My Mother suffers from terrible migraines.
She is 54, and is going through the menopause. She has gained rather a lot of weight lateley also, even though she has a very healthy diet and exercises all the time.
Last week she had 2 attacks, one lasted 2 days, 1 day off and then another that made her sick, bad toilet and generally ill.
She is really upset about these, has seen her GP who just give her strong pain killers that knock her out, dont block the pain and make her feel sick. GP doesnt seem to be able to find out the initial cause.
Can anyone offer and advice please, herbal remedies..... anything!!
Thank you xx
RE: Migraines
Hi Angelcakes,
Your mother has my utmost sympathy, as a fellow sufferer I completely understand how debilitating it can be. I am of a similar age (47) and having had a hysterectomy several years ago I am also going through the menopause. There are several treatments available from the doctors, but to be honest none of them have been any good for me, just given me side effects. The best treatment (prescribed) so far, has been Naramig which is taken at the first sign and can reduce the attack quite quickly, they are also now available over the counter as Imigran (albeit expensive!!)
Having said that I have now managed to reduce my migraines from almost two a week to about one a month by just changing my diet, they are far less severe when I have them as well. I have cut out all complex carbohydrates, that is, potatoes, rice, pasta and bread. I only did it as a quick fix diet to supposedly stop bloating before Christmas and realised at the same time that I didn't have any migraines!!
Anyway, since giving up the old carbs I rarely have a migraine and feel so much better (and lost a stone in weight at the same time!!). I don't know if this would help your Mum but I would imagine it is worth a go. I find it difficult doing without the rice and pasta (and biscuits) but last weekend I went out all day and the only thing to eat was sandwiches so I had no day......migraine, so I think it is worth it.
Another thing to try is feverfew, which is recommended for migraines and cut down on some of the obvious triggers; cheese, coffee, alcohol, chocolate. Also, get your Mum to write a diary of her migraines to see if there is any pattern/triggers.
Hope this helps.... good luck to your Mum.
RE: Migraines
I know exactly how you Mum feels. My menopause (menostop, morelike!) started in 2000 when I was 45, and since then Isuffered migraine attacks. It would floor me for days. I knew the warning signs (usually hypersensitivity to perfumes) and usually within a couple of hours the pain over my right eye would start. For about 4 years, I would have to put myself to bed asap, as by the evening I would be vomiting, then diarrhoea (sp?). Sometimes I would be in bed for 3 or 4 days. For a number of months, in 2001/2, I went through a period of only having about 4 days respite between attacks. Then I tried acupuncture. The effect was practically instantaneous, and since early 2003 I have only had a handful of 'episodes'. If I sense that I may be about to have an attack, I text my therapist and say 'top up required', and am normally seen within a day. LikeCrabappleI also stopped carbs (bread was my worst culprit) including bread, tatties, pasta and rice. I've lost nearly 2 stone since November last year and feel brilliant.