[sm=eeeK.gif]Not sure what this little fella is supposed to be but it kinda looks like how I feel at the moment. I am just about to do Part 2 of Susanne Enzers course and have got to face the 15 minute presentation piece - am more than a little terrified which given my age is ridiculous but true. Please could anyone who has already done this reassure me as to what is expected, what sort of things you cover, how you presented it etc. I have done all the case studies in writing but really just don't know how to go about presenting them to the rest of the class - gulp!!!
Also do you hand it the case studies and written assignments from the Part 1 when you go to part 2 or does she like them all in together once you have done the remaining 3 assignments after the second part of the course? Plus when do you get the certificate - am I right in assuming it is after you have handed in all of the written work?
Sorry to ask so many questions, but am hoping that the brilliant community here will at least stop me feeling quite so sick with fear at the thought of this task.
RE: Presentation at maternity reflexology course
Hi Refelxologist
You sound just like i did before i did the presentation. I got myself all stressed out and could not sleep. However, i needn't have got myself like that because it is not as bad as you think!!
I was not very well prepared and thought i could read from my case studies, but i would not advise this as it was not flowing and because i was so nervous was not good. Lesson learnt here for me.
What most people did and i tried to do was to do a brief description of about 2 of thier case studies, so choose the best ones. You wont believe how fast 15 minutes goes when you are up there. i also did a brief description on similarities between all case studies e.g an itchiness in the uterus reflex on two of my women, being able to see the head bulging down in the pelvic region.
Some people talked about the spiritual aspect of the incoming soul and some just handed pictures round of pregnant feet and we had to study them whilst the student talked about them.
When you go on the first day, you dont have to hand in the 3 assignments because you have a year to complete them, but i would recommend that you do because thats 3 out of the way. Plus she maked ours over night and we got them back the next day.
After the second day, you get a certificate of attendance and you only get the Competancy after you have sent her your last assignments.
I have still to do my Competancy, i did Part 2 in December 06.
Please do not worry yourself about it like i did. All i would recommend is that your prepare a written presentation or OHPs, whatever you prefer and you will be OK.
Good Luck
RE: Presentation at maternity reflexology course
Hi Chicken licken
Thanks so much for putting my mind at rest a bit - I'm sure I will still be dead nervous but I guess we will all be in the same boat. I will try to put something together later this week ready for the weekend, and keep my fingers crossed that all goes well.
It's great the support people give each other on this forum - much better than sitting here panicking which I was starting to do. Thanks again for taking time out to answer my question.