Case Studies - Croh...
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Case Studies - Crohn's Disease

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I wonder whether anyone can help. I am starting my Case Studies over Christmas (have been asked by our tutor to have at least 2 completed when we return 11 Jan!). One of my friends has volunteered to be one of my case studies. She has been diagnosed withCrohn's Disease (in the early stages). I have asked my tutor for advice on whether I should treat her (as I haven't got the experience) and if I can treat her which areas should I avoid or work on more. She hasn't come back to me so I'm in a bit of a predicament as to what to do.

I would really appreciate any help.

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RE: Case Studies - Crohn's Disease

My husband has crohn's (for last 20 odd years) and he was my case study. My tutour told me to go really lightly on the digestive system, so I gave him an overall light treatment. Unfortunately he doesn't always feel so great after a treatment, the last time he came down with pnuemonia a couple of days later. I know this was not down to me, but still.

I've got some research on crohn's if you wanted to email I can send it back to you.
Good luck...Kathryn

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RE: Case Studies - Crohn's Disease

the first one or two treatments, yes, go lightly over the digestive reflexes, particularly colon. it may "feel" different too, so make a point of looking out for that.

warn your client that she may feel worse after a treatment and depending on how she is, work accordingly next time. if she reacts favourably, i'd maybe use a little more pressure. i wouldnt pay particular attention to any individual areas, just keep sensitive thumbs to differences.

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RE: Case Studies - Crohn's Disease

Thank you both so much. I still haven't received any advice from my tutor! As this will be my first case study I want to be sure of what I'm doing. I do feel very apprehensive and a bit on my own, so it's really reassuring to hear back from people. Do you think I should get a letter of referral from her doctor before I start?

Also, Kokopelli, I would appreciate any information you have on the disease.

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RE: Case Studies - Crohn's Disease

I'm a therapist and a chrones sufferer. My advice would be certainly do the treatments. I know reflexologymade a huge difference to me and this launched me intocomplenemtary therapies.

You do need to make sure you find out about her symptoms and exactly where in her system the inflamation is, if she knows yet. It's normally somewhere in the bowel, but can be anywhere from the mouth right through to the anus. Chrones can affect people in very different ways and there is such different careadvice given. A high fibre diet for me will set mine off, but when in hospital the dietician insisted that was what I ate (being me, I didn't of course!).

There are also various theories about what causes it. It'sbeen linked to dairy products and theMMR vaccine, though as far as I know they are all still theories, nothing yet proved.

Thereare also questions about if it is heredetery. Three people in my family have it, all women,me, a maternal aunt and her cousin, but we all had different symptoms andreactions to treatment.

There is a support group I think, although I never got involved. If you'd like to send a PM we can make contact and I'll tell you what I know.
Meanwhile try this website for information
[link= ][/link]
