when to stop?
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when to stop?

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ive got severe ME (have been bedbound coming up 4 years), and last november started seeing an osteopath who worked on my head, he was coming weekly but i was getting blinding headaches from it which i would only just start to recover from when it would be time for another session. I dropped to every 2 weeks and i think he eased on what he was doing as im not getting the horrid headaches from it. hes also had me doing excercies to get my muscles going again and i have benefited from them although they make me feel worse (but can now take a few steps with someone holding me), but i havent had reduction in symptoms. I have had patches when we have gone a few weeks between sessions, or skipped on or two, but its soon going to be a year and my headaches havent changed at all, nor have any of my other symptoms from it. I recently started having accupuncture which helped my joint pain in quite a short time, and when we missed a session because she was away the pain came back- i couldn't believe the difference its made.

Im kinda in a quiery over what to do though osteopathy wise, how long is it generally till people find the benefits from having osteopathy on their head and neck? I know it varies with everyone but generally is there a time when i should think that i dont see this going anywhere?

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RE: when to stop?

You need to make the decision for yourself.

I am a big fan of osteopathy , it works for me , but as I always say to new clients for any of my Therapies everything does not work for everybody , and also different therapists doing the same treatments bring their own energy to it so you will never receive the same treatment from any two practitioners.

A year is good trial period , maybe you should try another osteopath and see what their style of treatment does for you . Or take a break and continue with the Accpuncture which sounds like its making a difference

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RE: when to stop?

Whilst there is a couple of good research studies on the treament of ME/CFS or rather people with ME, but it can be a long haul.

The website for osteopathic research with ME is here:-

Whilst the outcomes were positive it doesn't necessarily mean that it'll crack all cases, but may go a fair way to help.

You sound like you have particularly severe case of ME.

It may be worth trying a different osteopath, although it sounds like your lucky to find one that will do home visits.

I would be doing you a diservice not to tell you that, when I was presented with people with ME, because I know it can be such a long haul with osteopathy, that I started referring these patients to a NAET practitioner. As I felt that they would do better for their time and money with NAET.

I always knew that mine was related to food sensitivities and allergies and after a few NAET treatments I was sure that it was going to crack it for me.

I have also been helped with along the way with TCM and 5 Element acupuncture.

Good luck whatever you decide to do.


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RE: when to stop?


Not sure if you would consider Spiritual Healing as a source of emotional and mental aid. But i have a friend who has ME and is going to Spiritual healing sessions and found it useful in different ways. Not only is the healing lovely and soothing, but the people you meet and the atmosphere is one which creates good vibes for all concerned and can help you take away with you a sense of comfort and inner support.

I woud also suggest what others have- going to see a new Osteopath. ALso you could ask a shiatsu practitioner what they can offer in terms of relief and release.
Another friend of mine Has ME and sees an accupunture practitioner, and is benefiting short term with the results also.
It may be good for you to have another treatment aswell as accupuncture but not to contraindicate the two!

Love and Blessings
