clarity as to what is happening energetically with different people. That's taken time to gain confidence in. Whilst I may choose at a later date to experience a few other systems, I think there's a lot to be said for taking the patience to play with one for a while to see how it and the individual develop together.

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RE: Healing Types and Styles

It is all well and good stating that people should utilise the system they receive, the problem is not everyone can function with all the modalities, so for those that can function well with what they have found that is excellent for them.

Others receive attunements and they pass them by, that is they have no sense of the energies behind the modality, they can't work with the system simply because there is no conscious connection for them, they are in effect spiritually blind.

There will be a modality out there for them, it might work on a completely different level of consciousness to most modalities, but they will know it when they receive it.

Once the connection is formed, with time they will learn to step beyond the basic teachings and use intuition, spiritual insight and guidance to give each person what they personally require, this is IMO what is necessary for someone to become a master, not a piece of paper on the wall.

Then there is the other situation, when people do actually take the time and trouble to learn an energy modality only to find it does not function they way they require it to, at this point they will either expand the original modality to incorporate whatever it is they require and we have another add-on modality, or they will go away and create something new which will function they way they want it to.

It is as always down to personal choices 🙂

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RE: Healing Types and Styles

Hi and love and light to you all 🙂

i agree with Giles; i have been attuned to several systems and i feel that each 'add on' is like a jigsaw puzzle being fitted into place. i believe now that even though i can use these systems individually, they seem to all become one. its as if these healing systems were one and sort of got broken down into others systems through time which are now coming together within me the more systems i learn. there is only one that stands alone in its energy, and this one is a form of Seichim which i dont want to say the name lol

i also believe it is good to have different healing systems, for if youre working on people one system may not resonate with them as well as another. like i have found certain systems work better for certain ailments or dis-eases.

being attuned to so many other systems has also helped me work on a healing method that was channeled to me a few months ago. i now understand the healing 'codes' so i find being attuned to different methods very beneficial.

i do master each system before going onto another. i mean you have to understand how i work lol i become so passionate about healing that i will study it day and night, as much time as i can, so i am going heart to that healing system.

i also think i like learning new systems because i want to have all the tools available to help people. as i said before, i can feel the difference in strengths and abilities of each of the methods im attuned to.

namaste xxxxxx

