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hi all,

i have a query re: reflexology and pregnancy please. I have a client who is due her second baby in 3 weeks time. this is my first pregnant client so just look for some advice.

she would like reflexology more frequently (twice a week) - is this wise, say to do a treatment on a monday and again on a friday? also, is it ok to go over the reproductive areas a few times at this stage? she would hope to go into labour early if possible.

many thanks in advance

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It would be great for labour 🙂

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she would hope to go into labour early if possible.

Please be advised that this is a very important stage for a baby's brain, lungs and liver. [url]Here is an article[/url] on prematurity awareness that you can pass along to your client or quote from. Unless a client is going to be medically induced preterm I would not give a priming for labor session before 40 weeks.

Estimated due dates are exactly that, an estimate of when the baby may come. All babies are different, some need more time in the womb to develop, others come early.

General, relaxing sessions during this stage of the pregnancy are great to keep mom's mood light, help with edema, ease general aches and pains and help her sleep better. So twice weekly to help the last few weeks go better is certainly a welcome idea.

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Reflexology for labour

Thank you both so much for the replies, and the useful article.

I have been using more relaxation techniques and she is sleeping and feeling better.....I will start on the relevant points should she go to 40+ weeks.

Thanks again,

Judyo xx
