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30 min treatments in an office

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I have been asked to give 30 minute treatments in an office from 10am-2.30pm one day a week. I'm thrilled about the regular work but nervous about how much I can get done in 30 minutes.

At the moment I find that treatments take about 1hr 15mins. This is mainly because I spend alot of time getting feedback about the previous treatment and finding out about presenting conditions and just generally chatting about what is going on in the client's life. Theactual reflexology probably takes about 50mins. This has never been a problem as people generally like talking about themselves and I have never seen clients back to back and so have the time to do it.

So, what can be covered in 30 minutes? I'm guessing I'll have to hand out consultation forms to fill out in advance and will then scan these at the start. Then I suppose I'll start with a warm up massage, concentrate on reflexes that may be important for the client and end with a nice invigorating massage. Is this right? There's no way I'll be able to fit in a treatment that incorporates all reflexes. I feel slightly uncomfortable about it as it doesn't feel like a holistic way to treat people. However, 30 mins is better than 0 mins.

Any advice on how to approach this would beVERY much appreciated!


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RE: 30 min treatments in an office

Hi there,

I regularly do 30 minute therapy slotsfor Reiki on a local Army camp. I must admit, they do tend to cram in my clients, and I usually run over.

What I do is hand out information packs in the waiting room with a consent form to sign and quickly scan over the infowhen I meet the client.

Like you, I don't view this as ideal - especially as my treatments seem to raise issues the client would like to talk about i.e. personal feelings, emotions etc, and you just cannot say, "Sorry! Time's up - NEXT!"

I have explained on several occasions that this is not how I work, and now I just tend to go with the flow.

I always give my business cards and follow-up sheets of advice so that anyone who has questions can contact me post-treatment - this works well for both parties.

Like you said, 30 mins is better than nothing at all, and it really isa case of doing what you can in the allocated time. Perhaps ask for staggered slots, so that you have time to finish up each client properly, detach and prepare for the next one.

Your plan sounds fine - take it as it comes and then you'll know how it works for the next week!

Let us know how you get on - enjoy!

Crystal xxx

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RE: 30 min treatments in an office

:)Hi potion

I studied VTCT level 3 dip recently and have just qualified. We studied the Renee Tanner reflexology and she gives an urgent care routine which is a shortened version of the full treatment when you do not have time or the client may be frail etc. It is a short warm up and then certain specific area such as spine and a general zone therapy walk from 1-5 from heel to toe. Be sure to "ground" yourself in your warm up before the 1st client and remain focused and protected. Drink plenty of water. It makes me feel exhausted just reading what you intend to do!

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RE: 30 min treatments in an office

Hi potion,

i just did my first health fair yesterday and did 10 people for approx 20mins at a time throughout day.

I found it very hard to keep to the 20mins but 30 mins should be ok. Like you my treatments tend to go on for an hour and i like the time to really get a feel for the client and do my full routine.

But i did get a routine going yesterday, if they had a particular ailment i woudl work extra on that, but i di my full foot routine just going over each reflex once, it was managable but not ideal.

Because it was my first fair, i spread clients 30 mins apart but i didnt get a minute in between to do much apart from wash hands etc.

I was running on a real buzz yesterday which was fine for a one off, but i would say that if you are doing it each week, maybe you could allow a small amount of time between clients for your own energy protection.

I think its wonderful, you have this opportunity and well done you for getting it!!

Good luck,

Jess xx

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RE: 30 min treatments in an office


Well done you for getting that regular business. Just be confident you will be fine.
I would do what the others say and you could hand out an email address if they wanted to do a consultation prior to the treatment each time. So they could call you and do it over the phone to save time or via email and just before the treatment you could then get them to sign a disclaimer and ask them if anything has changed since they completed their consulation form.

You could practise a routine on a friend or family member so you can get it down to 25 mins and then leave the spare 5 mins to go over the consultation quickly at the beginning and to go over a quick aftercare advice at the end. Offer them a private 5 mins later or again via phone or email if they wanted to speak to you about further issues or to even have private treatments in their own homes additionally to what they may have during the day.
Best of luck
Trace x

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Thanks everyone!

Thank you all so much. Some great suggestions there and I feel a lot better about it all now.

I'll let you know how I get on. Wish me luck!

