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Hi folks!

Any advice would be most welcome. I got sunburned about 3 weeks ago, which has now healed over, but I am left with an intense itching/stinging sensation on my upper arms, where the sunburn was worst. It is driving me crazy. The doctor has no idea of what to do (!).

I've tried rescue remedy cream, plus just about everything else I can think of.

If anyone has any feedback at all, I would be really happy to receive it.

Many thanks!


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RE: Sunburn

Hi Lois

I was badly sunburned when in the carribean a few years ago A local man came slowly walking along the beach with an empty whisky bottle and an aloe vera leaf.

He saw me and came over and told me about his aloe vera leaf. He said the juice had amazing healing properties, and as I was in so much pain I agreed to have some.

He sold me the juice from the leaf (which looks like the mucus you get when you have a cold) and put it into the whisky bottle and told me to spread it all over the sunburn. At first I though he was joking as it looked so disgusting, but when I put it on the relief was incredible.

The aloe vera you get in all these creams from the chemist is far too diluted to give you the real relief you need.

I don't know if you can get a fresh aloe vera leaf here, but ask around as it really is quite fantastic. Maybe a specialist plant grower may have it. Maybe another HPer may know where you can get it.

Good luck

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RE: Sunburn

Steve is right, aloe vera is the absolutely best thing. I have not been lucky enough to try the fresh stuff, and unfoprtuantely I don't know where you could it from, but don't totally discount the shop bought variety. A couple of years ago I too got very badly burnt (so badly in fact that it hurt to turn my head). I rubbed in some shoip bought aloe gel and the following morning all the redness and swelling had gone.


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RE: Sunburn

Hi Lois

I agree that aloe vera is the best thing, I have a plant, although it is very ropy but the shop brought as Talisman says is good enough.

The gel is probably better than the cream tho as it will have the coolness. Also look for a high % of the aloe vera extract as taht will be the best source.

Best wishes


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RE: Sunburn


Have you tried lavender oil?
I do not knwo if it would help at this stage, but when just happened, plain yogurt is great (worked when nothing else was helping on my brother when he was 8 and badly sunburned). It soaks the heat out of the skin while keeping it moist. Plus it's available at any supermaket!!


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RE: Sunburn

Lavender oil is good for sunburn, and I agree about yoghurt as well.
You could also use a rose quartz 'rubbing stone' the flat, smooth palm stones, laid gently on burns it gives good relief.
Aloe vera cactus can be bought from garden centres in the 'succulents' section, but be warned, I had one passed to me, it instantly grew five 'babies' around the bottom, and I've now split off it four times, and each split off has been split again. I'm fed up of trying to find homes for them, If you're anywhere near Yorkshire, please call and collect a few!

Seriously, if the tingling is going on after the burn has healed, I thnk it may be a form of prickly heat, where the skin is ultra sensitive. Try using a full sun block on that area and make a poultice by steeping a chamomile tea bag for five minutes, dilute the cupful with cold water, wring out a cloth in it and lay on the area. If the nerves have been damaged by the burn it could take six months for it to get better, and you might always need to use a higher factor

Good luck, get better soon.

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RE: Sunburn

I can recommend homeopathy ... it works really amazingly for sunburn. I have given remedies to children with quite strong sunburn, and when they have woken the next morning, no red, just a golden brown! But you would need to see a homeopath to make sure you get the right remedy at the right potency and dose. And aloe vera is very cooling and soothing too.

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RE: Sunburn

Hi everybody,

I agree with sue, it may well be a form of prickly heat. My partner suffered this for many years and the itchy, prickly feeling can be quite unbearable.

From our experience, we agree with the aloe users here. Forever Living Products do a really good gel which is almost as pure as if it were squeezed out of the leaf. they also do a factor 30 suncream which stops bad rays but lets in good rays so you can still get a nice tan if you're that way inclined.

If you're looking to buy a plant - there are approx 350 varieties but only 4 are safe to use (or take internally). The best is Aloe Barbadensis Miller.

Good luck with it - hope you find some relief soon.


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RE: Sunburn

[sm=rollaugh.gif]Steve, next time you go to the Caribbean look behind you and pick a free leaf! Boy those Caribbeans sure know how to make a buck!;)

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RE: Sunburn

Hi Everybody

I agree with LH, you need all the protection you can get, prickly heat is not nice I used to get that on my left leg. I would scratch it all the time and then would end up with a huge bruise.

I can however confirm that all this was a thing of the past. Looking forward to my holiday now, and I will take all the above advise on board when I'm out in the sun.

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RE: Sunburn

I recommend peppermint oil. I suffer badly with allergic reactions to some horrid creature which love biting me. Once the swelling has gone down (usually after a trip to the hosp) I am left with a blister where the critter has bitten me. Thats when the itching starts. peppermint oil does the job 4 24 hrs or so. fantastic!!

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RE: Sunburn

Hi Cheekie,

Many many thanks for your suggestion. I was getting absolutely desperate, but your advice of using peppermint oil has done the trick. I am so grateful.

Best wishes

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RE: Sunburn

aloe vera gel is sold all across lanzarote just come back from there and have sunburn myself very itchy and sore from fureteventura and i am using full 100%proof aloe it's working you can also buy some from holland and barret that is pure cultivated far...they also sold cactus jam...not sure how that works on sunburn can;t say i have tried...but yes the leaves work wonders...and the feeling is great i need tog et some more though as i am running out and will be buying aloe vera juice to drink as well...may taste yuck...but it helps rehydrate. i also use vitamin e oild from superdrug to ease any scars and it does fade them well!

as for crystals i am unsure what to use to in that sense but if i find out i will let u know ok?

bye for now

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RE: Sunburn

I bought an aloe vera plant from IKEA a few months ago. Its really fantastic. I accidently burnt myself with the iron a while ago and smeared pure aloe vera onto the spot. The pain was gone within minutes and the next day i was left with just a slight red blisters or scabs!!!

I only bought the plant for about £5.00 and it looks great in my bathroom!!!


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RE: Sunburn

excellent 🙂

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RE: Sunburn

Definitely Aloe Vera Gel. I'm lucky enough to have a plant, but I also buy it to take on holiday with me in a convenient bottle. You can buy the gel from here
[link= ][/link]

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RE: Sunburn

i like using the 100% proof from holland and barret.I just purchased some aloe juice to drink as well as, I feel dehydrated from the sunburn...and boy it's itchy.

I have left the aloe vera gel in the fridge, so it get's nice and cold, it was a little more pricey than i wanted to pay...but, it's 100% proof and has certified stamps on it as,I guess u get what u pay for.

see ya later all,


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RE: Sunburn

• A third degree sunburn is serious; see a doctor. Water applications help. Keep the muscles flexible. A strong sunburn can cause underlying muscles to contract somewhat.
• For both second and third degree burns, be sure to eat high-protein foods. A lot of tissue needs to be repaired; your body is hard at work. Drink a lot of fluids.
• Put cold water on the burn. Let him lay in a cool bath.
• Mix a cup of skim milk with 4 cups water and add a few ice cubes; every few hours, apply compresses for 15-20 minutes.
• Place dry oatmeal in a bag, run cool water through it, and save the water. Throw away the contents of the bag, and use the water in compresses. Apply every 2-4 hours.
• Here are other suggestions: Clay poultices can be used. Massage aloe vera on the area. Do not apply any product which has alcohol, mineral oil, coloring, or waxes in it. Moisten a cloth with witch hazel, and apply often for temporary relief; for small areas, apply with cotton balls. Apply plain yogurt to the area. Make a paste of cornstarch and water, and apply it. An ice pack can help reduce pain. Get lots of sleep.
• If the legs are burned, elevate them above the heart level.
• That skin area will be delicate for 3-6 months, so be careful.

ENCOURAGEMENT—God helps the feeble and strengthens those who have no strength. The Lord is thy shade upon the right hand and upon the left. Trusting in Him, you will be safe.

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RE: Sunburn

I can recommend Aloe Vera as I got sunburnt in Jamaica and a friendly guy on the beach, one of the locals said 'Oh you need some Aloe Vera for that...' and went off to get some.
I don't know why but I was expecting him to come back with a tube or bottle of aloe gel or cream, but he had hacked off a leaf straight from the bush!
Anyway he smeared it on me and ( this is starting to sound a bit pervy..) it was very cooling and my skin recovered very quickly, it was great!
You can't beat the real stuff 🙂
My Jamaican friendgot a bit obsessed right after the aloe vera thing though, so I had to cool it with him, hehe........

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RE: Sunburn

A few things:
Aloe vera gel.
Urtica Urens Homeopathic remedy.
Solaris (Bush flower Essence)

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RE: Sunburn

I use my Aloe Vera plant from IKEA too, for sunburns and burns in general.My son burnt his leg against a moped exhaust teh other day quite badly, but AV really helped. (What an idiot!).

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RE: Sunburn

Yep aloe vera straight off the plant - or Lavender oil - my dd burned herself very badly doing soemthing silly a few weeks ago, i put the lavender oil on and no blisters, it still hurt her for a while but she was fine after a few hours.

lavender oil is the most used oil in my medical box. I don't have an aloe yet but looking out for one - Ikea opening near us soon.


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RE: Sunburn

Hi guys

Yes i would use aloe vera too.
Just wanted to warn people just because it says 100% pure or 100% aloe vera doesnt mean the bottle is all aloe vera. it could have 20% aloe vera and %80 water in it but its still got 100% pure aloe in it! just wanted to let u know! I hope that made sense!

Brightest blessings!

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RE: Sunburn

The Australian Bush flower "Mulla Mulla" is also good for sunburn
