I've been doing Reflexology for quite a few years now and i'm still amazed sometimes at how it works. Sometimes I can tell I'm going to get a cold because I have an slight ache in the top of my feet.
At the begining of March i started with a foot problem which the doctor at first suspected was a mortons neuroma. they dismissed this idea when the pain and tenderness was moving about my foot. I was told to let it settle and see what happened but somedays I could hardly walk it was so painful.
Anyway last week I have had the most horrendous cold, still feel congested now but what I have said to my partner is now that I've had this cold my foot no longer hurts! which he just laughed at and dismissed.
Do you think it is possible to have a cold in your foot or just a pure coincidence. I will be interested to see what people have to say and thankyou fot taking time to read this.
Hi Helen
I am not trained reflexologist but have done it for years for fun. Some trained reflexo will tell you what is that you are precisely indicating but I what you are saying makes complete sense to me. It is not a coincidence. each organ responds to energy movement/block in the other. Feet and hands are very accurate in telling what is happening elsewhere in the body. It is good to get in fine tuning with our body. I like the way you are intimate with your body.
We need to have colds periodically to eliminate waste - from a natural healing point of view a cold is a spring-clean, not an attack by a virus.
(That's why nobody has managed to prove contagion of colds in an actual experiment - and oh yes they have tried. BTW the virus is present but as the result of the process, not the cause, but that's another story.)
2 or 3 colds a year is ideal, more than that says you're under strain but coping, less and your body is holding on to it for various reasons. So people who don't get colds tend to get more serious things in my experience. Hence the cure for the common cold is a red-herring: the cold is the cure!
Anyway, when waste is building up in the body it tends to accumulate in the extremities, which keeps it away from more sensitive organs. Hence arthritis, gout etc will be additionally exacerbated or irritated at such times, in the build-up to the cold you may be feeling the accumulation, or it may be the waste starting to go 'on the move' out of deep storage in cells, out into tissues and blood vessels where you feel it.
Incidentally, this waste is not 'mysterious toxins', it is made in quantity by the body - most of our metabolic waste is acidic - lactic acid, uric acid etc which are major irritants. What you are feeling is hence most likely a variation of gout but without the solid crystals appearing. In somebody else it might show as restless legs etc. It can probably be relieved by fasting, soaking the feet in epsom salts, eating a less acid-forming diet etc, usual caveats apply.
Thankyou Jnani and kvdp for your replies. You've definately given me some information to have a think about and digest. Have also spoken to a few people to see what they think and now I don't feel quite so ridicule at my beliefs, So thankyou again.