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Skin peeling off my feet

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Hiya [sm=wave.gif]

As ever I am after advice, explanition, reassurance:eek:

The skin is peeling off the bottom of both my feet, and it is rather worrying, and I dont think it is entirely normal[:o]
I was just wondering if anyone could tell me why it is happening???? and what can I do to stop it?

Thanks in advance:)

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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

Hi Donna, there is nothing you can do to stop it once it has started - just let it finish.

The only reason that I can think of is that you might have ingested too much vitamin A - either in tablet form or by eating a large quantity of Liver. Too much Vitamin A causes the skin to slough off, particularly on the feet.

Oh! I've just thought - you haven't been on holiday and got the soles of your feet sunburnt have you? Or spent a long time walking about without shoes on - or the wrong sort of shoes that have caused your skin to rub off.

These are just ramblings on my part and I look forward to more learned responses by others.

However, if you are really worried about this, please consider going and seeing your Doctor.

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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

my daughter did part of the D of E award in march, in the brecon beacons, 2 days of walking about 15 kms with big packs and very extreme weather... wet, cold, wading through water etc.

the skin came off her feet over the next few weeks and we let it and just put a pedicure moisturising lotion on at night.

she has just done the last part, 4 days on dartmoor walking 20kms a day but the weather was much drier, and it hasnt started to come off, so hopefully it wont!

i can definitely say it was nothing to do with liver... she will have nothing to do with it!

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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

Dear Donna,
If this is severe, you may have psoriasis. This is a condition whereby the skin renews itself more quickly than it should - every seven days approx., instead of once a month. If you have that (as one of my clients does), it is hard to cure since it is not fungal. Wearing open shoes and natural fibres is the best advice. But it could be something very different - hard to diagnose on the net!

Good luck,

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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

Thank you all for taking the time to reply.

A special thank you to Rosie:D It all becomes clear now[sm=idea.gif]
I walk many miles each day taking my son to school, and then my daughter to nursery in the afternoon, and last week I remember my feet got wet through on several occasions, and that is obviously why my skin is peeling off[&:]

Thank you for all the info:D

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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

Just another thought - do they tingle at all or have little round spots from which the peeling starts?

if so could be a fingal infection ( not , but like , athletes foot) - a chiropodist could confirm

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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

Thanks for all the replies folks:D

Just wanted to let you know its still happening[&:]

All the skin peeled off my feet, and then it was all ok, and then a few days later I noticed they had started to peel again! It dosnt hurt, its not itchy or uncomfortable......just odd![8D] I feel a bit silly going to the Drs to tell him my feet are peeling when it isnt causing me any great hardship:eek:
Anyone else have any other ideas?

On the filp side, The skin on the bottom of my feet is lovley and soft:D

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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

Thats what I like about you Donna!!

There is always a flipside;)

Keep it up[sm=1kis.gif]


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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

Hiya Donna, it could be athlete's foot or a similar infection. If you have a good local pharmacist you could ask them to take a look in the first instance if you're worried about wasting your GP's time.

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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

Hay Tx, its all part of the positive thinking me! looking for the good in everything:D

AtOne, I was thinking along the lines of athletes foot, but I havnt had any of the usual symptoms associated with this condition, no split skin between the toes, no itching, and its not uncomfortable or catching (no one else in the house is experiencing it) so I was just wondering if it had happened to anyone else????? Its been benefical really, because I had a large build up of hard skin on my heels which was looking really unsightly, but since all the skin started to peel off its all gone and my feet look lovely!:D
oh well, you have to take the rough with the smooth[sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif]

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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

Hi Hopefull,

I assure you that it does happen to other people, only this afternoon I had a client in whos left foot was peeling, not the right.

I seem to come across this peeling of the feet fairly regularly with clients but as I massage by candlelight it is difficult to give a good inspection of the area concerned. I sometimes think it may be associated with a fungal disorder and ask the client if they are aware of any problem with their feet (obviously to draw their attention to it) quite a few clients have said they have had the problem for quite a while but don't bother to have it checked as it is forgotton about until they remove their socks at the end of the day.

Its not usual for the feet to peel so I think a few minutes with your GP may be in order which hopefully will lead to a treatment and speedy end to this flakey dilemma.


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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

OMG[:o] could it really be fungal?

I will make an appointment next week!

I just thought it was too trivial to take to the Drs!
Fungal or not, am just lovin my soft souls:D

Thanks for tanking the time to reply guys[sm=hug.gif]

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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

hi donna,

further up i mentioned my daughters feet and wet walking boots. she did the 2nd walk of the D of E and her feet didnt get as wet and seemed fine... until a few weeks back.

we have just been away (to thailand) and her feet have been shedding all the time we were away.

bearing in mind that she was giving them lots of tlc in the sense of sunscreen and aftersun + the fact she had sandals on most of the time so lots of airing... i dunno! it doesnt hurt, itch or anything else, no discomfort etc, but i'd describe it as shedding rather than peeling as large bits come away.

at this point i am not concernec, because it did settle down last time... until her next walking... so i'll give it awhile to see if it settles.

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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

Hiya Rosie[sm=wave.gif]

Shedding is a better word to describe it;)

If your not worried, then Im not worried:D

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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

My feet peel, but generally when I've had an infection that causes the skin to shed, like a snake!

On the other hand I get bubles on my feet that then do get stripped off. However, the unusual thing at the moment that it always used to be my right foot (to do with things in the past) that had the infection (not fungal) then had the peeling.

Presently, this is on my left foot (to do with what is happening in my life now) and the peeling starts in the area to do with Doing or activity and most definitley on my left heel to do with job, family or security.

I'm wanting to give up my job and start doing my complementary therapies full time, but for one reason or another things keep stopping me from doing it. My husband might be being made redundant, so that affects not only his security but mine and the boys.

So, you might not have a fungal infection but are getting irritated at something that's showing up in your feet.

Sounds mad but if you've not got athletes foot or had Cellulitis or eczema. What's going on in your life that's trying to say, hey you wanted to do this or you're feeling like.... what you're wanting to say is.....

Does it make any sense what I've put? sounds weird!

all the best


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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

Cath, It dosnt sound odd at all!

My other half quit his job recently, and it was because of his job that I have been able to stay at home and look after the children. Dont get me wrong, it dosnt mean we are well off, it just means he earns enough for us to manage, if I worked, we would be well off.
Its not till reading your post that my skin shedding problem became obvious when I was aware of his intentions to quit.
Fortunatly he has walked into a job that will allow me to carry on staying at home with the children, and the shedding has far[&:] I do think it is all related.

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peeling feet

My mom also has peeling feet. Most of the time it is just her left foot. She is bed bound for the most part and has not always had this. Just in the last few months.:(:( I put lotion on her feet everyday and seems to help. After the peeling is done her feet are pink and soft, but within a few days to a week it starts all over again. She says they really don't itch much except sometimes on the inner part of her arch. She is not able to go to the doctor and is on hospice. The nurse has seen it as well but really don't have any answers. Some of the flakes that come loose are really large! I was just wondering if anybody else would have suggestions on what else I could try. :confused: thanks

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I have also had several occassions of my feet peeling. Recently i completed my D of E Gold hike and having my feet soaked in water for basically 3 days meant they were peeling for a couple of weeks after. People may have told you this before but really do make sure you dry in between your toes as this can often be the cause.
Another factor could be that you are allergic to your socks as i had peeling feet and then changed my socks and it completely stopped - recommended to me by my chiropractic aunt!

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foot peeling

I completely empathise with this problem. I believe you have nothing to worry about.
Can I ask, do you have quite hot or sweaty feet?
I have a problem called 'hyperhydrosis'- in other words, I have uncontrollably sweaty feet and hands. As a result, every summer when the temperature increases, my feet tend to peel, sometimes in big strips, and sometimes just lightly like small blistering patches. This is because they are effectively rotting. You don't need to have hyperhydrosis for this to occur, so hearing that you get it after alot of walking and the same for all of the above mentioning D of E and soggy feet. If your feet are hot and wet for a prolonged amount of time, the skin can die.
There are many treatments for this. If you dont sweat alot, I would suggest wearing light socks and breathable shoes when walking, and washing your feet every day, drying them well, and moisturising. Also avoid bathing for hours and allowing your skin to wrinkle. Open shoes help too.
As for treatment of hyperhydrosis, I have tried and tested one treatment, "Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy", which is to have a nerve cut near the collar bone, which ceases blushing and some sweating on one side of the body. If it succeeds you can have the other nerve cut for the other side. I had this done and although my sweating has decreases exponentially in one hand, I get compensatory sweating elsewhere. I also was one of the 2% of people who got 'Horners Syndrome' as a result of the operation, which I believe has ruined my face. Because of this I didn't want the second operation and so now blush noticably on one side of my face and not the other when exercising.
There is another treatment I have not tried, which is to put your feet in an electrolysed water bath twice a day. It passes currents through your feet which cease the sweating and therefore the foot-rot.
I do believe foot-rot is likely to be the case for you and certainly for the D of E girl mentioned above due to her activities.
Hope this is a help 🙂

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I thought us reflexologist were not meant to diagnose:rolleyes: LOL!

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Socks and Shoes: The chief strive to protect your toes from skin peeling is to keep them dry and for this, you have to make utilization of manufactured, cotton or woolen socks. Likewise, make a point to avoid shoes produced using non-breathable materials, for example, plastic or vinyl.

Rinse your feet: To dispose of skin peeling from foot toes, douse up your feet in a blend of warm water, vinegar and salt once every week.

Keep your feet saturated: Dry skin is the most unmistakable reason of skin peeling. Along these lines, you have to keep your feet saturated with a Vitamin E rich salve or oil.

Apply mint squeeze: All instances of skin peeling between toes brought on because of parasitic diseases can be treated with some mint squeeze that calms the consuming sensation.

Different measures: You can knead your toes with coconut or olive oil once a while to dispose of skin peeling between toes. You can likewise apply nectar if the icy climate is to be faulted.

To know more about skin peeling between toes: myhealthdosage get in touch with this website 🙂

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I have plantar fasciitis in both feet. I could feel how comfortable these sneakers were from the moment I put them on - EVEN BEFORE I STOOD UP!!! I could feel the heel of the shoe cuddling my heel. I can not bear to wear anything but my orthofeet shoes! I like the hammer toe for toe comfort. Fit is great. I like the colors and the mesh.

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RE: Skin peeling off my feet

Just another thought - do they tingle at all or have little round spots from which the peeling starts?

if so could be a fingal infection ( not , but like , athletes foot) - a chiropodist could confirm

My daughter even ordered a pair for her clinical training for her medical program as she knew she’d be on her feet a lot. They are super comfy and definitely worth every penny that I payed. Love and I recommend them whenever someone mentions having heel pain. Told all my co-workers about them. Simply LOVE them and will defiantly be buying more!
