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Client feels sick after reflexology!

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Hi All

I gave a client a reflexology session on Friday and warned her of the possible healing reactions over the next few days. However, she was literally sick on Saturday. She has had reflexology before and reacted in the same way. So, I know that it is not anything I did (well I hope not).

What does this mean? Can any of you reflexology gurus help me understand this?



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RE: Client feels sick after reflexology!

Hi Alka,

I wouldnt worry about this, in my opinion this is a positive way for her body to react. There is obviously a lot going on in her body right now that she needs to get rid of, and being physically sick is one of the most quickest ways to get it out. As they say "better out than in". Hopefully with another session or so, her body should start to get back into balance. This shows your doing your job well, i.e sorting out the imbalances in her body.

Hope this helps!
Therapeutic Angel x

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RE: Client feels sick after reflexology!

When I dida reflexology class many years ago, I had the equivalent of 4 hours treatment in one day ( I was the body for the afternoon session) - when I got on the train to go home I felt so ill I thought I was going to die! When I got to my home station, my husband asked if I ought to go to hospital (a simple 'welcome back' would have been nice). I vomited for about 6 hours - whilst sat on the loo, as the world was falling from my bottom at the same time! I eventually got to sleep at 4 in the morning. When I woke up at lunchtime I felt fantastic! No headache, no tummy ache. Just brilliant! Since then, whenever one of my colleagues has worked on me, I know that I will have a reaction. It is not so severe these days, and I make sure that I am not doing anything taxing for the following 24 hours! It may be that your clients body is sensitive to treatment.

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RE: Client feels sick after reflexology!

just as an aside, you do work down the stomach/ digestive reflexes?

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RE: Client feels sick after reflexology!

Hi there

Thanks for your replies - they are really encouraging. So really, I should get her to rebook another few sessions to help in the long run. I will let her know why this has happened.

Jabba - I can't believe what you experienced. I'm glad that you felt great in the end.

Rosie - thanks. Yes I do work down the digestive reflexes - intestine etc. These area were quite tender when I treated her.

OK - so I need to get her to re-book a few sessions in order to bring back balance. I hope that she is not put off it all.

Thanks again


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RE: Client feels sick after reflexology!

Just another are making sure that she drinks plenty of water afterwards to flush out the toxins?

Sorry to be so obvious but it could be down to that..... 😉

Alx x

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RE: Client feels sick after reflexology!

Hi Alx

Thanks for your response. I think it is a good response as although we tell clients to drink enough water after a reflexology session, I really wonder how many do.

My client says that she is very sensitive to reflexology and has experienced this before. It hasn't stopped her from re-booking though which is great as I hope that over several treatments she will feel better.

Thanks again


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What's your advise?

Hi, I had some reflexology done recently, I started to feel sick during the treatment. Afterwards, I made it home just in time to vomit. I continued to vomit for 8 hours and was sweating all day, I was eventually rushed to hospital and put on an IV drip for rehydration. I believe in reflexology and want to go back for more but don't want to end up in the same situation as before.

What's your advise?


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Hi Jules and welcome to Healthypages,

Seems you've dragged up a bit of an old thread here, so not sure you'll get answers from the original posters on it, though there are still plenty of reflexologists around who should be able to come and give you an answer.

To me, it sounds like you perhaps had some other underlying issue that contributed to your sickness. Whilst I've known people have reflexology and undergo various sensations and 'things coming out', I would very much doubt that it would be the overall cause of such a serious case of vomiting and dehydration. Just my opinion.

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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I agree with Giles - there may have been an underlying problem that was lurking in the wings.

Let your therapist know what happened, and when you go back, ask him/her to work with a little less pressure, possibly a shorter session and see how you feel after that.

Reiki Pixie
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This is an old thread 😮

Reflexology may be trying to rebalancing an already congested system.

May be as said they were already going to be sick regardless.

Or the autonomic nervous system is over stimulated and caused nausea. Rare but can happen.

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I know this is an old post, however I wanted to put in my 2 cents worth.

My clients that have serious, serious depression very often have nausea and/or vomiting after their sessions.

I've learned to begin with very light sessions - usually 30 minutes and I avoid the digestive system the first couple of times. I gradually increase both the length of the session and gradually include digestive.

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I can only agree with what has been said and empasise Beware of toxic shock. Some people are very very receptive to reflexology and will have initial adverse reactions to treatment. Others will be very out of balance and will almost certainly suffer adverse effects to start with. I think it important to to tread carefully on the first session to avoid over stimulation of reflex points.
I tend to treat the first session as an exploratory exercise more than any thing else. I do this for two reasons 1. Clients can be very apprehensive on their first visit (especially if they have never had reflexology before and a negative experience (toxic shock due to over zealous therapist) will have them running for the hills never to return.

2 I want my clients to enjoy the first experience of the therapy so they return for more so I find a sensitive point note it and move on, I may return to the point if time permits but wont dwell on any sensitive points.

At the end of the session my clients have enjoyed it and are amazed that I have picked up on various imbalances purely by a soft exploration of their feet. They then ask when they can come back.
I also tell them that any reaction post session is positive whether it be good or bad.

My follow up sessions tend to be more direct and take into account my findings from session 1 with more pressure applied on various points relative to the clients requirements
Finally I will say that a thorough consultation prior to the initial session is vital if you are to understand your client and their requirements.Ask questions carefully and you may find something that will dictate the way you carry out the first session.
Hope it helps but it is only the way I do it and is therefore only my opinion but it suits me and more importantly it suits my clients.

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I would never mention terminology like 'toxic shock' to someone who may have experienced a reaction after a reflexology treatment. Reaction yes, but not 'toxic shock'.

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Nor would I mention toxic shock ( for obviousreasons) but if you thought I said that please read my post again. The term toxic shock was for the benefit of therapists reading the thread.
Apologies for not making that clear to you if I worded it wrong

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Mention your. Response to your therapist. They may need to go lighter for a few treatments. Often with reflexology, as it stimulates the whole body, things crop up during the healing process that you may have had in the past and congestion in various areas can become free and your body is just doing its job getting rid of them properly through normal elimination channels.

This used to happen to me a lot but now I get no reaction after treatment, and during my training, there were days I had several treatments with no side effects at all as I am now pretty clear.

But I will say I drink plenty of water (you can see I have very well hydrated bladder and kidney reflexes) and strongly recommend you up your water intake before and after the treatment.

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Hi All

I gave a client a reflexology session on Friday and warned her of the possible healing reactions over the next few days. However, she was literally sick on Saturday. She has had reflexology before and reacted in the same way. So, I know that it is not anything I did (well I hope not).

What does this mean? Can any of you reflexology gurus help me understand this?



This is normal. It is like with muscles after massage - muscular ache... due to lactic acid and toxins break down and elimination

You gave advice that this effect is possible within 48 hours. You gave advice about life style and behaviour.
I usually ask to inform me about reaction and if they have I invite for re-check ( for free of course)

Usually after such detox they feel much better
