Has anyone had any luck with a specific 'general' presciption for arthritis in elderly women.
Hi Indo
What type of arthritis, and does it better or worse for hot or cold?
Hi Indo
To follow on from RP, what's the location and duration? Is it better or worse for movement? Is it worse in the morning, and better for movement? Has it reached the bone,or is it still in the softer tissues? Is it better for pressure? What is the nature of the pain, dull, sharp, heavy etc?
By and large, you could expect elderly women to be deficient in Kidney Qi (at the least), and as Kidney rules the bones (along with other things) is the arthritis combined with other indications of Deficiency that need addressing as well as any localised problems?
I guess, to answer your question, there probably isn't one set of points that can address all these issues. My Chinese professor related arthritis to Bi Syndrome (or Qi obstruction) primarily due to a combination of Wind, Cold, and Damp, and would then differentiate according to the characteristics and stage. He liked to keep it simple.
I've been treating a lot of knee pain related to Bi syndrome with electro-acupuncture with good success rates, but I find that thumb MCP deterioration responds less well, and therefore I tend to use conventional treatment that causes less aching.
patient was a no show!
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