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healing crisis

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Could somebody pls explain to me about the healing crisis. I had some reiki lastnight (1hr). I have heard some ppl can feel worse before they start to feel better. is this true??? Thanks :rolleyes:

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Hi dollywasher,

Ok, I would differentiate between the two things slightly in terms of my understanding, thought they can be thought of as related.

It is correct that sometimes a person may feel worse before they feel better. For example, let's assume you had the start of the Flu, and you had some Reiki to help with that. The Reiki would assist your body in dealing with the flu to get it out of your system, but that could mean that rather than you having the flu for several days as your body fights it, you still go through the same process, but it's accelerated as the Reiki is boosting your system's ability to fight it, so you may still get a worse feeling as the fight against the flu takes place, but it'll be gone more quickly. Just because Reiki works with you to heal, doesn't mean that the healing is just going to be a case of you feeling better straight away.

A healing crisis, is when the Reiki is working with you to heal, and this can, for want of a better word, 'unlock' things that have been suppressed that are the root causes of the issues that are manifesting now. So, for example, you may have been suffering from a constant ache in the shoulder, and you have some Reiki for that. It could be that this unlocks the root cause of the ache which, for example, could be an emotional feeling of having to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders because you are stressed from having to care for someone and you feel like you're not getting help from others. The healing crisis would then manifest as all the stress and emotions that were locked up, coming to the surface. Also such a thing sounds bad, it's actually for a purpose, and that is to allow you to recognise the cause of the issue (i.e. how you are really feeling about the situation you are in now) and take action to deal with it. Of course, some people may choose to suppress it again, but the point is that the opportunity is given to you... i.e. the underlying issues are opened up for you to recognise and deal with.

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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Thankyou very much for your reply. The reiki lady gave me some homework to do. I think too much about things. I have basically put a brick wall in my mind and i feel like i cant get over it. My dad died a year ago on the 9th september. Last week i was diagnosed with a health problem that i am now trying to heal with help of the doctors and reiki. The anxiety and panic i have been feeling in the last two weeks has been over whelming. My main reason for the reiki. Too help me relax and stop negative thought patterns. Can reiki physically heal as well as spiritually/emotinally/mentally??

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Thankyou very much for your reply. The reiki lady gave me some homework to do. I think too much about things. I have basically put a brick wall in my mind and i feel like i cant get over it.

Well, firstly, we can't help the fact that thoughts arise in our mind. This is a natural process of the mind. The issue comes when we attach ourself to those thoughts and end up daydreaming or getting caught up in the thoughts, when they are something that happened in the past or we believe will happen in the future. We all do it, but will some practice and focus we can learn to be more in the present moment and recognise when these thoughts are arising, allowing us to be more in touch with what's going on right now in front of us, and less attached to the past and present. That doesn't mean that there isn't benefit in knowing the lessons we have learnt in the past (the memory won't be eradicated), but we can choose how it effects us emotionally etc. in the present moment.

My dad died a year ago on the 9th september.

Sorry to hear that. :hug:

Last week i was diagnosed with a health problem that i am now trying to heal with help of the doctors and reiki.

At least you've taken the step to choose to get it sorted. So many people live with their issues and think they'll just go away if they do nothing. You are more than welcome to seek advice on these forums from people if you wish.

The anxiety and panic i have been feeling in the last two weeks has been over whelming. My main reason for the reiki. Too help me relax and stop negative thought patterns. Can reiki physically heal as well as spiritually/emotinally/mentally??

It would be legally wrong for anyone to say that "Reiki can heal XXXXXX issue", but it is certainly considered by those who practice reiki and have experience of it's abilities, that using Reiki will facilitate a person in their own healing. A lot of holistic therapies consider that the cause of physical symptoms are from emotional issues, and those emotional issues manifest through physical, or mental means, hence why orthodox methods of treatment that often focus on the physical symptoms tend not to get to the underlying issues. In short, it is considered that Reiki will work on all levels of being.

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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I think we use the words cure and heal interchangably and they are not the same thing.

Cure is a finality.
Healing is a process.

Reiki may help in the process of healing but the journey is the right of the individual to determine. S/he may or may not reach a cure.

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Very true Holos. That's why it makes sense to be clear about what we mean as much as possible.

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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I would never use the words 'healing crisis' in any therapy as I think it can immediately instil worry in certain people.

Hope you get some help with your health problem dollywasher, by the way how did you come by the name?

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I prefer to use the words contra action in massage therapy. I quite like having contra actions after I go for massage/reflexology myself as I know I'll feel extra great once the symptoms have worn off! Lots of water before and after treatment always helps and no heavy meals. 🙂

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thankyou for all your replies....wasnt expecting all of those!!!

The name Dollywasher comes from the fact that myself and my mum call each other doll. I originally wanted doll as an email address but it had already been taken so i tried dollywasher. A thing they used to wash clothes with and theit it was. sooooo many ppl ask me!! xxxx 😀

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Wow! That's brought back some memories - my granny used to do the weekly wash in a dolly tub (a huge galvanised metal thing), and she used a plunger to pummel the washing and move it round. Then it had to be rinsed and eventually put through the hand-operated mangle - what a performance :eek:!

(Sorry - off-topic I know)
