Hi There
I am looking for some advice about my osteopath-naturopath. I have been seeing him 2-3 times(sometimes more!) a month for over a year now and we seem to have come to a stage where he has either lost faith in his ability to treat me or has had enough of me! Its a long complicated story, but basically I have a long history of hormonal problems and as a result of this and 4 children I am hypermobile with SIJ dysfunction and piriformis syndrome. It has been a very long hard struggle and after being let down by orthodox dr's many times over the years, I thought that I had someone who firstly treated the whole me and secondly has given endless support and encouragement. He is still willing to treat me but I just feel the bottom of my world has collapsed, Its what has kept me going! I would be really grateful for advice as what to do.
RE: Advice Please?
Hi Coral,
Sounds like you may have come as far as you could with this specific therapist.
Hormonal problems and joint problems.. Have you tried any of the other holistic therapies? The first thing that comes to my mind is Chinese herbs combined with acupuncture or Shiatsu. Bu tI am sure that other therapies could help as well. Bowen Technique can be great for pelvic problems.
Don't give up hope!
RE: Advice Please?
Coral I'm a Pilates Teacher and have had some experience with dealing with hypermobile clients. In my experience they love the feeling of being stretched and being manipulated. What is often helful for their condition is for their muscles to be stronger so that their joints become more stable. Are your bum muscles firm enough to support your SI joints?
For piriformis syndrome try lying on your back and squeezing a cushion between your knees - you'll open your low back and relieve pressure on piriformis (hopefully!)
Let me know if you want more info on this line. I know it's not osteopathy!
RE: Advice Please?
thank you for your replies. In reply to Artemis i am trying accupuncture and I am a TNS machine for pain relief, although the latter is like hitting your foot when you have a headache lol! As always it comes down to what you can afford, when looking into other treatments! I am interested in trying Bowan, my friends sister does it, so its worth a try.
I had a heart to heart with my osteopath and things are going well, treatment wise, at the mo, and it wasn't me, he was having a moment of self doubt, but feels after reviewing things that positive changes are occuring. Which is a good outcome. (i hope!)
thank you again
Coral x
RE: Advice Please?
Good to hear you talked it through, which was the very advice that I was going to offer after reading your opening Post.
My other thought was to ask them about cranial osteopathy if it's not an approach that they use.