Calling all homeopaths. Can't find any MM info on this remedy. Anyone help me - I'm wanting to know will it produce the die-off symptoms that you can get from other candida remedies. What could you expect from taking it, will it make you feel terrible as the toxins die off, will you be able to go about your daily routine. What will it do to you.
I'd endorse everything in the previous posts.
In theory, a remedy can be made from any naturally occurring substance, including the 'disease' itself and sometimes some homeopaths do use 'uncommon' remedies- there's no problem with that.
It may be that your homeopath has prescribed for you on a more holistic basis without the results that you want and has now moved on to looking at the physical symptoms in isolation. This might be appropriate for example, if the physical symptoms totally dominate the case and there really is nothing else appropriate to take into account.
Within certain boundaries, there are various ways of using remedies and different homeopaths practise in different ways.
I think what is emerging, is your anxiety about taking the remedy and this in itself can't be therapeutic. You might ask your homeopath her reasons for giving you this remedy and exactly what it's derived from. She's obliged to answer your questions as best she can, and I'm sure she'll be happy to do so. HTH Hom
I have been taking it but not at the rate she wanted - I can't do 30c x2 per day every day - just not possible because I do know when I've taken it and also I'm quite aware of the watch and wait rule - leave if you feel better then signs of a relapse retake. She's on holiday at the moment so a bit stuck.
I just wondered if because of the candida - perhaps different rules applied to this remedy to zapp it out of your system. Originally I did fear taking 200c which was the original remedy twice per day for 3 weeks because I felt that was too much for my system. I know my body so well and I know how I would react. I'd rather it took longer at a slower pace than totally do myself in and especially when I have to work and also have a pressurised job - I need to stay reasonably OK.
All I have ever been curious about is there is so little information on the remedy - no MM or if there is it's very hard to find - so why is that?
Janet, I'm not sure where you are finding the Materia Medicas but many were written a long time ago. Homeopathy's constantly evolving as are the remedies and there is so much information about 'newer' remedies but much of this is most easily accessible to homeopaths. You won't necessarily be able to find the details online or in older books. You could compare this to the difference in knowledge that is available to a doctor and a patient for example.The doctor will probably have a more in -depth understanding of his skills than the patient.
I think also, someone posted an MM entry for your remedy on an earlier post. HTH Hom
I'm talking about the Boericke MM - normally you get a good understanding from this but even if you search for the remedy - there's very little written about it. Someone did send me some info but all I'm saying is it's very hard to find.
Perhaps you need to take a different angle of attack.
Rather than try and analyse the possibilities and the remedies yourself, just ensure your homeopath knows how you feel and all the picture, and trust in them to treat you with the correct remedy and strength.
Of course, it's good to understand the treatments for ourselves, but sometimes we can get too much into self-treatment and actually obstruct the treatment of those we put our trust in in the first place.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
I just wanted to get rid of the candida and other remedies I've had don't seem to have helped - hence - the candida albicans remedy as a last resort. If this doesn't do it I may just give up because at the end of the day I don't feel ill in any way - but I would love to resolve the bloating and also the facial puffiness and bloating that I get from certain foods.
As a matter of interest - if you do have a food sensitivity - could the right homeopathic remedy sort that out - because I'd love to be able to eat plain live natural yoghurt (or any yoghurt if I'm honest) and almonds/brazil nuts/sunflower seeds etc. without getting this problem. Or maybe I just quit eating them and be done with it.
If this doesn't do it I may just give up because at the end of the day I don't feel ill in any way - but I would love to resolve the bloating and also the facial puffiness and bloating that I get from certain foods.
Try not to give up. Candida can cause a lot of health issues if left untreated. It actually shows up in your blood if it gets out of hand.
As a matter of interest - if you do have a food sensitivity - could the right homeopathic remedy sort that out - because I'd love to be able to eat plain live natural yoghurt (or any yoghurt if I'm honest) and almonds/brazil nuts/sunflower seeds etc. without getting this problem. Or maybe I just quit eating them and be done with it.
You may also have problems with your pancreatic enzymes leading to a food sensitivity. I had a problem with wheat but when I got to the bottom of it I wasn't producing enough pancreatic enzymes. This was the first thing I fixed, then I fixed my vagus nerve, which feeds into the pancreas. Now I can eat bread with no symptoms, however my body still doesn't like too much of it!
It may be that you haven't found the root cause of your food insensitivities yet.
So how did you start and how do you find out because this has been going on for a good few year now and I still have problems. Could pancreatic enzymes help.
And the vegus nerve - never heard of that - how do you fix that and how do you know it's not working?
I work intuitively and as I have a very strong connection to my body, I 'hear' what is out of balance.
I then use dowsing to find out if x, y or z is out of balance. If it is, I then make a remedy to correct the imbalance.
And the vegus nerve - never heard of that - how do you fix that and how do you know it's not working?
The vagus nerve is the largest nerve in the body, and has links to various different systems within the body. One of those is the pancreas.
You can dowse and ask whether your vagus nerve is functioning correctly as well as asking if your pancreatic enzymes are being produced adequately.
I fixed both issues by making vibrational remedies to introduce the precise frequencies needed to re-balance those systems.
Can you dowse me from a distance Rosi? I'm not qualified or would even know where to start - but I am well tuned into my own body and know when things are not right, when I've had something that isn't agreeing (not talking about tummy problems more the spaced out feeling tight chest, the chills, the joint pains).