I have been having 'pelvic' type pain for near on 3 years now and have been making some progress wiht lots of deep work on my abdominals and also seeing a sports doctor who diagnosed an inguinal nerve entrapment - Se suggested surgery and i said no thanks.
Recently however, last 2 weeks or so, i have developed pain in my knees - I don't know if its related or not but it seems like pain in the knee caps. Is this something that an osteopath could help with? What could be the cause of this as i have not really done anything out of the ordinary. I feel the discomfort even if sitting and it sometimes feels as if tsomething is pulling on the kneecap.
Any ideas?
RE: Knee Pain
Hi chewymix,
I am no ostheopath, but my sugestion is to ring a few of them and ask. Bowen Technique can be very good for pelvic problems, as could Shiatsu or acupuncture.
Hope you get better soon,
RE: Knee Pain
It sounds like something that you really aught to consult someone about and I feel that anyone that would offer a diagnosis on the little information given would be ill advised.
It sounds like you've investigated the orthodox medical route, so it's well worth getting an osteopathic opinion, but that should be based on an extensive case history and examination.