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natural remedies for interstitial cystitis

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anyone know of any natural /complementary remedies for interstitial cystitis, please? All suggestions welcome.

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RE: natural remedies for interstitial cystitis

I have found a couple of weblinks for you in the hope it may help...


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RE: natural remedies for interstitial cystitis

Cranberry juice springs to mind. A lot of people have told me it helps.;)

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RE: natural remedies for interstitial cystitis

thanks, candie (and TigerBee) - but cranberry juice is, sadly, totally ineffective against interstitial cystitis, because IC is a non-bacterial form of cystitis. Cranberry juice is great for the more typical, bacterial form - which helps to prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder lining. Even so, you have to drink vast quantities of it for it to be of much use!

Still - thanks for the thought!

I've actually had a couple of help PMs from the Oriental medicine forum - apparently, infusions of lavender are good (since lavender is anti-inflammatory), as is marigold. Other remedies / herbal-type things that are supposed to help include golden seal, corn silk, and uva ursi. I'm now trying just about all of them!! No improvement yet, but fingers crossed...!

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RE: natural remedies for interstitial cystitis

Apparently Dessert Harvest Aloe Vera is also very good

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RE: natural remedies for interstitial cystitis

I would recommend getting yourself the following herbs and blending them into a lovely tea.

Marshmallow - A lovely demulcent herb that can help soothe the inner wall of the bladder (which is eroded in IC), and also the urethra.

Corn silk - As above

Calendula - a lovely anti-inflammatory herb.

Drink this tea 5-6 times per day. You could also consider supplementing with Gotu kola in capsule form. This is a very powerful tissue healer and encourages epithelial surfaces to regenerate themselves. I know some people that have had reasonable success using this in interstitial cystitis.

Also, remove aspartame from the diet - it is believed (although please be aware that there is no conclusive evidence) that this is a contributing factor in this condition.

Good luck.


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RE: natural remedies for interstitial cystitis

after enduring fears of cancer & endometriosis which were cleared by laproscopic surgery my doctor determined that it was interstitial cystitis. he prescribed ditropan xl, urelle, & elmiron. well even with insurance it would cost about 300 dollars a month for this lvely concoction that may cause hemoraging and hair loss among other things. i have started on a therapy of cornsilk &marshmallow root and so far its been quite helpful.

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RE: natural remedies for interstitial cystitis

My daughter has been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis recently but is reluctant to take drugs for it.At the moment she is taking Manuka honey 3 times a day to see if it helps.
This honey has been known to help a range of problems such as IBS and stomach ulcers.As IC causes ulcerations in the bladder we are hoping Manuka honey will help ease the discomfort.
She has been taking it for 4 days now and thinks there may be an improvement.

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RE: natural remedies for interstitial cystitis

Aloe Vera should help

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Hi there - have a listen to this month's WellBeing for Women on MySpirit Radio - the whole programme is about how complementary therapies can help cysitis and thrush. Go to and scroll down until you find the WellBeing for Women Show.

Good luck!

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Hello All,
After giving a crystal treatment yesterday I was struck down with cysitis and although i couldnt get to a herbal shop yesterday...i going today....ive been told solidago is ment to be a wonderful tonic for bladder/kidney relief.

Love and sunshine

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Hiya there, I don't know if you'll have got my past post to you re:oriental treatments, but if you want natural, then get yourself some 'Waterfall D-Mannose'. You should be able to find it if you google search for it. Instead of trying to kill the bacteria, it simply flushes it out of the body with no harmful side effects. It's made up of rare essencial sugars that the bacteria naturally latch onto and pass through the body instead of grabbing on and multiplying there.

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interstitial cystitis and bacteria

We know now that bacteria is not bad-only infection is bad.

When my brother told me this weekend that he was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis I called my practitioner of Chinese herbs/acupuncture (5th generation doctor in her family) and SHE said that Chinese herbs have great success with this diseases. I mailed my brother her card and told him day or night she would be available. Not much cost. And she would consult with any doctor he chose for himself, if not her.

She cured my thyroid Graves disease in 9 months ($1800 out of pocket for lab work and her services).

Eileen in Portland Oregon

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Oh this can be painful

Calendula &
Golden seal

good luck

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Goldenseal, dandelion root, uva ursi and cleavers mixed as a tea or tinctures. And drinking cranberry juice too.

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Not much to add to the wisdom in previous posts, I agree with cornsilk and marshmellow leaves for soothing. As you say, it's not a case of infection with intercistal cystitis which I too suffer with, it is more a case of soothing. I have found recently stoppin taking cranberry has helped me, as it makes the urine more acidic I believe?
I am also having some success with homeopathy, which has a huge range of remedies for bladder symptoms, but definitely seek a professional therapist, the remedies are for the whole person so self diagnosing can be a bit random and take you in all kinds of other directions!

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Bladder infections are linked to the sacral chakra so worth doing some work on this energy centre and using crystals that will balance this area. Also, worth remembering that recurrent bladder infections are more than likely linked to the emotions.

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quite a few ideas on this thread from a couple of weeks ago.

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You are so right Rosi1! 🙂
Also my bladder is definitely affected by the moon cycles, I guess not suprisingly! So the recent lunar eclipse, call me mad, may not just be causing a bit of chaos in life in general but in our water works as well! Lol 🙂

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I have been treating a client with this. I have been performing reflexology on her and this has had great results.

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Interstitial cystitis

Hi All,

After years of going to doctors with my problem with the usual prescription of antibiotics and no success, I finally got myself to a Herbal doctor about six months ago who's been brilliant.

She diagnosed me with IC straight away, explaining that the problem was deep within the tissue of the bladder (rather than the the bacterial form of cystitis) and is notoriously difficult to get rid of. She asked me to cut certain foods from my diet and even after a week I feld 100 times better. She also gave me Uva Ursi tea which is amazing - doesn't taste of much so I stick a peppermint teabag or lemon to give it a better flavour. She also gave me a herbal tincture (which tasted pretty foul!) although I'm not 100% sure what was in it - your local herbalist should be able to make up a similar tincture.

Any acid-forming foods and drinks aggravate the problem, especially alcohol, coffee, oranges and orange juice, cranberries and cranberry juice (good for the bacterial form of cystitis but not IC), grapefruit, strawberries, rhubarb, shellfish, or pork. Also you should avoid drugs, prescription or otherwise, and any kind of artificial sweetners.

You should also try to have lots of alkaline-forming foods/drinks, lemons being the most-alkaline forming (and very good for you too!). So I try to start my day with hot water and lemon juice.

If you are a fellow IC sufferer doing all of the above will make you feel much better - guaranteed.

Hope this helps someone as it's helped me 😉

p.s. sex, of course, aggravates IC. My normal GP told me to take an antibiotic every time I had sex (my herbalist was horrified when I told her this, as was I!!). A cup of uva ursi tea before and/or after will be much better for you!

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anyone know of any natural /complementary remedies for interstitial cystitis, please? All suggestions welcome.

Hi there,
I have heard of a natural remedy called VOBIS which is distributed in the UK and it's very very good. It's based on herbs coming from the kingdom of the plants.

Its distributor is ECGLOBAL CONSULTANCIES (email :

Hope you might find benefit as I did

Keep in touch Janet:)

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I was reading your posts and I know of a natural product both for interstitial and bacterial cystitis. It's based on D-MANNOSE and MORINDA CITRIFOLIA for bacterial cystitis while for the IC is based of Quercetin and some other herbs.
Eventually completely natural.....
I'm under this natural treatment and I had no attacks anymore.
I suggest them both. I do not know if here I have allowance to market their names.
Send me an email should you be interested. (

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remedies for interstitial cystitis

Dear all forum members,

I have been dignosed recently for an IC and I found your forum a very intersting one. I am grateful to all of you for sharing your experiences with this illness. I found that Ms. Sarah's contribution the most inclusive.

NB. Though I prefer natural remedies to the one based on medicine. Did anyone tried the injection made directly in the bladder? How efficient and safe is it? It seems that we have to undergo six weekly injections.



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Natural remedies for Interstitial cystitis

Cranberry juice, Apple cider vinegar, Corn silk, are some of the [url]natural bladder control [/url]remedies. Beside that soy germ extract and pumpkin seed extract known to be very effective for maintaining bladder health. Pumpkin seed flushes out bacteria and prevents from bladder infection. You can also take Flostat. It helps to deal with the interstitial cystitis symptoms.

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I think Aloe Vera is also very good..

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RE: natural remedies for interstitial cystitis

after enduring fears of cancer & endometriosis which were cleared by laproscopic surgery my doctor determined that it was interstitial cystitis. he prescribed ditropan xl, urelle, & elmiron, any words [url]about aloe vera[/url]. well even with insurance it would cost about 300 dollars a month for this lvely concoction that may cause hemoraging and hair loss among other things. i have started on a therapy of cornsilk &marshmallow root and so far its been quite helpful.

I know one common side effect of elmiron is hair loss. I have been on elmiron for a few months and have experienced this myself. I also experience migraines if I miss a dose. I myself have not had any weight gain. There are a few other side effects like heartburn, nausea, and a few I can't remember. I started taking the aloe vera capsules along with the elmiron. I'm hoping the two combined will really show a difference. Good luck with what ever you choose to try!
