Hi everyone
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this but here goes. I am doing Part 1 of Susanne Enzers course, and am struggling with one of the assignments. It is the one to do with the effects of the hormones on the emotions - I have found loads of info on what each hormone does physically to the body, during the menstrual cycle and in pregnancy, but can not find a thing to do with which hormones cause which effect emotionally. Perhaps I am approaching this all wrong.
Is there anyone out there who has done this course, and what did you do? Where did you find your info, how did you present it etc. Please help this is driving me mad .....[:@]
RE: Maternity reflexology assignment
Hi Reflexologist
You helped me out with my blood pressure client, so now i can help you because i did Part 2 in December.
I to found this challenging but all i did was remember what suzanne had told us when demonstrating the hormone hat. E.g. how you feel during your period- unsexy, bloated, irritable, foogy brainetc. Then the rising amounts of oestrogen make you feel better and more appealing and sexy. Then when you have passed ovulation how you feel going towards the end of your cycle.
I did the same with hormones and pregnancy. How you would feel in the first few weeks - mood swings with increase of HCG from embryo. If you've had children then i guess it is a bit easier to relate to. I basically looked at what hormones came in and what particular time and thought how i would feel. I hope that this is of some help.
Please dont worry about it.
I have to dash now but i will tell how i went about it when i come back.
RE: Maternity reflexology assignment
Hiya, have you got Susanne's book because I'm sure it's in there. I love her Hormone Hat demo that she does!
RE: Maternity reflexology assignment
Hi guys
Sorry I haven't been back here sooner but I have been so fed up (bad PMT) and not able to concentrate on my assignment that I decided to drop anything to do with it for a while, and haven't been back here for a few days. Thank you so much for taking the time out to help me - I do have the book, but it only tells me the different feelings us poor women have to go through and not which hormones do which things. The menstrual cycle and its associated hormones has always been one of my mental blocks and I tend to get really confused with which hormone increases when, and which one decreases when so trying to tie the two bits of information up was just sending me bananas as my understanding of the assignment was to say which hormones did what with regard to our emotions. Maybe I need to go back to this once I have got past this stage of MY cycle, and am feeling less like throwing her book across the room!!! LOL!
Thanks anyway