Baby Reflexology
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Baby Reflexology

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I wonder if anyone has any advice for me I have been asked to do reflexology on a 3 week old baby but I have never treated a baby before. I helped the mother through her pregancy and now she wants me to settle the new baby.
Any advice gratefully received.

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I used to do my own daughters when they were tiny-wee - simple relaxation worked a treat except when they got colic, and that was my fault for eating too much broccoli and cabbage!!! I wouldn't worry too much about 'reflexes' and keep the pressure super light. Show the Mum what to do. I could never decide whether to play with their feet or eat them!!!
Both grown up now, with size 8's (but they still like me to stroke their feet when they are home!)

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Thans Jabba ill let you know how i got on

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Hi Orla,

I treated my sister throughout her pregnancy and now I treat her little one. Mind you it is not regularly but I have shown her a few points. I do think 'little, light and often' is best. I have found that treating specific points is difficult and I tend to stick to digestive system and head area for calm. However, tis little angel is very good so really never gets too upset. I do think they just love their feet being rubbed. Let me know how it is going.

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I agree with the others - tiny babies can only tolerate tiny treatments! Say, maximum 20 minutes and probably a lot less but you can try and treat every 3-5 days or better still teach the parent(s) some techniques to use themselves.

I find working down the spine reflex with light circling movements is very effective in calming babies with colic, etc and also the solar plexus point being held is very relaxing. Making clockwise circles on the heel areas is great for digestion and much easier than trying to follow the whole instestine areas in detail on such small feet!

I absolutely love treating babies and have run classes teaching mums too, so I'd always encourage parents to have a go.

Sarah x

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Thanks guys it work out great, baby was very relaxed after the treatment. Sorry for not replying sooner was away.

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Oh, I am so delighted to hear that. I find working on children and especially babies is facinating. Although I don't have a lot of experience of it I do intend to get a lot more. Keep up the good work and enjoy. x
