My wife suffers from persistent mouth ulcers. When one ulcer is healed, the next one appears a few days later. Some are small while others are large. She has been using off the counter presc to heal it and also had some presc fr her doctor- but they still persist.I've asked her to drink lots of water and eat fruits.She's in her late 40s and I don't think it's the menopause setting in.
What areas of the foot do I need to address to minimise these ulcers coming up all the time?
Hi ya Sifu
Working the mouth reflexes on the big toe and thumb would be useful. Also from a Chinese medicine point of view, mouth ulcers are to do with stomach and spleen meridians. Look up Stomach (St) 36 in a acupressure or shiatsu book for precise location just below the knee. If the ulcer is on the tongue, then work Heart* (Ht) 7 which is located on the wrist. Once again you will have to look this up. Alternatively, work the stomach, pancreas and spleen reflexes or heart reflex.
You have to investigate what is causing the mouth ulcers, for example: bad teeth, poor diet, stress, not enough sleep, poor digestion, and may be a intolerance of gluten found in wheat, rye, oat and barley products.
If I have a mouth ulcer I use homeopathic Merc. Sol 30C which you can buy from a health store. If in doubt consult an homeopathic practitioner.
Best Wishes
Dave the Pixie
* In Chinese medicine the Heart, Mind and Tongue are associated together.
thanks R Pixie. I'll start with the reflex points suggested first and see what happens.