Advice on Type 1 Di...
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Advice on Type 1 Diabetes & Endometriosis

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I have been practising Reflexology for 7 months now and one of my friends has approached me to help her through Reflexology.

I would like some advice as she has a few health problems and I obviously want to make her feel better and not worse. With regards to my studies I know I need to write to her GP before treating but I would like advice from more experinced Reflexologists as according to my friend her doctor has a sceptical view on Complementary Therapies so I want to make sure I do everything I can as her GP by the sounds of it may not be so helpful...

She is 28 and had her first baby 2 months ago, she is Type 1 Diabetic so Insulin Dependant, slight asthma, recently diagnosed with Endometriosis and she has Diabetic Retinopapthy (bleeding blood vessels at the back of her left eye).

With regards to medication she has been on insulin for 19 years
Novorapid x3 a day 14u, 16u, 16u
Lantus x1 a day 36 units
Ventolin Inhaler (only when needed for ashtma)
She has also recently and is still receiving laser treatment on her left eye, she has had 5 sessions in the last 3 months and is still having them.

I would really really appreciate the advice of someone experinced that has preferably come across similar client and medication before so that I can get the best advice with regards to whether only work certain reflexes or maybe better not to have Reflexology etc, I really dont know, help please?

Thank you so much, and sorry for masses of detail..

Peace, Jack's 🙂 x

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I would recommend doing a search on the forum for GP referrals to see what people's experiences are with doctors etc. It is pretty unlikely that her GP will give written consent for her to go ahead with a Reflexology treatment. A doctor will not sign their name to anything that they are not a specialist in as it makes them liable. When I first qualified, I sent several letters to GPs and none of them replied - not even to say they would not give consent - even included a stamped addressed envelope. When I rang them to chase it up they said they couldn't say either way whether it would be suitable or not.

I would just get her to mention to her GP that she is having reflexology or write a letter saying you are treating her but not asking for consent. At least then the doctor is aware of what treatment she is having in addition to the conventional treatment.

Your friend has had diabetes now for a while so it may be possible that she has reduced sensation in her feet so check with her whether this is a problem. Look at her skin - is it healthy, responsive (goes back to its original shape/colour quickly after being pinched lightly?), does it have good circulation? If there is loss of sensation or the skin isn't as responsive as it should be then definitely use lighter pressure and check with her that the pressure is ok. Does she have any other complications with her diabetes other than the retinopathy?

Reflexology would be really beneficial for her. For Diabetes, I would work the pancreas, solar plexus, liver, gall bladder, spleen, lymphatic system, kidneys, intestines, and eye reflexes (for the retinopathy). For endometriosis, the reproductive areas - ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, plus pituitary, thyroid, helper to thyroid, pelvis. Maybe the bladder and colon reflexes if these are affacted by her endometriosis.

Advise her to check her insulin levels before and after the session as treatment can lower blood sugar levels.

Posts: 8
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Thank you Lavendula!

Thats really helpful, I dont believe she has any other problems from her diabetes but I am going to go away check all of this out and her feet sensitivities etc and if I need anymore help will post again!

Thank you kindly, Jack's 🙂 xXx
