Hi Guys,
Couple of questions i need help with. Thesemay seem simple for you guys to answer but i'm struggling with them cos i think i may have the answers but i'm afraid of handing them in and being told they are wrong and having to go back to the drawing board and redo them.
Anyway here goes.......what isthe main priority of a reflexology treatment;
what does direct and indirect reflexes mean?
This student would be grateful for any help or suggestions [sm=banghead.gif]
RE: Really need ur help!!
Hi Sandie,
Not sure what you mean by "priority", but I would say that the main aim of Reflexology would be to bring balance or homeostasis to the entire body.
A direct reflex would be, for example, theovary and the indirect reflexes the fallopian tube, uterus, pituitary gland etc. Indirect reflexes support the principle area in need of balance.
Hope this helps
Meridianmoon xx