Not wishing to blow my own trumpet, but I have to share this because it was so lovely. I met a lady I treat in the supermarket the other day (no, I don't treat her in the supermarket, you know what I mean) and we had a little chat. As I was saying goodbye to her she said 'You have the hands of an angel, healing hands'. I had a lump in my throat the size of a golf ball, what a lovely thing to say :). It's things like that which make me realise I am definitely in the right job. Nothing else can give me the same job satisfaction!
RE: Makes it all worthwhile!
It sure does.
What a wonderful feeling it is to help someone. Even more so if they appreciate it.!
I remember the joy I gave to a couple when I gave them some free tickets to a Mind Body and Soul exhibition as they were about to queue up and pay. They were beaming. It was such an easy thing for me to do for them but the look on their faces was a picture.
You are an angel!!!
Love n light
RE: Makes it all worthwhile!
It is the most wonderful feeling. I was also told by a lovely Japanese client who used to have the most wonderful visualisations when I was treating her that I had the hands of an angel. My family were on the floor laughing when I told them!
What gives me a kick is when I give a client a bit of aftercare advice, something which I think is really basic, such as advising them to drink more water or sleep only on one pillow and weeks later they tell me how much better they feel and that they've passed the advice on to all their friends who are also impressed.
RE: Makes it all worthwhile!
What a coincidence Siobhan.............i was only just thinking about hands.
I have just done a 4-day exhibition where I gave introductory reflexology treatments. On Thursday night exhibitors etc were invited to a ceromonial evening (town twinning mainly) where I sat with friends who own a local desserts company. My friend later said to me that the person sitting next to her had remarked on my hands...........something to the effect that I looked as though I had healing hands. How on earth can people tell? It's really bugging me as to what she 'saw' in my hands.
You are definitely right about job satisfaction Siobhan...........I have been on cloud nine this week..............I have met some really lovely people.
yasmin xx
RE: Makes it all worthwhile!
Zowie, what a nice bunch of stories have been told here. I think your folks are mean to laugh at you Lesley, but don't families have a knack for bringing us back down to earth with a bump :D? This is for everyone [sm=grouphug.gif][sm=FIFangel.gif]