Angelic Reiki - How...
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Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

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I was asked this yesterday, at a healing event where Angelic Reiki was on offer alongside 'normal' Reiki.

As a Spiritualist and Reiki practitioner, I truly believe that all healing comes from Source (God) and therefore there IS no difference, no matter what name it is given. I also believe and feel that I am being assisted and guided by Angels, Spirithelpers and Spirit Guides already whilst I am doing any of my therapy/healing work and also in my daily life.

I found it very hard to answer my client's question given my beliefs. Iwaffled something along the lines of: the healing energy istransmittedin a slightly different way (I believe thathealing energy is automatically given and received for the highest good anyway and that whatever the healer or recipient feels or however they react is absolutely right for them).

However, Angelic Reiki, in particular, seems to be becoming popular andIsuspect thatI'm likely to be asked this question more and more.

So if someone could help me with the following I would be very grateful:

What differencecould Angelic attunements make to me?

How different does it feel from the client's point of view?

How different does it feel from the practitioner's point of view?

Love and light,


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

I have searched for angelic reiki on teh web and found this website that may give you the answers you seek: [link= ][/link]

Seems like another way to make money out of peoples vulnerablity to me though. Whatever happenned to Reiki people behaving like Reiki people rather than salespeople?

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

I also looked online earlier today, and the website you have linked to appears to be the one of the founder of Angelic Reiki, which he says he channelled from Archangel Metatron. I then got sidetracked into some other interesting aspects of Reiki, which must be the subject of another thread 😉

What I read about Angelic Reiki reminded me somewhat of IET, on which I started a thread a little over a year ago, and of which I have a very little experience:

[link= ][/link]

IETwas originallychannelled from Angel Ariel. While it might be a case of you pays your money and you takes your chance, angel-wise, might you be being a little harsh perhaps in reference to salespeople?

It certainly felt different from previously experienced Reiki healings, but I have not encountered Angelic Reiki first hand, so cannot draw comparisons.


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

ORIGINAL: Holistic

I also looked online earlier today, and the website you have linked to appears to be the one of the founder of Angelic Reiki, which he says he channelled from Archangel Metatron.

Thanks for the reply and links Omega and Holistic.

It's interesting to see that it has been channelled from Archangel Metatron as I have felt fora long time that Metatron has been working with me, during my healing and psychic work.

The signs were so strong (meditation, Angel card readings, dreams etc.) that I was compelled to do some research into Metatron, but there is very little about him in the Angel books or on the web. What I do know is enough though and I know that he is guiding me.

On the subject of sales people though, rightly or wrongly, I did feel like I was 'selling' a rival product (although it was a free healing clinic) and this made me feela littleuncomfortable. I've heard various comments from fellow Reikipractitioners about how they'd heard that Angelic Reikiisa stronger more powerful energy etc. and that they too would be seeking out attunements in the near future. I feel like Iam in the minority as I don't feel drawn towards this system, yet.

If this is the general consensus, will Usui Reiki become the minority, as I've heard people say that since they've done Angelic Reiki, they've prefered to use it instead of traditional Reiki?

My client was clearly confused by what was on offer as she had had Reiki before and thought that the energy was as pure and powerful as any healing should be, yet here was another system promising to be even more pure and powerful.

Will the selection of a healing modality, in the future,become like choosing washing powder from an supermarket aisle full of similar products, all doing the same thing and all promising to make your clothes even fresher and even whiter?:DI'm just being a bit naughty there!

I'm sorry about all the questions so far, but in a way I'm justplaying devil's advocate to see how others feel as I'm feeling so confused myself.[sm=cool-smiley-013.gif]

EDIT: Quote box sorted! 😉

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

I also looked online earlier today, and the website you have linked to appears to be the one of the founder of Angelic Reiki, which he says he channelled from Archangel Metatron.

Hi All

There is much conflicting information on Metatron; the most interesting one with reference to healing is that

"He is the supreme angel of death to whom God gives daily orders as to the souls to be taken". Works well with healing?

Through all of my contact with the arcangels and ascended masters through trance mediumship, is that you need to be in a trance state to receive any information. If not then you will be receiving information from one of their assistants, not direct from the angel.

The one thing that bothers me is the craze sweeping the healing world to say that their new system is the most powerful there is. I find it strange that any healing module that says it is from this angel or that angel ( Remember that the according to many sources the angels work for god) can possibly be more powerful than any healing system that stems directly from the divine source/universal energy/the creator/God. Yes God. Ignore the religious connotations, just think, that If we except the word god to mean simply the most powerful force in the universe as we know it, how can any other system be more powerful than that.

Don't all jump on me at once, but be honest and as a hypotheses just think that if you were told that you would be attuned to angelic reiki and you were told that Metatron would be with you, also you would then be one of the greatest healer of all times. Would not somepeople actually think thatthey were? And with thinking that would you not also say that your original attunements were meaningless. (Great God Money Perhaps)?
If you also told your client/patients that you had a new system that was better that your old one (Say it ecstatically and with masses of conviction) could they not believe you and agree it was? remember The mind is a wonderful thing.

IMHO No matter what you wish to call it the word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy." Delivered direct through healing guides/angels from God.

Will the selection of a healing modality, in the future,become like choosing washing powder from an supermarket aisle full of similar products, all doing the same thing and all promising to make your clothes even fresher and even whiter?:DI'm just being a bit naughty there!

If that is being naughty then be naughty all the time. SadlyIMO you are so right.

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Hi guys!:)

I am an angelic reiki practitioner and will be going on to train to teach it in the very near future.
I would recommend it to anyone and would certainly advisestandard reiki practioners to take the angelic attunements.

I really feel there is no comparison between the two at all - the energy and vibration of angelic reiki is definately stronger from my point of view. in fact it has taken me some time to adjust to using it - to start with Idid literally feel overwhelmed by the energy passing through me to the client! on the training days i was bouncing around like a tigger after giving and receiving healing - the energy was sopowerful i couldnt keep still!:D

Some main differences between standard and angelic reiki include the fact that you are calling in angels, archangels and ascended masters to conduct the healing through you. You send your feeling body (aura) around the client and then the angel steps in behind you, merging the three of you for the healing transfer. Ther hgealer therefore receives healing at the same time as the healee,which is rather cool!You can call upon specific angels or masters to help with their particular areas of expertise or open it up to any beings of 100 percent pure light who would like to help out with this persons healing. You can ask for help from galactic healers if appropriate (healers throughout the universe - there are some starnmge looking guys out there i can tell you, but they do good work!) and likewise they can call upon you, and you can take the healing outside of time and space in order to heal throughout the current incarnation (past, present, future) and past lives too. Another main difference is in the fact that the reiki symbols do not have to be memorised or called upon... they are instead planted in your aura through the attunement and activated automatically when they are required. The healing is channeled through you by the angels and they ensure that the healing recieved is exactly what the client needs at that time. If the clent has given you an illness or area to focus on you can open a third eye beam to send additional energy to that area during the session.

It is fantastic, totally resonates with me (whereas I never really felt attuned to standard reiki)... so much so that i do plan (hopefully!) to start doing workshops and retreats from the end of summer. I love it - and highly recommend you give it a go if the chance arises! The whole process of attunement is so beneficial, but when we did the karma cutting at the very start to ensure 100 percent light for attunement I just felt like a huge weight had lifted from my body, my mind and my life!

I really think we are drawn to angelic reiki. Archangel Matatron made a grand entrance into my life at the start of this year through savier on this forum and he continued to work with me from then on. I have to say I had never heard of him before this! Walking with hails one day in march i tripped over my dog and into a shop window - with a sign for angelic reiki attunement right in front of me!!!! 2 weeks later we were both attuned!!! Some things are just meant to be!

If anyone is interested in experiencing a session of angelic reiki and they are local to honiton (devon) do pm for further details!

Much love XXX

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

ps healistic - i understand what you are saying about all healing coming from the source, but thisdoes seem to have a real kick to it! the healer is a channelfor the angelic vibration and therefore mostly just holds the space rather than actively directing the healing - perhaps thats what it is? no room forhuman error?i dont know- but if you get the chance please do try this. see for yourself!!! I have trained in reiki, spiritual healing and now this - i was wowed!


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

I find this quite interesting... last year, a friend and I were informed that our healing energies were moving 'up' a level into rainbowor angelicenergies. We certainly felt a difference and had to work hard to make sure we did the practical work on ourselves to support the development. The thing is... reading Serendipity's description of the differences between angelic and traditional reiki and comparing that to my experience, I think I already practice angelic reiki... and I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one. 😉

Some main differences between standard and angelic reiki include the fact that you are calling in angels, archangels and ascended masters to conduct the healing through you.

Check. Quite a few reiki people call on the ascended masters and my friend and I have called in our angels when it feels right to do so.

You send your feeling body (aura) around the client and then the angel steps in behind you, merging the three of you for the healing transfer. The healer therefore receives healing at the same time as the healee,which is rather cool!

Check. I always understood that *any* reiki treatment gave the healer a treatment at the same time... Your aura can't help but merge with the patient, otherwise how would you receive intuitive information or treat the auric levels? Angel or spirit healer... I've often worked with them 'behind', blended with my energy. In fact, I feel berefit if they're not there for any reason. 😀

Not too sure about calling on specific angels/beings... but since I quite often feel prompted to acknowledge 'Blessed Beings', then I guess they have already made their presence

and you can take the healing outside of time and space in order to heal throughout the current incarnation (past, present, future) and past lives too. Another main difference is in the fact that the reiki symbols do not have to be memorised or called upon... they are instead planted in your aura through the attunement and activated automatically when they are required. The healing is channeled through you by the angels and they ensure that the healing recieved is exactly what the client needs at that time.

Interesting about the 'beyond time and space' bit... I suspect reiki healers can do that already, if they put their mind to it. 😉 Interesting, too, about the symbols... would certainly save a lot of memorising worries! But I do perceive that the healing given is exactly what the client needs at that time... otherwise, why rely on intuition and reiki itself to know what is best, as is already taught?

I'm not meaning to dig at this new system or at you, Serendipity... you're obviously excited about this new way forward and it's good for you! I just suspect that many reiki healers already do this or are capable of perhaps a meditation with their healing guides and angels would reveal angelic reiki energies already in place... 😀


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

I'm sorry but this just sounds like another made-up system to exploit needy people.
Come on, galactic healers? Archangel Metatron? If you find this more effective than Usui Reiki then you can't have been attuned properly.
How are we going to be taken seriously as therapists by any medical proffessionals when we believe this kind of stuff?

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Thankyou for that Omega 1 -highly constructive!!!!;)

Yes moonfeather, i think you are right. many healers will already be doing this and most likely naturally tapping into the angelic healing... like you.I resonated with it straight away because it was what I already felt, believed, used. I found standard reiki so limiting - this opened up my skies as it were!!!:)

It will never be for everyone - and thank goodness for that!!!
But I thoroughly recommend giving it a go![sm=hug.gif]


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

You're welcome. I have found in the course of my work that truth does not sell nearly as widely as does fantasy. I have often thought about the reasons for this, maybe it is because truth though simple, requires effort, whereas fantasy gives easy answers without the need for any effort. Maybe people don't like to have to think for themselves, or even question themselves. Maybeto be given the answers is easier than working them out, but are the answers real?
Do people ever think about the answers they sell and where they come from? Do they ever think about the answers they sell and what they mean to their soul path and the soul path of those they exploit, either knowingly or unwittingly?

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

With love and respect Omega (having read many of your posts) you and I are on very different wave lengths!!! We would clearly not attract the same clients. I come at life love and healing from a very esoteric angle, but I am very respectful of the fact that othersapproach with varying religious or other backgrounds and truths. This does not take away from what they do in my book. We are all lightworkers finding our own ways to help others with their lives and healing, in whatever way works for us.:)

My beliefs and truth are very much incorporated within and demonstrated by angelic reiki. Yours might not be. We are all different. I would appreciate it if you would respect my view of healing as i respect yours, whether it is for you or not! You go your way and I'll go mine![sm=wave.gif][sm=love-smiley-009.gif]

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Hi All

ps healistic - i understand what you are saying about all healing coming from the source, but thisdoes seem to have a real kick to it! the healer is a channelfor the angelic vibration and therefore mostly just holds the space rather than actively directing the healing - perhaps thats what it is? no room forhuman error?i dont know- but if you get the chance please do try this. see for yourself!!! I have trained in reiki, spiritual healing and now this - i was wowed!

Yes IMO all healers are but a channel and all of us should only be holding the space so to speak. IMO human error should not come into healing, that would only give the impression that the healer alone was healing?

I to am also a spiritualist Healer, Trance Healer, reiki master in Usui and also a divine reiki master. I run a closed healing circle and the information I have received from the ascended masters is that healing is delivered by a healing guide/angel and are at the same level. It is only when the ascended master/archangel takes over the healer that the vibrations are more powerful. Also I have been told that the healer would not be able to withstand the most powerful vibrations. (Hence Trance)

I have never felt that I was healing by myself and directing the healing. Having channelled trance healing, I have to be completely honest and possible contradict myself and say, that those that I have had healing whilst I was in trance have said that they found the experience totally different and more powerful than to anything else they have received.

ORIGINAL: omega1

I'm sorry but this just sounds like another made-up system to exploit needy people.
Come on, galactic healers? Archangel Metatron? If you find this more effective than Usui Reiki then you can't have been attuned properly.
How are we going to be taken seriously as therapists by any medical proffessionals when we believe this kind of stuff?

I do believe that it is easy to make up a new system. I am possibly at fault myself in this as during a closed circle one day I was given the information that all healing was divine and that Mikao Usui received his empowerment direct from the divine source and that we could also do the same, so I thought ok, if that is the case then lets try it and call it divine reiki. Yes it worked but during the empowermentI wastold "Why do you do this my children you already have within you and around you all the power and energy you will ever need, have faith my children do not be led by others, trust in me for am I not the source of all power" Now I just heal with the total assurance that what is needed will be done, if possible. I am very happy with that, as are all my students. I do not therefore now believe that there is anything more powerful irrespective of what it is called, that is more powerful than Gods (for what is a name) own healing which is the source of all healing. Understanding, trust, belief and most importantly LOVE FOR OUR FELLOW MAN WOMAN AND CHILD AND ALL LIVING THINGS ON THE FACE OF GODS EARTH.

As for finding this more effective than true Usui Reiki then I have to agree with thestatement that you can't have been attuned properly.(No I do not mean anyone specific)Or maybewe have it all wrong and the words should be "Maybe you need to be empowered as Usui was rather than attuned"?

EDITED 2nd quote box, for clarity re member quoted.

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

I'm not meaning to dig at this new system or at you, Serendipity... you're obviously excited about this new way forward and it's good for you! I just suspect that many reiki healers already do this or are capable of perhaps a meditation with their healing guides and angels would reveal angelic reiki energies already in place...

Woopee Moonfeather.

What an excellent quote. Capability and belief is a key, try expanding the depth of your field when meditating and you will be doing what Usui did.

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

My beliefs and truth are very much incorporated within and demonstrated by angelic reiki. Yours might not be. We are all different. I would appreciate it if you would respect my view of healing as i respect yours, whether it is for you or not! You go your way and I'll go mine!

I respect anyone who comes into healing from a base of pure love. Their methodsand beliefs may be different from mine but I trust in the power of gods love. Angels, guides, asscended masters, light rays and violet fame etc. Whats in a name? For me the real truth is the intention that counts, to offer healing to those in need.

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

I am also an angelic Reiki practitioner, also attuned to traditional Reiki 1.

I found the energies of the angelic reiki much more powerful than the traditional.

Another difference between angelic, and traditional reiki is that you only have one position to use.
I find angelic reiki much more adaptable, as I hate being restrained to what I can and can't do.

I'm not sure about the traditional reiki, but with the angelic reiki the healing carries on working for 28 days.

I'm sorry but this just sounds like another made-up system to exploit needy people.
Come on, galactic healers? Archangel Metatron? If you find this more effective than Usui Reiki then you can't have been attuned properly.
How are we going to be taken seriously as therapists by any medical proffessionals when we believe this kind of stuff?

With all due respect omega, I don't need to, nor am I looking to be proven by medical professionals.
You have your personal beliefs, and that is fine. Mine clearly differ. I do not intend to exploit needy people.

I respect your way, and your beliefs. I would ask that you resect mine in return.

You have to find whatever way works best for you. And I really love using angelic reiki. I really resonate with the energy.

Have you ever had an angelic reiki session omega ? If not perhaps you should give it a go. I'm not saying that it works for everybody, but I was stunned by it.



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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

* With moderator's hat on *

omega1, several members have now posted asking you to please respect their opinions, practices and points of view, even if they differ from your own.

I would therefore endorse those requests with a reminder that the forum guidelines do make references to not allowing derogatory statements and negative attitudes. You will find them here, in the section headed Language:

[link= ][/link]

and I would respectfullysuggest that you might usefully make time to re-read them.


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Perhaps we need to get back to the point here!!

Calmer set up this thread to ask about angelic reiki.

I responded as someone who knows angelic reiki from direct experience.

Iwas not suggesting everyone abandon traditional reiki to attune to the angelic,as discussed many already use its principles.

I am however suggesting those who are interested try it!!! I certainly found a home in angelic reiki... as hails said largely due to the lack of restriction and my own affinity with the angelic realms.

we all have to find our own way with things and i feel angelic reiki has much to offer many healers... though not by any means all!

Thankyou for the reminder Holistic[sm=hug.gif]

Hello Hails![sm=hug.gif]

Much love, light and angel rays to all XXX[sm=hug.gif]


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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

I am also an angelic Reiki practitioner, also attuned to traditional Reiki 1.
I found the energies of the angelic reiki much more powerful than the traditional.

If I have interpreted what you say correctly then how can you say that after only being attuned to reiki 1?

With all due respect omega, I don't need to, nor am I looking to be proven by medical professionals.
You have your personal beliefs, and that is fine. Mine clearly differ. I do not intend to exploit needy people.

My problem is that you should be looking towards the medical profession, as healers one of our responsibilities is to ensure that healing is acceptable by mainstream medicine. This should have been part of your Codes of Conduct and Ethics. I have to agree with one point from omega1 which is yes we do need to be taken seriously as therapists by the medical profession.

Somerset Angel
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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

To all
I think we are drawn to the type of healing we need or are able to give weather it be Reiki spiritual or any other forms. We are all healers and our healees find a path to our door. Reiki angel and I went to the bristol cancer center the other week to the NFSH agm. We had a great day we were the only healers who were only reiki attuned. We had wonderful exchanges and respect form all the healers there. We learnt from them and they from us. If something is right we will feel uplifted by it . I say if you are drawn to Angelic reiki then it is right for you.

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

My problem is that you should be looking towards the medical profession, as healers one of our responsibilities is to ensure that healing is acceptable by mainstream medicine. This should have been part of your Codes of Conduct and Ethics. I have to agree with one point from omega1 which is yes we do need to be taken seriously as therapists by the medical profession.

What I am trying to get across here is that I am not looking at things from a scientific angle.
I guess what I am saying is that I don't need my beliefs proven by scientists. My beliefs are built on being true to myself, and my beliefs are personal. Although I prob haven't put it across that well.
Angelic reiki def works for me. Surely it's the intention that counts, regardless of your belief. It isn't for eveyone, and I accept that we are all different. It's about finding your own path.


Hails xxx

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

I have to agree somewhat with Healistic and omega1.

Reading some of the posts above we have comments stating that people believe Angelic Reiki to be "more powerful" and that those who don't do Angelic Reiki are doing "standard Reiki". This seems, to me, to smack of some level of ego (and that's not directed at anyone personally). Whilst we all experience reiki in different ways and some forms of reikiresonate with some individuals more than others, there is no way that anyone can measurably state that their form of reiki is "more powerful" than another. Saying that others are doing "standard Reiki" is very down-putting of those other people and just not very polite IMHO.

Whilst people are perfectly entitled to believe in whatever they want, whether that is Angels, God etc. etc. they should also bear in mind that, at least here in the UK, getting Reiki accepted in the public eye and in the professional sectors is an ongoing task that requires some diplomacy so that it doesn't just look like we're all off our rockers. Angela Buxton-King has made great headway in getting Reiki into the NHS, so that people really can benefit from Reiki where it's needed, however if she'd gone along and started harping on about Reiki coming from God, or being channels by Angels or spirits etc. then she would have been shown the door very swiftly.

By all means, believe in your own beliefs, after allwe all do, and don't be disparaging of others beliefs but, and I think that this is the point omega1 was trying to make,bear in mind the way that you are expressing those beliefs in the public eye, sometimes as if they are proven fact,and how it could possibly limit the ability for Reiki of all sorts to be shared with those who need it i.e. those in the professional establishments such as hospitals.

Enjoy your Reiki, whatever form it takes. 😉

Love and Reiki Hugs

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

To all
I think we are drawn to the type of healing we need or are able to give weather it be Reiki spiritual or any other forms. We are all healers and our healees find a path to our door. Reiki angel and I went to the bristol cancer center the other week to the NFSH agm. We had a great day we were the only healers who were only reiki attuned. We had wonderful exchanges and respect form all the healers there. We learnt from them and they from us. If something is right we will feel uplifted by it . I say if you are drawn to Angelic reiki then it is right for you.

Nicely put Somerset angel. I agree whole heartedly with this statement.


Hails xxx

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?


Yes moonfeather, i think you are right. many healers will already be doing this and most likely naturally tapping into the angelic healing... like you.I resonated with it straight away because it was what I already felt, believed, used. I found standard reiki so limiting - this opened up my skies as it were!!!:)

[sm=offtopic.gif]I have to ask the questions becausethey beg to be asked.

Why did you find standard reiki so limiting?

And what do you mean by standard?

Edit: to add author of quote, for clarity.

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

Hi Healistic. I was always tought that reiki had to be conducted in a certain form, and that there was no room for intuition, or individuality. I am begining to think however that my practioner was not the best, and that I was indeed just given some form of healing.

have never felt that I was healing by myself and directing the healing. Having channelled trance healing, I have to be completely honest and possible contradict myself and say, that those that I have had healing whilst I was in trance have said that they found the experience totally different and more powerful than to anything else they have received.

I find this a really interesting concept healistic. Perhaps it is the state of mind that has the power rather than the energys having any difference. After all, we must be tapping into simmilar, or the same energies. It all comes from the universe.
On preparing myself for healing I open up as a channel, as do we all. I then put myself into a medatative state. So I guess it is trance like.

I appologise Energylz if I have offended you or anyone else. I didn't mean to put you or anyone else down, or indeed your beliefs. I was just stating that I felt a different energy when being attuned to angelic reiki. Perhaps it's because I was more receptive this time. [sm=grouphug.gif]

Apologies to Calmer. I have gone [sm=offtopic.gif]

As long as what we do or believe is for the highest good, and to achieve the best healing possible for the client, then beliefs shouldn't matter.

Blessings and reiki hugs to all. [sm=hug.gif]

Hails xxx

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

ORIGINAL: Hails~Angel
Hi Healistic. I was always tought that reiki had to be conducted in a certain form, and that there was no room for intuition, or individuality. I am begining to think however that my practioner was not the best, and that I was indeed just given some form of healing.

Hmmm, doesn't sound like the best teaching in the world IMHO. Reiki is a path of self development so, of course, intuition and individuality come into it. Anyone who teaches that Reiki must be done like this and no other way, is likely to be demanding control for their own ego.

I appologise Energylz if I have offended you or anyone else. I didn't mean to put you or anyone else down, or indeed your beliefs.

No need to apologise, I'm not easily offended. I was merely highlighting that we need to be careful how we convey our beliefs in the written word on a forum as it can be easily interpreted differently from the initial intention.

Love and Reiki Hugs

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

as i am soon to be banned, can i pose a question?

As a Reiki teacher I come across students from other teachers. some of these students have been taught improper practices, the main one i find most disturbing is when female students are taught that they need to take their tops and bras off to receive attunements.
As a responsible Reiki teacher i tell them this is incorrect. In these instances, i am not respecting the views or opinions of their Reiki teachers.
Where do you all stand on this issue of respecting others opinions? would you respect these opinions as 'their truth' or would you tell the students they are wrong?
Where do you draw the line between respecting other's opinions and letting someone know when something is false or untrue?

if people cannot accept any questioning of their opinions, how strongly can they believe in the things they say?
i am happy to be questioned, as i think that is a good way to learn. pity this forum does not allow that.

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

as i am soon to be banned, can i pose a question?

As a Reiki teacher I come across students from other teachers. some of these students have been taught improper practices, the main one i find most disturbing is when female students are taught that they need to take their tops and bras off to receive attunements.
As a responsible Reiki teacher i tell them this is incorrect. In these instances, i am not respecting the views or opinions of their Reiki teachers.
Where do you all stand on this issue of respecting others opinions? would you respect these opinions as 'their truth' or would you tell the students they are wrong?
Where do you draw the line between respecting other's opinions and letting someone know when something is false or untrue?

The answer to that one is Yes of course you would tell the student that they were wrong. We all know we should if we admitt it without burying our heads in the sand.

if people cannot accept any questioning of their opinions, how strongly can they believe in the things they say?
i am happy to be questioned, as i think that is a good way to learn. pity this forum does not allow that.

So am I. We learn all our life, as I have said before on HP "Show me someone who says they know it all and I will show you a liar" HP forum should allow this, with of course the proviso that we do not use bad language or carry out personal attacks. For gods sake if anyone thinks that what is on HP is bad then I suggest they consider the real persecutions that have been with us in previous times and are still with us. After all omega you haven't burned anyone on a stake yet. Or have You?

Banned. I Hardly think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

ORIGINAL: serendipity

Hi guys!:)

I am an angelic reiki practitioner and will be going on to train to teach it in the very near future.
I would recommend it to anyone and would certainly advisestandard reiki practioners to take the angelic attunements.

I really feel there is no comparison between the two at all - the energy and vibration of angelic reiki is definately stronger from my point of view. in fact it has taken me some time to adjust to using it - to start with Idid literally feel overwhelmed by the energy passing through me to the client! on the training days i was bouncing around like a tigger after giving and receiving healing - the energy was sopowerful i couldnt keep still!:D

Some main differences between standard and angelic reiki include the fact that you are calling in angels, archangels and ascended masters to conduct the healing through you. You send your feeling body (aura) around the client and then the angel steps in behind you, merging the three of you for the healing transfer. Ther hgealer therefore receives healing at the same time as the healee,which is rather cool!You can call upon specific angels or masters to help with their particular areas of expertise or open it up to any beings of 100 percent pure light who would like to help out with this persons healing. You can ask for help from galactic healers if appropriate (healers throughout the universe - there are some starnmge looking guys out there i can tell you, but they do good work!) and likewise they can call upon you, and you can take the healing outside of time and space in order to heal throughout the current incarnation (past, present, future) and past lives too. Another main difference is in the fact that the reiki symbols do not have to be memorised or called upon... they are instead planted in your aura through the attunement and activated automatically when they are required. The healing is channeled through you by the angels and they ensure that the healing recieved is exactly what the client needs at that time. If the clent has given you an illness or area to focus on you can open a third eye beam to send additional energy to that area during the session.

It is fantastic, totally resonates with me (whereas I never really felt attuned to standard reiki)... so much so that i do plan (hopefully!) to start doing workshops and retreats from the end of summer. I love it - and highly recommend you give it a go if the chance arises! The whole process of attunement is so beneficial, but when we did the karma cutting at the very start to ensure 100 percent light for attunement I just felt like a huge weight had lifted from my body, my mind and my life!

I really think we are drawn to angelic reiki. Archangel Matatron made a grand entrance into my life at the start of this year through savier on this forum and he continued to work with me from then on. I have to say I had never heard of him before this! Walking with hails one day in march i tripped over my dog and into a shop window - with a sign for angelic reiki attunement right in front of me!!!! 2 weeks later we were both attuned!!! Some things are just meant to be!

If anyone is interested in experiencing a session of angelic reiki and they are local to honiton (devon) do pm for further details!

Much love XXX

Hi there,

I have to say that this system does sound just like Usui Reiki to me. With Usui Reiki you can heal through time, you too receive healing as you channel it to others, you can call on whom ever you wish (although I do not at this point) to assist the treatment.

Usui Reiki is as strong as you want it or need it to be and I dont believe one system is any stronger than another as I believe that all healing comes from the same place, whatever the system.

I do however believe that you are drawn to what it is that you need at any given time and as you have hinted to your character through other posts,Serendipity I believe that th

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RE: Angelic Reiki - How is it different?

ORIGINAL: Healistic
My problem is that you should be looking towards the medical profession, as healers one of our responsibilities is to ensure that healing is acceptable by mainstream medicine. This should have been part of your Codes of Conduct and Ethics. I have to agree with one point from omega1 which is yes we do need to be taken seriously as therapists by the medical profession.

I have to just add that not every one is signed up to codes and ethics of others, some will have their own codes and ethics and those may or may not include the medical profession.

There is no written law that healershave a responsibility toensure healing is accepted by mainstream medicine. Some healers will be happy just to heal those who come to them and if thats thecase then who is to argue? One 'mans' journey doesnt have to be anothers.

with blessings, Reikilight

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