Hi everyone!!! I have a question about conception: I heard that when a woman is pregnant , a signal appears in one foot or it's possible to know from the feet if she is pregnant. Is it true? how could I know when pregnancy has taken place? do the feet register that? thanks!! Beto - Brazil.
Hi Beto
If you are lucky you may well be able to see a small red kidney shape in the uterus reflex.
I have seen this on 3 occasions and have been amazed!
On two of these occasions the client did not know she was pregnant.
wow, that is intresting, my sister has resently found out she is pregnant, so i am going to see if i can find this.
Sometimes also I've found that around the uterus area it feels sort of plump and fleshy. I find it almost impossible to see the dot or kidney bean thingie that some people see - I've given up hunting round for it as I've only seen it once:D Don't worry if you can't see or feel anything though, it really doesn't matter. Hey, got to tell you this. I had a lady who was 9 weeks pregnant come to see me. As per a thread started above by someone else, I treat women all through their pregnancy even the first trimester. I've done Susanne Enzer's maternity reflexology training, so I feel confident and happy treating all the way through. Anyway, I digress. I gently laid my finger on the lady's uterus reflex on her right foot and she felt the most amazing pulsing feeling travel all up her leg. She went tingly and had strong feelings of energy moving around. It was a very special moment for both of us, and she found it lovely to experience. I was with a therapist friend, as we were doing a pampering session for a group of ladies, so I called her over and she did the same thing on the lady's foot - same reaction again.
Hi, just wanted to input my experience as preggers reflexologist. I have not noticed any change in the appearance of my feet (no kidney shape or dot at uterus reflex) but I have noticed a kind of twitchy pulsing sensation occasionally at the uterus reflexes.
It happened quite alot during my first trimester but I had not noticed it since until it happened again yesterday (I'm now 27 weeks).
Found this quite amazing !
Good afternoon all
I have a client who is having a break from a fertility drug. She has had 3 reflexology treatments from me for relaxation. I have no experience with pregnant clients but am planning to do one of the courses soon. I noticed last week and this week she had a little puffy area on the uterus reflex and it almost looked like 2 lines above and below the squishy bit!! I am excited as not wanting to mention it to her but could she be pregnant ?? She says she felt nauseous and dizzy the other day but apparently this happens 2 weeks or so before her period. I wonder what it could be !!
Trace x (I will let you know)