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Attunements and Re attunements

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This ? is in regards to tera mai system....

I was told that when I had these attunements my other attunements were taken out? can any attunement be taken out once in?


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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

I don't think so as the lightbeings do the attunements anyway

Dr Usui once said to me "your job is to teach them discipline we do the attunements'

big smiles

Kim xx

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Wow SacredStar..

Those words are very profound, and make so much sense, yes the discipline..makes a lot of sense.. and boy u were very blessed to make a connection with Usui...


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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Flower Dr Usui works with the whole Reiki family including you, it is he who instructs and he who smiles when he is pleased with you.

blessings in abundance

Kim xx

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Hi Sacred Star

I do understand he works around us.. but I dont seem to feel him there .... just the energy flower through.. maybe he is the energy?


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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Dear Flower well I hear him more then feel him so when you feel that you are being told to go somewhere or do something it is usually Dr Usui. The other healing guides tend to work along side you and just get on with it. E.g. some of our students have acupuncurist guides working with them and you can feel the needles going in and coming out. Have also felt two pairs of hands on my while receiving healing.

being love

Kim xx

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

This ? is in regards to tera mai system....

I was told that when I had these attunements my other attunements were taken out? can any attunement be taken out once in?

Can attunements be taken out, hmmmm
I think a person can be de attuned but an attunment being taken out, well i guess that if that is the masters intention and spirit willing then yes.

why someone would do it is beyond me except for cases where there is bad energy around then in that case i would de attunene myself and cut all cords of attatchment from someone who goes to the negative ways.

I would also send them healing for their highest good.

what do others think on this

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Hi Flower

I agree with Dez on this one, that yes an attunement can be reversed but it would be very wrong for any master to do this without the request of the person involved, it is that old problem of control I am afraid and there are people in the energy who wish to use it to control people the same as in any walks of life which is very wrong in my opinion.

I also feel the using the excuse of its to keep the linage clear or the type pure is just a cop out and the people behind this sort of thing are just spiritual juveniles who are very insecure and not prepared to let go and move on themselves so they impose these restrictions on others to keep them in the same place.

Bad news all round and a lot better to walk away and try something else that will allow you to grow and move forward as you are supposed to 🙂

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Hi All,

Very interesting Dez and Paul C.

I really can't see how an attunement can be reversed. Over-attuned perhaps by another and more powerful attunement but not reversed. To my mind, once a person has been attuned it is a once and for all connection that can only be strengthened or enhanced by further attunements.

I suppose that any attunement would appear to be taken out if it was not used by the recipient but this would only be because of it's non-use and the will of the recipient not to use it.

How would YOU reverse an attunement? Suck instead of blow? I will be very interested to see your responses.

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Hi Paul

It comes down to that word again intention, if someone ignores their attunement and refuses to accept the help offered then that attunement will just lie dormant but will not go away, but if someone has been attuned to a system that they seriously do not like and resonate with or it messes them up possibly because it was done very badly then it can be removed, symbols are the same they can be removed the same as you put them in, open them up draw and connect to the symbol and lift it out instead of putting it in and close them up again.

Some people believe this can be done against someone's wishes but I would not like to do that as it goes against free will and smacks of control and I personally prefer to work with peoples informed consent and free will, you will have to try it some time and see for yourself.

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Perhaps I am misunderstanding the ? but as I see it Flower is asking whether, once attuned to tera mai, if she then chooses to be attuned to another seichim lineage, is it posible for the tera mai teacher to withdraw the original attunement?
I have certainly been told by tera mai masters that if a student has been attuned to level 1 tera mai and goes elslewhere for another level, the tera mai master has signed an agreement not to proceed with the tera mai attunements for that student.
As far as de-tuning someone I don't understand how that can be done, as the peson would then have to be told what has happened, and would any responsible teacher de-tune someone without their permission?
As stated earlier, you have to wonder why anyone would want to copyright an energy healing system, when the energy itself is not theirs in the first place? But that is just my HO:eek:

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

RE: Attunements and Re attunements (in reply to Flower)

my answers in caps below

Perhaps I am misunderstanding the ? but as I see it Flower is asking whether, once attuned to tera mai, if she then chooses to be attuned to another seichim lineage, is it posible for the tera mai teacher to withdraw the original attunement?


I have certainly been told by tera mai masters that if a student has been attuned to level 1 tera mai and goes elslewhere for another level, the tera mai master has signed an agreement not to proceed with the tera mai attunements for that student.


As far as de-tuning someone I don't understand how that can be done,

as the peson would then have to be told what has happened, and would any responsible teacher de-tune someone without their permission?


As stated earlier, you have to wonder why anyone would want to copyright an energy healing system, when the energy itself is not theirs in the first place? But that is just my HO




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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

but I would not like to do that as it goes against free will and smacks of control and I personally prefer to work with peoples informed consent and free will, you will have to try it some time and see for yourself.

here here paul

if we get the logical head out of the way then anything is possible

here is a question for all

what can we not do with reiki ( in energy terms )


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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Ha, you have got me there Dez ???:D

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Perhaps I am misunderstanding the ? but as I see it Flower is asking whether, once attuned to tera mai, if she then chooses to be attuned to another seichim lineage, is it posible for the tera mai teacher to withdraw the original attunement?


now you have completely confused me (not hard to do by the way!!! lolol)

I have always understood that "once you were attuned, it is for life" so if that is right, how is it possible for someone to withdraw that attnement?

From the confines of my 'dunces corner';) it equates energetically to withdrawing a distant healing after it has been sent out because you have discovered something you don't like about the recipient[sm=cry.gif]

I accept and understand what you say about wanting to keep an energy lineage pure. Thank you for that POV.

Another ? then.

Suppose you choose to accept an attunement, but didn't like the energies, can YOU the recipient, of that attunement/empowerment then reject and "send back" that attunement/empowerment? I hope this makes sense.


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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

I do not believe you can change what has already happened, but I surpose if your intention was to not be part of a reiki system any longer then it would be possible to sever ties with that system. I do not think it would have to be done as an exercise or ritual but purely on intent. Probably the de-attunemnet process exists for those who need the act of disconnection to help with their intent on the matter.

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

This is turning into an interesting thread

I agree with Jonjo I do not feel that we can turn the clock block and change the past even with intent.


Kim xx

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Suppose you choose to accept an attunement, but didn't like the energies, can YOU the recipient, of that attunement/empowerment then reject and "send back" that attunement/empowerment? I hope this makes sense.


when I receive an attunement I state that I accept it without personal and opertunistic negative energy attatchments and that the attunement be transmitted in its purest form

you can ask spirit to de attune you to the energy attunement from that master and cut all cords of att form them if you so wish

i hope this makes sense


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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

I agree with Jonjo I do not feel that we can turn the clock block and change the past even with intent.


Kim xx

You of all people should know that time is just linear and it is a reference term we use here on the earth plain

spirit is not confined to time as they operate in a different dimention.

energetically we can indeed change the so called " past attunement"

we cant change an event perse but we can clear up the energy mess and every attatchment that it has/had on our energy body.

if someone would like me to de attune them please let me know and i will re attune you again if you wish

any takers

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Parkinson my answers in caps below
lala dez

I do not believe you can change what has already happened,


but I surpose if your intention was to not be part of a reiki system any longer then it would be possible to sever ties with that system.


I do not think it would have to be done as an exercise or ritual but purely on intent. Probably the de-attunemnet process exists for those who need the act of disconnection to help with their intent on the matter.


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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Hi Kim

Turning the clock back is not required as what has been has been but you can alter the present and the future we do it all the time in energy work, think about it 😉

Hi Jonjo

Yes you are in control when it come to what you want in yourself it is called free will and it is one of the paramount rules of energy work not to override someone else's free will, however you would still need to be in a position to realise this and then understand how to put it into action.

Hi Parkinson

You can bring into BEing whatever you need to work with in energy work, that is what makes it so flexible as long as you are prepared to move on and stretch your concepts then the energy responds, as soon as you say that cannot be then it simply will not exist in your reality so will not work for you, the choices are up to each individual 🙂

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Dear Paul

Still not convinced was just reminded that 'one can heal memory but not erase it' in this context it is the evidence of our experience. We carry memory throughout eternity.

But am open to change

blessings and love to you

Kim xx

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Still not convinced was just reminded that 'one can heal memory but not erase it' in this context it is the evidence of our experience. We carry memory throughout eternity.

I agree

we do not erase memory we just heal the negative effects it has had on our energy bodies


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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

we cant change an event perse but we can clear up the energy mess and every attatchment that it has/had on our energy body.

If the above quote stands 'as is' then how can someone retract a given attunement? I accept and have no problem with the rules that state before you take your first attunement (as in TM) that to switch system would render further attunements impossible, but to negate the one already given? That is what I can't get my head round.

Paul C
Thanks for your comment

one of the paramount rules of energy work not to override someone else's free will, however you would still need to be in a position to realise this and then understand how to put it into action

I totally agree with your comments about free will and not over-riding it, which brings me back full circle to the issue of... once given does the teacher have the RIGHT to withdraw the given attunement? To refuse further attunements due to a broken agreement is understandable, but to actually presume to withdraw a given attunement........??????

As I see it you don't erase the memory by healing it, but you have the opportunity to change your future by healing your past and breaking the cyclic patterns that may - up to that point - have had a negative influence in your life?


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RE: Attunements and Re attunements


we cant change an event perse but we can clear up the energy mess and every attatchment that it has/had on our energy body.

If the above quote stands 'as is' then how can someone retract a given attunement? I accept and have no problem with the rules that state before you take your first attunement (as in TM) that to switch system would render further attunements impossible, but to negate the one already given? That is what I can't get my head round.

we cant change the fact that an event has happened but as i have said we can change the energetic effect of the event on us

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Hi Kim

It is a bit like the electric board coming and disconnecting your home from the electricity supply, you could switch on a light or the TV or comp or not bother before but now you can't although the sockets and wiring are still there you cannot draw the energy through them for that you would have to get reconnected to the source.

Hi Jonjo

You can lay stipulations with your intent when giving the attunement, although I think it would be more of a loan in that case, you can also specify how long an attunement will last and make it a temporary connection if you desire which is what some people do when they are healing give a temporary attunement until it is no longer needed to sort something or other out.

Please do not forget the other side of the coin as a receiver of an attunement you can use your intention to make specifications on what you are going to receive outside of the givers intent for what they want to send you, unfortunately this sort of thing is conveniently missed out of the traditional controlled systems manuals but it is up to you to put yourself firmly into the driving seat and go where you want to go not where someone else points you.

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

it is up to you to put yourself firmly into the driving seat and go where you want to go not where someone else points you.


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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Quite so Dez!

Jonjo yes I feel that we heal the effects of the experience rather then the experience itself for it is our thought led emotions that created the blockage in the first place.

Paul I feel that one is never disconnected from spirit.

being love

Kim xx

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Paul I feel that one is never disconnected from spirit.

That's the way I feel, too, Kim.

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RE: Attunements and Re attunements

Hi Kim & Paul

Yes I agree that you cannot be fully disconnected from the Spirit simply because our truer higher selves are a part of it, so even removing all the energy connections you have collected over the years would not disconnect you fully from your higher selves but you would not be able to channel the energy the same as you can now with the connection, you would still keep the natural abilities you where born with as these are natural to you.

Also please consider the point of intention! the intention we use in the energy will only work if there is the energy to back up and enforce our intentions, without that our intentions are just empty thoughts and wishful thinking 🙂

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