Angelic Reiki - How...
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Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

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I was asked this yesterday, at a healing event where Angelic Reiki was on offer alongside 'normal' Reiki.

As a Spiritualist and Reiki practitioner, I truly believe that all healing comes from Source (God) and therefore there IS no difference, no matter what name it is given. I also believe and feel that I am being assisted and guided by Angels, Spirithelpers and Spirit Guides already whilst I am doing any of my therapy/healing work and also in my daily life.

I found it very hard to answer my client's question given my beliefs. Iwaffled something along the lines of: the healing energy istransmittedin a slightly different way (I believe thathealing energy is automatically given and received for the highest good anyway and that whatever the healer or recipient feels or however they react is absolutely right for them).

However, Angelic Reiki, in particular, seems to be becoming popular andIsuspect thatI'm likely to be asked this question more and more.

So if someone could help me with the following I would be very grateful:

What differencecould Angelic attunements make to me?

How different does it feel from the client's point of view?

How different does it feel from the practitioner's point of view?

Love and light,


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Usui Reiki is as strong as you want it or need it to be and I dont believe one system is any stronger than another as I believe that all healing comes from the same place, whatever the system.

Well said

This life is yours
Take the power
To choose what you want to do
And do it well
Take the power
To love what you want in life
And love it honestly
Take the power
To walk in the forest
And be a part of nature
Take the power
To control your own life
No one else can do it for you
Take the power
To make your life happy

from ''Always Follow Your Dreams''
by Susan Polis Schutz

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

I have to just add that not every one is signed up to codes and ethics of others, some will have their own codes and ethics and those may or may not include the medical profession.

Surely anyone who has been trained and belongs to an association will have had to accept that organisations Codes and ethics? Or the codes and ethics of the UK Reiki Regulatory Working Group

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

ORIGINAL: omega1

as i am soon to be banned, can i pose a question?

As a Reiki teacher I come across students from other teachers. some of these students have been taught improper practices, the main one i find most disturbing is when female students are taught that they need to take their tops and bras off to receive attunements.
As a responsible Reiki teacher i tell them this is incorrect. In these instances, i am not respecting the views or opinions of their Reiki teachers.
Where do you all stand on this issue of respecting others opinions? would you respect these opinions as 'their truth' or would you tell the students they are wrong?
Where do you draw the line between respecting other's opinions and letting someone know when something is false or untrue?

I think that it is a bit obvious where the line lies in the above example and that students being asked to remove clothing is a bit beyond different teaching styles!

I think that we believe what we believe but to say that our truth is the only truth without 100% proof either way is a bit naive, it is simply our truth. I have posted on a few threads and sometimes my opinion differs but I normally put that it is just my opinion or belief as thats all I can say really, I dont have 100% proof (sadly)!

When I teach I teach my truth but I do bring up the subjects of others truths and I point my students to different places (such as HP) that they can go to search for their truths.

ORIGINAL: omega1
if people cannot accept any questioning of their opinions, how strongly can they believe in the things they say?
i am happy to be questioned, as i think that is a good way to learn. pity this forum does not allow that.

I think the questioning of peoples opinoins is not really the issue being raised but more the way it is done. Questioning is different from putting down things that you havent experienced yourself, the forum does allow questioning.

with blessings, as ever, Reikilight

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

ORIGINAL: Healistic
Surely anyone who has been trained and belongs to an association will have had to accept that organisations Codes and ethics? Or the codes and ethics of the UK Reiki Regulatory Working Group

Hi and lovely poem by the way!

Nope not as far as I am aware, joining organisations is choice always. Being trained does not mean you have to join anything, in fact whilst insurance is very wise you dont even have to take that up if you choose not too. Its all personal choice at this point in time. I choose to belong to an association and abide by codes and ethics, I choose to be insured, I choose to be a first aid trained practitioner and I choose to have a basic knowledge of A&P but others may not, no law to say if you do or you dont though its your own decision.

with blessings, Reikilight x

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Nope not as far as I am aware, joining organisations is choice always. Being trained does not mean you have to join anything, in fact whilst insurance is very wise you dont even have to take that up if you choose not too. Its all personal choice at this point in time. I choose to belong to an association and abide by codes and ethics, I choose to be insured, I choose to be a first aid trained practitioner and I choose to have a basic knowledge of A&P but others may not, no law to say if you do or you dont though its your own decision.

Yes of course you are right, I too choose the same as you. I also advise all my students to take the same path.

The reason that I do this is because whilst there may not be legislation forced on us, if there ever was, then I feel that I would be remiss if I did not make them aware of that. That's what I mean. I just thought most felt the same.


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

ORIGINAL: Healistic

I have to just add that not every one is signed up to codes and ethics of others, some will have their own codes and ethics and those may or may not include the medical profession.

Surely anyone who has been trained and belongs to an association will have had to accept that organisations Codes and ethics? Or the codes and ethics of the UK Reiki Regulatory Working Group

The last time I looked, which was a while ago, both the Reiki Association and the UKRF Codes of Conduct are on their websites. These should perhaps be checked to see their precise wording (if any) specifically relating to the medical profession. I will do this later, time permitting. Otherwise I feel we mightrun the risk of speculating as to just what is laid down by these 'bodies'.


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

[link= ][/link]

I think that gives the answer?

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

ORIGINAL: Reikilight

I think the questioning of peoples opinoins is not really the issue being raised but more the way it is done. Questioning is different from putting down things that you havent experienced yourself, the forum does allow questioning.

All excellent posts, Reikilight, thank you ... though I can hardly keep up with you! 😀

On this particular point ... yes, you're absolutely right. HealthyPages welcomes questioning and discussion, but IMHO there is much truth in "It's not what you say but the way that you say it".

For the record, no 'bannings' are about to happen in the context of this thread, but sometimes the moderators do have to remind members to tread a little carefully on the opinions and beliefs of others. That is all.

Speaking purely personally, when I have experienced Angelic Reiki for myself, then I consider I would be better placed to draw comparisons. Until then, I have to restrict my comments to theory alone 😉


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Thanks for all the replies so far.

As many people on here have said, much of what has been mooted so far, as being differentabout Angelic Reiki, is in fact exactly the same as my experience of Usui Reiki.

I already feel that I am able to be totally intuitive with my healing work and I also feel that I can call upon 'any of my folks' to help me in whatever way the situation calls for.

I was taught that Reiki heals the healer at the same time as the healee.

I was taught that I can use the Reiki tools, such as symbols, in whatever way I feel is right and that also it doesn't matter if I draw them (I muck the Distant Healing symbol up most of the time:D)or say them incorrectly, the intent is sufficient. The same goes for hand positions - I just use my intuition and sometimes I may only stay in one place, if that's what I feel is right.

Sometimes, particularly when I'm using Reiki for first-aid, ie when a child has fallen and hurt their knee, I don't bother with symbols or any other 'grounding' ceremony I just lay my hands on or over the injury and I may quickly say to myself 'Reiki on'and I trust completely that the right amount of healing will flow with the intent.

I do like to use the symbols though, as I see them as part of my Reiki toolkit, I like to Reiki my room and myselfbefore a treatment or giving a lecture, but I don't mind if I've not had time to do it or if there have been other people about who may wonder what I'm doing, I don't worry, I just trust. I often use scanning techniques to send Reiki symbols to people or situations.

I was taught that Reiki can be sent to the past, present and future.

I believe I was taught well and I never felt that any restrictions were placed upon me.

ORIGINAL: Energylz

Whilst people are perfectly entitled to believe in whatever they want, whether that is Angels, God etc. etc. they should also bear in mind that, at least here in the UK, getting Reiki accepted in the public eye and in the professional sectors is an ongoing task that requires some diplomacy so that it doesn't just look like we're all off our rockers. Angela Buxton-King has made great headway in getting Reiki into the NHS, so that people really can benefit from Reiki where it's needed, however if she'd gone along and started harping on about Reiki coming from God, or being channels by Angels or spirits etc. then she would have been shown the door very swiftly.

By all means, believe in your own beliefs, after allwe all do, and don't be disparaging of others beliefs but, and I think that this is the point omega1 was trying to make,bear in mind the way that you are expressing those beliefs in the public eye, sometimes as if they are proven fact,and how it could possibly limit the ability for Reiki of all sorts to be shared with those who need it i.e. those in the professional establishments such as hospitals.

Enjoy your Reiki, whatever form it takes. 😉

Love and Reiki Hugs

I can totally understand this statement, Energylz. As I said in my initial post, I'm also a Spiritualist, but I don't disclose this automatically to a client, unless I'm surethat they will not make a run for the nearest exit at the mention of Spirit guides/God/Ministry of Angels etc. I usually explain the definition of Rei Ki and a little bit about how Usui founded the system and that is usually suffice.

A Christian surgeon may well say a prayer before conducting surgery, in the same waythat I ask for help from Spirit whilst I'm doing Reiki or any other therapy or indeed my daily life.

AReiki Master/ friend of mine is not at all spiritual and is very sceptical of Mediumship and the like, so as you can imagine, we have some very lively debates!:D

On that note, we should all remember that debate and difference in opinionis good, it for

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Hi There, im new by the way:)so hello to you all!

After reading this post I feel quite drawn to angelic reiki, it might be just whatIm looking for infact. I have already been attunedon thereiki first degree, this was last year but I havent felt the need to take the 2nd degree upuntill now. To be honest I havent heard of angelic reiki before I read this.
I live in Essex and wondered if you or anyone knows where I can takea course near me?

Many thanks
angelmagik x

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Hello and welcome to you angelmagik![sm=hug.gif]

I am in devon, but I will contact my teacher and find out for you.[sm=nature-smiley-008.gif]

Watch this space!:D

Thankyou for you kind and as always very profound words reikilight![sm=1kis.gif]

Omega1 - please don't take any offence. No-one here means any harm,certainly not me. Agreeing to disagree is sometimes the best route - we really are all different and I was only trying to speak from my experience - as calmer requested. I understand that somewill not resonate with angelic reiki, but I really really do and I know others will too! [sm=hug.gif]

Much love to all XXX[sm=love-smiley-009.gif][sm=angel_sm030.gif]

mysterious me
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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Ok so how many varieties of baked beans are there to choose from?
This is a marketing ploy!
Do you like plain and simple or prefer the ones with glossy coverings?
Each unto their own. Reiki is a pure spirit and that was my reason for going the Reiki route into healing and not the NFSH (IE didn't involved the politics of religion) but we are all different.
Remember ethics - if you don't know or haven't tried, avoid decrying it.
I haven't needed 'extra gloss' myself but there may come a time when I do.

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Lol Holistic! I did get a little carried away didnt I, still I never have been short of things to say 🙂

Thank you Serendipity for your kind words [sm=1kis.gif]right back at ya!

Very slightly off topic of Angelic Reikibut hopefully not too far......I love Reiki (as do we all!) and I have really searched for what felt right for me, after completing Reiki 1 and 2 with a wonderful Reiki Master I suddenly felt I was searching for something else but I had no idea what, when I stumbled across what I needed I immediately knew it was what I had searched for. I now love the way I practice Reiki because it suits me down to the ground but that is just it, it suits me.

How much more exciting is a chocolate selection box compared to a plain bar of choccy! How much more exciting is the world because of its varieties.


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

From what I know of Angelic Reiki (which honestly isn't very much) and traditional Usui Reiki, one of the main differences to me is that with Usui Reiki, one does not need to *believe* in God, Angels, Spirits, etc etc - infact one can not believe in anything except for (through realisation of) the fact that Reiki works. I personally could not do Angelic Reiki as I do not believe in Angels (especially the concept of specific Angels who everyone calls on). I believe in spirits, guides & *beings* of different spiritual advancement levels which can help & be present during a treatment (as I have experienced this) but as I am not religious, & have no reason to believe in angels, this version of Reiki seems rather fanciful to me.
Also, if one *does* accepts the existence of God & Angels etc, then I have to say I agree with what Healistic said:

I find it strange that any healing module that says it is from this angel or that angel ( Remember that the according to many sources the angels work for god) can possibly be more powerful than any healing system that stems directly from the divine source/universal energy/the creator/God. Yes God. Ignore the religious connotations, just think, that If we except the word god to mean simply the most powerful force in the universe as we know it, how can any other system be more powerful than that.

Anyway, I'm not saying that Angelic Reiki doesn't work or isn't effective, but as a non-religious RM, it just personally doesn't make any sense to me.


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Hi All

Thought you might like to read this?

Reiki energy is always present, always real, pure and always perfect the way it is. Impurity only enters the world of Reiki when we try to use the energy for own petty, egoistic ends. Reiki is and will always be part of the collective heritage of the human race that can not be owned by an individual or a certain group. It remains what it is : a wonderful gift that is given to us by existence, life or god- whatever you may be inclined to call it. Let’s come together and honor it in this spirit.

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Reiki energy is always present, always real, pure and always perfect the way it is. Impurity only enters the world of Reiki when we try to use the energy for own petty, egoistic ends. Reiki is and will always be part of the collective heritage of the human race that can not be owned by an individual or a certain group. It remains what it is : a wonderful gift that is given to us by existence, life or god- whatever you may be inclined to call it.

Very well said!

It still amazes me, after all this time on Earth, that humans in all their imperfection, still believe they can improve on God's creation (For God you can substitute whatever term, word or phrase you choose that fits in with your belief system). Seems pretty arrogant to me.

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

It still amazes me, after all this time on Earth, that humans in all their imperfection, still believe they can improve on God's creation (For God you can substitute whatever term, word or phrase you choose that fits in with your belief system). Seems pretty arrogant to me.

Amen to that. Very well said Omega1

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

ORIGINAL: omega1
Very well said!

It still amazes me, after all this time on Earth, that humans in all their imperfection, still believe they can improve on God's creation (For God you can substitute whatever term, word or phrase you choose that fits in with your belief system). Seems pretty arrogant to me.

Yes Omega I have to agree too! I think whatever way works forthe individualis great and its nice that people can pretty much find a way of healing to suit them (as there are so many ways out there) but it doesnt make sense that one energyis better than another as is sometimes claimed, I truly believe it all comes from 'source'

:)with blessings, Reikilight

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Hi everyone,
Speaking as a Takatan "Usui Shiki Ryoho" Reiki Master of 10 years who loves Reiki, I still marvel at how a Japanese namelends so much legitimacy toa Universal gift that has been practiced successfully by thousands of European, Native American, African, and Asianhealers for centuries before any non-Japanese heard the word. I suspect it has to do with Traditional Chinese Medicine and ChiKung healing becoming popularized since Nixon's trip to China (who heard of Reiki before the 1980's?)convergingwith the New Age coming into vogue in the 80's and 90's. I'm not questioning Reiki's effectiveness, but people had to be willing to try it first, right? I imagine its prolific spread through attunements, especially in the 90's with the internet, has given the name "brand" status also.

My great aunts and grandfather (African American, 2nd generation) were wonderful healers: could light a gas stove burner with their bare hands! They did lots of healing, but they kept their giftswithin the family to keep from being branded nonChristian voodoo priestess orwitches practicing black magic or, even worse, superstitious bumpkins! Back then being nonChristian was a great big deal, and being called "pagan" was a public insult. How we love (and love tohate) our names for things! Of course, no one was interested in a Japanese anything until the 70's anyway, because of the stigma of WWII.

Whatever the namesare that lend an "air oflegitimacy" today, it's too bad it isn't just the results on average and learning/adhering to basic universal standards of ethics andpracticethat are the measuring sticks. Then we could stop using Japanese words for things Sensei Usui had nothing to do with and just call it whatever kind of energy healing (Angelic, Devic, Ascended Master, etc),and the consumer could just refer to thehealer's batting average, and pick whichever healer and/ormethod name they feel drawn to.


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

I think Alfred the problem lies with the interpretation of the words surrounding Reiki. Usui Reiki is a specific healing method discovered and developed by Usui-sensei. This method uses energy for healing purposes and for spiritual growth and development. This method has at its core a connection process and a set series of techniques and methods that were developed by Usui-sensei. This is a unique spiritual energy healing method, unique to the founder Usui-sensei.
The fact that there arenow and always have been many ways of channelling and working withenergy for healing purposes does not make Usui Reiki any less unique, nor does it make any of thesemethods Usui Reiki.
I think there should be a clear separation and distinction between Usui Reiki and any other form of energy healing so any potential client will now exactly what they are getting when they go to any energy healer or teacher.
Any one can, and many have deveoped their own way of working with energy, so they are not in effect practising Usui Reiki, so they should say so and not refer to their method as Usui Reiki or in my opinion not refer to their method as Reiki. This will surely reduce any confusion.

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Hi omega1,

We have to remember that things do develop over time. Who can honestly say that they are practicing Reiki in exactly the same way that Usui sensei did? Who actually knows exactly how he practiced it? It's all been passed down through teachings and word of mouth so, of course things will change. If someone buys a Ford Escort and then changes the Exhaust for a sporty exhaust that makes lots of noise, should they no longer call it a Ford Escort? Although lineage is not of that great an importance personally to me, I think that if the lineage goes back to Usui sensei then there is nothing wrong with calling what we do "Reiki". To be more specific and call it Usui Reiki, or Takata Reiki or Jikiden Reiki etc. would be when you are rightto argue that the practice the person is doing should resemble the teachings of the original method, but still we have to remember progression, both through beliefs and personal growth, and allow for that, as long as people are clear that their own methods are a personal adaptation of the original teachings. We all have a personality, and we can't stop that personality from being a part of what we practice.

Of course, if someone in, for example, America swims with Dolphins and claims that they have created or channelled a new system of healing from Dolphins and they call this "Dolphin Reiki" (yes I know there IS a Dolphin Reiki, but I'm just using this as an example, no reflection on the real one) then perhaps we could say that the use of the name "Reiki" in this context is misleading as a) it hasn't originated from Japan and b) it bears no originating resemblance to Reiki that has originated from Japan. Of course, who are we to stop people calling things what they like. 😉

I agree it can be confusing, but with 200 or so healing modalities out there, what can realistically be done about it. If it's healing energy and it works then, whether you believe it comes from the same "source" or not, it is still something that works.

Love and Reiki Hugs

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Who can honestly say that they are practicing Reiki in exactly the same way that Usui sensei did? Who actually knows exactly how he practiced it?

I think this is not really relevant now as there is so much information available to us. We can all practise Usui Reiki in the manner of Usui-sensei if we choose to. It may take a great deal of research and effort to really get to Usui-sensei's teachings, but it is possible.

I think if anyone wants to 'add their mark' to their Reiki teaching, that is fine, but they should say so to their potential students. It is not difficult to say this on their publicity materials.

One thing I am concerned about though, is the potential to exploit vulnerable and needy people through the creation of some variant of Reiki purely as a means of making money. There are many forms of Reiki now, as you say many hundreds and the list grows. How many of these are genuine healing therapies and how many are money making scams?

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

ORIGINAL: omega1
How many of these are genuine healing therapies and how many are money making scams?

And how many plumbers are REALLY plumbers and not just cowboys out to scam people? People like this exist in all walks of life, you can't stop them using the name.

Love and Reiki Hugs

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

ORIGINAL: omega1

I think if anyone wants to 'add their mark' to their Reiki teaching, that is fine, but they should say so to their potential students. It is not difficult to say this on their publicity materials.

It's not difficult, and many do ... they give accounts on their websites as to when and how they have developed their Reiki teaching ... including some very well known names inReiki which I think perhaps I won't list here!

Many 'varieties' of Reiki are self-evident by their very titles ... you could say that Angelic Reiki is one such. Surely no one could see that title and not assume that angels were somehow involved, regardless of one's level of belief in angels.

One thing I am concerned about though, is the potential to exploit vulnerable and needy people through the creation of some variant of Reiki purely as a means of making money.

As Energylz says, you can't stop them ... you (we/one) can only attempt to educate and in some instances rectify.

In between the two extremes perhaps are those teachers who pass on what they have been taught, genuinely and in all innocence, withoutbeing aware of 'add-ons' until they do further research and learning.


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

fact that there are now and always have been many ways of channelling and working with energy for healing purposes does not make Usui Reiki any less unique, nor does it make any of these methods Usui Reiki.

Agreed. This, in fact, was my point. :)Usui Reiki is unique. In almost every other instance (at least outside of Japan), use of the word "Reiki" doesn't even have anything to do with Usui or any kind of Japanese ethos, practice, spiritual identity, etc. So why use a Japanese word when there is no Japanese connection, much less a connection to Usui Reiki? The only connection is that it has it that it is a spiritual lifeforce healing method that can be passed on by attunement, and might or might not have associated symbols (usually not symbols associated with Usui either!)

So why areall these other non-Usui (almost entirely), non-Japanese methods even calledReiki? THAT was the point I was dealing with. Perhaps my previous missive wasn't as clear to anyone else as if felt it was to me when I was writing and reading it: it wouldn't be the first time... 😉


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

We have to remember that things do develop over time. Who can honestly say that they are practicing Reiki in exactly the same way that Usui sensei did? Who actually knows exactly how he practiced it? It's all been passed down through teachings and word of mouth so, of course things will change.

Hi Energylz.

You have made a very good point there. After all when reiki was introduced the west then IMO it was possible that changes were made to suit our westernculture.

IMO Usui was empowered direct from the spiritual source (or call it your own name), whilst others were attuned by physical beings.

IMO reiki is so adaptable by both understanding and growth and that we all have the ability to channel (If you believe in guides and angels use them) any form of reiki simply by asking and having the intent to believe. So you could say that Mikao Usui gave us that ability?

William Lee Rand says "It is a joy to see how wonderfully Reiki is unfolding. As we focus on Reiki and allow it to guide us, we discover greater levels of harmony and balance in how it can express through us. What at first seemed like a conflict is becoming a beautiful integration of complementary styles. This will lead to the possibility of even greater levels of health and well being for ourselves, our clients and the world around us. May we all be allowed to choose ever-increasing peace, freedom and love".

The above quote and many more quotes (Not listed) are all based initially on the Reiki that Usui gave us.

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

So why areall these other non-Usui (almost entirely), non-Japanese methods even calledReiki?

I can't answer for anyone, but to hazard a guess I would say that it is purely a marketing ploy.Reiki is awell known healing system and using the term Reiki gives credibility and lends an air of Eastern philosophy to any such system, regardless of whether it has any connection to Usui Reiki or not.
I personally think it is wrong to call any of these made-up systems Reiki.

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

I can't answer for anyone, but to hazard a guess I would say that it is purely a marketing ploy.Reiki is awell known healing system and using the term Reiki gives credibility and lends an air of Eastern philosophy to any such system, regardless of whether it has any connection to Usui Reiki or not.
I personally think it is wrong to call any of these made-up systems Reiki.

Ah but me thinks the plot doth thicken? [link= ][/link]

Based on a foundation of Reiki, a Japanese traditional folk healing practice given in the late 1800's, Angelic RayKey includes additional information on body/mind/spirit healing, such as physical body energy systems, mental body creative powers, and the importance of ceremony. This additional information gives us more tools than traditional Reiki alone does, yet does not diminish those teachings in any way. Rather Angelic Raykey enhances the ability to move energy through knowledge of those energy patterns and how they are created and maintained.

Different angel, this one Archangel Michael He is is not a death angel.
Unlike Metatron who is the supreme angel of death

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Who the hecky peck is Ray Key?[sm=rollaugh.gif]

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

I dont have any experience of Angelic Reiki. I did meet a guy once who was an "angelic reiki master" which I thought was a funny title for a person. I may have been interested in what he had to say about it for a second until he took out picture of sai baba and tried to give it to me saying "sai will look after ya" nothing would get me moving faster than that!

The only other person I know who is interested in this is obsessed with angels and fairies and accredits everything in his life ( no matter how simple) to the aforesaid beings. He had previously attended a diana cooper angel course so this may have something to do with it.

I must agree with Omegas view that this is another cynical marketing tactic employed to attract vulnerable people to learn this "bigger, better, harder, faster, more powerful, more enlightening" form of reiki.

I know lots of people who learn one type of Reiki after another, looking for solutions to their problems and never finding them. These are usually the same people who do not put what they have learned into practice. They want to learn and have the benefits of what they have learned but generally dont want to put in the effort to work on themselves. I meet so many reiki people who never actually use reiki to heal themselves. I can't believe why they would go to the trouble and expense of learning something, only to never use it. They will usually complain of ailments and then when I ask how they have been getting on with their treatment, they confess that they haven't been treating themselves. This mentality is beyond me.

Anyway, I suppose what I am trying to say is, Reiki is reiki. Once you have learned it, use it, regularly. If one believes in angels, fairies, or otherwise, each to their own, simply ask for their assistance before you do the treatment. There is no need to learn a seperate type of reiki to do this. My view is that there is no substitute for regular self healing, I also feel that more knowledge and insight can be gained through this than you can learn from any course or teacher.


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