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hello has anyone got any ideas what i could take for symptoms of the menopause mainly hot flushes[:@]i have been taking a hrt tablet from the gp but they have so many side effects i have decided to stop using them, i would like something natural, thanks julie

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RE: menopause

The Australian Bush flower combination "WOMAN ESSENCE" can help with these symptoms, and it doesn't have side effects!! good luck

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RE: menopause

Essential Oils
Many women ages 40-plus have found that essential oils effectively combat PMS and menopause problems. Oils with estrogen-like activity include fennel, anise, clary sage, and sage.
Fennel, anise, and clary sage can be combined in equal proportions in a double 00 capsule and ingested 2 to 8 capsules per day to raise estrogen levels. Find an endocrinologist who will monitor your estrogen levels through blood testing every 30 days until you have reached the levels you want. Research at the Young Life Research Clinic has shown that ingestion of these oils in capsules up to 8 per day does not cause side effects or toxicity to the human body or liver.

Progessence Cream
To combat ESTROGEN DOMINANCE and amplify progesterone levels. The first treatment of choice for women over 40.
Increased progesterone is very powerful anti-aging therapy for women over 40, and has been shown effective to reverse osteoporosis, depression, bloating, weight gain, PMS menstrual problems, and heightened risk of breast, cervical, ovarian, and uterine cancer and heart disease. For those who are deficient in both progesterone and estrogen, use Prenolone.
Progessence contains high levels of natural, soy-derived progesterone identical to that produced in the human body. It combats estrogen dominance, a condition common in women over 40 years of age. Symptoms of estrogen dominance include hot flashes, depression, bloating, weight gain, excessive bone loss, and increased risk of breast and endometrial cancer and heart disease.
John Lee, MD, discusses in detail the benefits of topically applied progesterone in his book, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause." According to Dr. Lee, progesterone can actually reverse bone loss in older women as well as reduce the need for hormone replacement in women lacking ovaries or not ovulating.
Studies have shown the skin application of progesterone creams results in far better absorption than hormones taken orally. Further studies have shown that combining hormones with essential oils further amplifies skin absorption into the blood stream.


400 mg/oz pure progesterone from soybeans[/blockquote]
INGREDIENTS: Moisture cream base, lecithin, pregnenolone, trace minerals, wheat germ oil, wild yam, eluethero, black cohosh, blue cohosh.
Essential Oils: Clary sage, conyza, geranium, fennel, sage and blue yarrow.

Directions: Massage 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. thoroughly into soft tissue areas of the body (arms, thighs, abdomen, neck etc.) until absorbed. Rotate sites of application daily. Individual needs may vary. Apply for three weeks out of the month.

Companion Products: PD 80/20, Dragon Time

©2005 Essential Science Publishing. All rights reserved.

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RE: menopause

I've been in the menopause (more of a meno-stopped-dead-in-its-tracks!) since 2000. I had my last period in June 2000, and my first hot flush on August 10th 2000. I thought I was going to burst into flames!

I tried everything, and wish I had shares in H&B! In 2001 I had breast cancer and was told to stop all supplements until the treatment had finished. When I was able to start again in 2002, I was told by my herbalist that most options were no longer open to me as they contained oestrogens.
However, early last year I was recommended stuff called Nutrafem - it is extract of Green Bean. It did seem to help lessen the effects of the flushes (I stopped leaking like a sieve!) but didn't stop the frequency (25 minutes past every hour....). I took it for 6 months, and then tried acupuncture. This seemed to be the most beneficial treatment. I reduced to about 4 'flushes' a day. The one that bugs me the most is the one at 0500 - I am so hot I have to get out of bed, and most times, I stay up - it's amazing what you can achieve when you have the house to yourself.
If you want details about Nutrafem, pm me and I will give you the number to call.

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RE: menopause


Hi. I know of something REALLY GOOD that I take with NO side effects because it works in harmony with the body. It's supports the endocrine system. Hrt is EXTREMELY dangerous!! Woman have died from hrt. This product comes from the Australian Bush Plum and does NOT contain ANY hormones, what it does is provides the body with nutrients that help support the endocrine's system's natural production and balance of hormones. I'll tell you what though, I've been taking it for 3 years and my body is working in PERFECT HARMONY! Did you know that in the Indian Culture there is NO SUCH THING as Menopause? That's because they get the nutrition they need from the land and that's what you and I are both missing because of proccessed food and toxins in EVERYTHING! GOOD LUCK!
