ms and reflexology
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ms and reflexology

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please can anyone help, i have had a friend who has just been diagnosed with MS, how best can i treat her it is early stages many thanks

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Hi Hazelflower,

I hope I can try to help you, I have MS and I am studying Reflexology. Firstly there are different types of MS ( sorry if I am teaching my granny to suck eggs!) but whichever sort your friend has it would be best for her to speak to her GP or even better her Neurologist before commencing any treatment. That said there is no reason why Reflexology could not be helpful to her - but always best to check.

To be honest there is very little that traditional medicine offers that most GP's are quite OK with you giving things a go as long as they are not harmful!

The symptoms of MS are many and varied and are also different for everybody so I could not give you a one size fits all set of reflexes to work on, you will need to go through your friends symptoms and work on the appropriate reflexes for each really. However I find that although MS is a condition of the Nervous system, the symptoms fluctuate with my hormones, particularly with stress so I would suggest that you work on the endocrine system. My reflexologist also works on the spine and the spinal nerves.

Reflexlogy is also great for MS for it's relaxing effect and also the release of endorphins. It's very important for people with MS to keep a positive attitude, I have found meditation and self hypnosis quite useful together with seeing a councilor. It's also really important to eat as heathily as she can and get plenty of sleep.

She really wants to be kind to her mind, body and spirit to give herself the best chance of coping with the disease.

I hope this helps!



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please can anyone help, i have had a friend who has just been diagnosed with MS, how best can i treat her it is early stages many thanks

One of big issues accompanied ms is stress related problems, incl different forms of depressions.

From my point of view you can do reflexology treatment to provide relaxation and calm down emotions and thoughts...
Ms also affect MSK , so, it also will help relax muscles.

But, check for other conditions the client might have. Rule out contraindications.
