Hi, i am a reflexologist but i would like to know of any good books on reflexology as i just love reading and lerning new stuff, i have just nearly finished reading Stories the feet can tell thru reflexology, stories the feet have told thru reflexology by Eunice D Ingham, is there any other books you recomend ??
RE: books on reflexology
I'm still learning Reflexology and have been advised to read those books that you have, also anything by Renee Tanner. Have been told they are most informative 🙂
RE: books on reflexology
There's one I really like as a student, its called Reflexology for Holistic Therapists. Can't remember the author off top of my head but if you search with that title, you should find it.
RE: books on reflexology
It's written by Francesca Gould, and 1 I am using/reading at the moment, the other 1 I amreading is byVicki Pitman"Reflexology, A Practical Approach" I find this 1 very informative.
RE: books on reflexology
Here's my top 5
Hanne Marquardt's book is excellent, sorry, don't remember the accurate name.
One of the best books on reflexology.
Pauline Wells' "Reflexology" is fantastic
Denise Tiran and Peter Mackereth's "Clinical Reflexology" also very good.
Inge Dougan's "The art of Reflexology" , enjoyable
Mauricio (Moshe) Kruchik's "Analyzing personality patterns through the feet", simply a masterpiece....
RE: books on reflexology
- The Reflexology Handbook - A complete Guide by Laura Norman with Thomas Cowan
- Hand Reflexology - A text book for students by Kristine Walker
- Let's Read Our Feet by Jane Sheehan
RE: books on reflexology
I would agree that Marquardt's 'Reflex zone therapy' is a great book. There is one by Franz Wagner called 'Reflex zone massage' which is similar but goes into the emotional aspect of treatments a bit more. On my degree course our reccomended textbook was; Reflexology, the definitive practitioners manual by Beryl Crane -it has masses of information but its almost too much. I'm not a big fan of Ann Lett's book as it is very medically orientated.
Or, how about some that look at meridian based Reflexology:
Moss Arnold - Chi Reflexology
Inge Dougans - The five elements and their 12 meridians
John Cross - Acupressure and Reflextherapy
Hope this is of help,
RE: books on reflexology
P.S. did those of you who have read the books by eunioce ingham think they were good?
RE: books on reflexology
Hi Melissa
Not knowing your thoughts on the Eunice Ingham books, I have to admit to being disappointed having recently bought Stories the Feet can Tell etc.....
I found it mildy interesting, quaint reading and amusing with her style of language, but lacking the enlightenment I had hoped to receive, and terrible fuzzy photos!!
Bt the way, I complete my VTCT level 3 diploma this week so hope to be practising as soon as verification/certification allows, but still feel in need of more knowledge.......
Our recommended book was by her nephew Dwight C Byers, Better Health with Foot Reflexology, but for me the most useful books have been Vicki Pitman, mentioned above, and Laura Norman also mentioned above...
Best wishes
RE: books on reflexology
Thanks for that Sparkie. I have not read the Ingham books myself, but I had a feeling that what you said about them may be the case. Laura Norman has been mentioned quite often so its one I may have to invest in.
Thanks again,