Hi peeps,question to ask,..when i was doing my reflexology we used to use surgical spirit,and for the course we were allowed to use this,but then we were told that it was not allowed and after the course we had to use hibitane,this i have found really hard to get hold of,any one know of a supplier that stocks it,or have you heard that s s cant be used?.i have tried some inpregnated wipes but thay are not big enough and i like the size of nappy wipes but they dont do any kind of cleanser in that size wipe! any ideas please.xxx;)
hi rayne,
who is "they" that are telling you what to use after the course? :confused:
during a course, you should use what they recommend, or actually, what they provide would be more in order... but after... its up to you!
i learnt using witch hazel and /or surgical spirit and i still use surgical spirit now. i have used wipes but they are not really cost efficient.
have they given you the reason why?
we used wipes which were anti-bacterial, etc, got them from the first aid bit in Boots.
Now I use steamed mitts.
But otherwise I use tea tree wipes, or witchhazel with cotton pads.
hi rayne1958
if you put a search on the web for hibitane you find some really intreasting safety data on it. just reading about it, l would advise not to use the stuff even if you find a place that stocks it.
black cat
ss v hibitane
hi sorry should have said ,tutor at college said that health therapies,those that decide the rules for what to use in training and treatment at college,presumably the big wigs,(because it makes the skin hard,also around the corns).we had the choice of using either,i didnt have a problem with either one nor did my clients say any thing,have to read up on hibitane thanks for that i'll look.i did use baby wipes home practice and they were a good size but but could find any that were cleansing in that size.so i am still using cooton wool and ss at the mo,i may well keep it up too,the only prob i had on 1 occasion was when i got ss in a sore and it stung.i will take on board what you have all said and thank you for the tips.if you hear of any thing of the like can you post it.love rayne x
If you like the idea of using wipes, try antibacterial toddler wipes. You will find them with the nappies etc - I know Sainsbury's do their own brand ('cos that is what I have been using), I think Wilkinsons and Superdrug do too. I have just ordered some Tea Tree Oil in a spray that I was going to try with cotton wool pads, I will let you know how I get on with that, but I do like the idea of using Steamed Mitts - must be very relaxing at the beginning of a treatment!!
Is there any particular reason for using either surgical spirit, hibitane, or even antiseptic wipes?
At the risk of banging on....is what "they" say based on research or is it just someones preference that they are foisting onto students. What is the rational for using anything antiseptic or antibacterial?
It has been proved that washing down beds and lockers with plain soap and water reduced just as many germs as any antiseptic/bacterial in a hospital environment and it is considered that using hibitane etc has contributed to the proliferation of "superbugs" (that and overuse of antibiotics)
If a client has problems with the skin on their feet would you do them anyway? I mean you wouldn't do someone with athletes foot.
It's not as if anyone rubs a clients body down with surgical spirit or hibitane prior to a massage so why do it to their feet?
Yes, give them a freshen up with something but why does it have to be antiseptic based?
Just a thought.
Is there any particular reason for using either surgical spirit, hibitane, or even antiseptic wipes?
At the risk of banging on....is what "they" say based on research or is it just someones preference that they are foisting onto students. What is the rational for using anything antiseptic or antibacterial?
It has been proved that washing down beds and lockers with plain soap and water reduced just as many germs as any antiseptic/bacterial in a hospital environment and it is considered that using hibitane etc has contributed to the proliferation of "superbugs" (that and overuse of antibiotics)
If a client has problems with the skin on their feet would you do them anyway? I mean you wouldn't do someone with athletes foot.
It's not as if anyone rubs a clients body down with surgical spirit or hibitane prior to a massage so why do it to their feet?
Yes, give them a freshen up with something but why does it have to be antiseptic based?
Just a thought.
ss v hib
Hi patuli,good point,i suppose a freshen up of the the feet would be fine to start with and probably nice.then its only be me thats has to cleanse my hands before the next client.I think that its in the health guide lines of the college that good health and hygiene be adapted and using these products and reiterating there uses covers them,as all students are insured and in the small print it says that adequate hygene precautions must be made for the reduction of cross contamination.litigation and all that.all worth a consideration and atry. love rayne xthanks for your thoughts.
sorry patouli spelt it wrong.xxxxxxxx
sorry patchouli spelt your name wrong! and its one of my fav oils.xxx
hi 5 star,how big are the toddler wipes xxx
Hi patuli,good point,i suppose a freshen up of the the feet would be fine to start with and probably nice.then its only be me thats has to cleanse my hands before the next client.I think that its in the health guide lines of the college that good health and hygiene be adapted and using these products and reiterating there uses covers them,as all students are insured and in the small print it says that adequate hygene precautions must be made for the reduction of cross contamination.litigation and all that.all worth a consideration and atry. love rayne xthanks for your thoughts.
But my point is why is it in the guidelines, why is that considered good practice, what do the college base their "health guidelines" on?
What is "adequite hygiene precautions". Isn't giving the hands a good wash between clients enough to stop cross contamination?.
Considering these are chemicals that we are introducing into our clients care, is that a good thing? What of the client who has any sensitivity to these products? What about litigation then?
I still ask...are the colleges recommendations based on hard evidence backed by research or just some tutors little foible?
Just to make you think, not getting at anyone but why oh why do we do some of these things?
I would refuse anyone who wanted to put anything like surgical spirit (!?!) or hibitane on my feet! Why on earth would anyone want to?:confused:
I only use organic natural products on myself and clients. If there is a need I use plain water and cotton wool for cleansing. Killing all the bacteria, both good and bad, is not conducive to good health.
I am a nurse and we used to have to use hibiscrub which contains hibitane. Its use was discontinued (quite a long time ago) as it was found that it was not effective at cleansing!! It kills the good bacteria as well leaving us with no resistance to infection. That is the trouble, people have become obsessed with cleanliness to the detriment of all.
I agree that it is sometimes good to freshen up the feet, especially in hot weather, but is it really necessary to wash everyones feet? In my experience, most people wash their feet themselves before a treatment.:)
Hi ya all
I clean my clients feet in a footbath and rubbing them with fresh lemons or limes. The used fruit then goes into the compost. Easy, cheap, cleasning, and more ecological!
ooooh Dave,
what a good idea, except if they have any cuts! ouch!
a few drops of tea tree oil in plain warm water is good, or put a dilution of tea tree in a water sprayer bottle.
tea tree is a natural and powerful antiseptic, antibacterial.
Most of my case studies enjoyed having the surgical spirit on their feet, not sure why but I always had comments of "Ohh, whats that? That feels nice"
I like the tea tree oil in a water spray bottle daisychain, thats what I think I'll use when my SS has run out.
ss v hibitane
hi and thanks for the feed back,i too wonder now why do they say that you have to use ss or hibitane in college,?even on massage course we had to clean with antiseptic wipes,and i really didnt like them at all.i do like the tea tree spray idea,as tt has antiseptic properties ,so i think that i will try that and see what my clients think.x