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benefits of drinking water

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I have been testing out an idea that drinking more water, improves your health.
I intended to experiment on myself and partner by drinking two litres of still bottled drinking water per day for a week, on top of what we normally drink and adding a little lemon juice to each drink.
I knew my partner did not drink enough water, she starts work at 8am, and returns home by 4pm, and during that time only has one cup of tea. Often she feels very tired and will also complain of a headache.
I started the experiment and by 10am I had drunk two glasses of water. The first thing I noticed apart from having to visit the toilet was that my energy levels had increased.
By early afternoon I noticed my moral was better, I had an urge to do more, my conversation had got better, and I felt quite witty and humorous, and even quite happy. In fact I felt quite "hipped up", as if I had taken a drug.
I thought that perhaps it was just what I had eaten on this day, however the next day I felt the same way, much better.
My partner also agreed that she had felt much better, and did not feel tired.

There is no doubt in my mind that drinking two litres of water extra on what I normally drink per day has health benefits. I know that it enhances mood, and increases energy levels. What I would like to know is what effect it has on my body organs, blood ect.

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RE: benefits of drinking water

you've made some great links with water and the way you feel there, - well done!

I work in nutrition and if I could give just one piece of advise to everyone, it would be to drink 1 1/2 - 2 litres of good quality water a day.

The difference, as you say, in energy levels, mood and clarity is amazing. So many 'conditions' even serious ones, are caused by dehydration imo.

You'll find the trips to the toilet slow down over time. If you imagine a massive rainfall on ground that is so dry it has cracked; you'll notice that after the rain has gone, the ground is STILL cracked. but if you get a slow, steady rain over time, the ground eventually recovers and closes up.

The cells / organs of our cells are like that I guess. Eventually you will absorb more water and the weeing will get less 😉

An old, but good read on this topic is by a guy called Batamanghelidj, it's called 'your bodies many cries for water'

keep up the good work; nature's medicine at its best 🙂

Amethyst x

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RE: benefits of drinking water

ORIGINAL: Amethystcave
An old, but good read on this topic is by a guy called Batamanghelidj, it's called 'your bodies many cries for water'

You can also gethim giving a lecture on the sameon a CD. Well worth a listen.

Love and Reiki Hugs

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RE: benefits of drinking water

I can vouch for the benefits of drinking plenty of water. I drink 3 or 4 litres a day at least, plus a few cups of coffee drug (down from 10 plus).
Always have drunk loads of water and love it.
I'm 55 and thats why people often say I have the skin of a 21 year old .............rhino!!

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RE: benefits of drinking water

if you ever get the chance to read a book called 'The cure' by Dr. Timmothy Brantley ([link= ][/link]), it also tells you little hints as to what you can do to better help yourself..

~if you drink a quarter lemon mixed with water about 20-30 min before you eat - you will digest your food better

~if you have a headache you can take a bit of sea salt and place on the tip of your tounge, let it dissolve, and wash with water, it should help versus taking a tablet....

~drink water every 30 min...(and i forget off the top of my head what the percentage rate for body mass - to - water was)



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RE: benefits of drinking water

as a therapist I am always telling clients to drink plenty of water but thought I ought to practice what I preach and over the weekend started to drink more water, building up to 2 ltrs a day - its not the weeing during the day that I mind, I find that I am also getting up twice in the night - hopefully that will ease in the next day or two.
appetite hasnt calmed down yet but again hoping that will show a result in a couple of days.


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RE: benefits of drinking water

I was on a course last week where we were told time and again the importance of drinking water - also heard a few other facts that might be of interest:

Drinking more water and then having to go to the loo much more often means that you need to increase your salt intake - this increases the water absorbed by the body/tissues/organs etc. Most of us cut down on salt as it is so 'bad ' for you - however, this is a myth - if you take a lot of salt and don't drink enough water - then it is bad for you. i.e. you are dehydrated, your blood pressure goes up and will increase further through salt intake - if you increase the water the blood pressure goes down and by increasing your salt more water is absorbed and blood pressure decreases even further.

Also heard that when you increse your water intake it could take up to 6 weeks before you are totally rehydrated - the mention above as to the rain and the dry earth makes a lot of sense.

Also remember that any flouvorant in the water makes the body see the water as food and not water - and that anything that has bubbles in it is no substitute for water.

Suppose that brings us to another side - mineral water or good water - how many times have we heard the stories of a storage tank with tap water that is lead to a factory who bottles 'mineral' water - or the company that runs water past 2 magnets and now the water is suppose to be very good for you. Me, I drink water straight out the tap but I am sure there will be lots of other views out there,


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RE: benefits of drinking water

it was interesting to see that it can take up to 6 weeks to feel the benefits

didnt realise about the salt intake - since having the children I very rarely cook with salt (wont say never, but as near as dam it)


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RE: benefits of drinking water

I drink water that has been filtered, count myself lucky to live in a country where you can drink the water straight from the tap


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RE: benefits of drinking water

I think less coffee and more water might just help my diet.........If I have more energy in the evening,my body might not crave more food . My tendency is to eat when I'm tired.....over and above my main meal. I'll give it a go,and just see if it works....Thanks for that.



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RE: benefits of drinking water

I remember hearing that what we perceive as hunger pains might actually be thirst pains. When I feel hungry between meals I have a glass, and it helps. I've been drinking loads of water (cup/hr) for a couple years, except for a recent experiment. A friend mentioned not keeping stock in the idea we need so much water, so I decided to see how I did without so much. I went down to 2 cups a day, not including coffee, teas, and beer. I was fine until I tried to extert large amounts of energy. So now I'm back to being addicted to water! Hubby and I keep our water glasses next to the sink, and anytime I walk by the kitchen, or if I feel slow, I chug a glass from the tap. Hubby doesn't drink as much, but keeping a glass there has encouraged him to drink more.
As for quality of water, I refuse to buy bottled water. 1-I like to keep my lifestyle in sync with the poverty class. It may sound silly, but I think it helps me keep perspective on how the public is really living, as opposed to the privelidged. Buying water simply isn't an option for many people. 2-I cringe when I think of how many plastic bottles are sitting around Mother Earth's already damaged lands. 3-I think if everyone put their $$ into cleaning up our local environment rather than bottles of water, we'd find our water to be superior to industrial water. Not to mention cleaner air, land, harvest, etc.

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RE: benefits of drinking water

if I could cut out the biscuits I would be a lot better off

find I am drinking a lot less tea and coffee because of all the water


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RE: benefits of drinking water

Going to give this a go.:D I have a hectic schedule which results in not so good diet and seriously do not drink enough liquid (of any kind) through the day!

I'm sure by doing this I'll avoid the headaches I get sometimes. Currently rely on caffiene too much[&:]

Wish me luck!

Jo x

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RE: benefits of drinking water

Guilty as charged!!! I don't drink enough water and I know I should. Good post, mike2305! I learned some interesting things from it, as well. The parched earth makes a lot of sense. Surprised no one mentioned 'water retention' along with the lack of water-another commonly held myth that 'too much' water causes this. Drink more water and the body releases excess water. When you figure what percentage of water the human body is comprised of, it really makes sense to give it back its like substance. Think I'll head to the kitchen for some water...........


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RE: benefits of drinking water

there is also a body mass to water ratio - you are supposed to drink a percentage of your body weight in water far as water retention goes (and i know) this is your body telling you you are dehydrated, and it hordes water for the times you dont hydrate properly...once your body starts to get the water intake it will release this water (and release it does lol) doesnt happen instantaniously, but it does happen over time....
i read somewhere it takes your body up to 6 months to properly hydrate itself once its been severly dehydrated? i dont know how true that is - but i try to drink a sip of water every 30 min or so.....helps with the hunger pains, helps with the headaches, and helps with the least for me...


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RE: benefits of drinking water

yes i swear by the stuff. I keep a pint glass on my desk in work and try to drink one glass every 2 hours. If i don't get enough water I feel run-down almost straight away. Urine should be very pale yellow - almost clear I've heard, that's the first sign of being dehydrated is when it's yellow!
I find that 95% of the time when I have a headache it's due to dehydration (I never take tablets just water) and the other 5% of the time is normally a stiff neck from too much PC usage (for which, the best remedy is a massage from the boyfriend :D).

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RE: benefits of drinking water

yep, my other half has been suffering from alot of headaches recently and i've told him it's because he doesn't drink enough water.. infact his fluid intake consists of coffee only and we all know that coffee in itself will leave you feeling dehydrated.. i'm tryingto encourage him but i hate to sound like a nag..[&:]

speaking of urine, drinking lots of water is actually very good for the bladder, especially in older people as it promotes continence.. and yes, the first signs of being dehydrated is dark yellow/orange urine.. i'm forever pushing fluids at work..

as for me.. well, i'm a good girl.. i used to be a major caffiene addict but now i've cut down to a maximum of 4 cups a day (three of those are first thing in the morning)
the rest of the time i drink herbal tea.. i seem to drink lots of water in the summer months but it all goes to pot in the winter.. i do try but somehow the lack of sunlight seems to get the better of me and everything else suffers as a consequence..

and i liked your opinion on things killchar.. a very valid point to think about all the plastic bottles we use for bottling 'mineral' water.. i think people should either filter their water or drink it straight from the tap.. luckily for me, i live in northumberland and all our water is provided by kielder reservoir.. when i lived in london i couldn't drink directly from the tap as it was awful.. butwhen i moved back up here, one of the first things i noticed (aside from the beautiful countryside of course) was how lovely the water tasted..

that said, i'm off to get a glass right now.. start as you mean to go on.. best be making a trip to the loo first though (that'll be the coffee kicking in)[&:]

love ali xx

edited to add:
since making that post i have drunk two glasses of water and to be honest,they probably woke me up more than the three previous cups of coffee did.. thank you mike for kick starting my new healthy regime!! 🙂

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RE: benefits of drinking water


Glad to find so much info about drinking water, as it is something i've been thinking about lately.

A strange thing, and i'm not sure if i'm imagining it, but my hair seems softer and less dry if i have been drinking water the day before.Its normally quite brittle and fluffy looking, but when i drink enough water (or at least more than usual) it seems stronger and healthier.I'm notsure if this is anything anyone else has comes accorss?

Melissa x

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RE: benefits of drinking water

ORIGINAL: MelissaRoseReflex


Glad to find so much info about drinking water, as it is something i've been thinking about lately.

A strange thing, and i'm not sure if i'm imagining it, but my hair seems softer and less dry if i have been drinking water the day before.Its normally quite brittle and fluffy looking, but when i drink enough water (or at least more than usual) it seems stronger and healthier.I'm notsure if this is anything anyone else has comes accorss?

Melissa x

ah of course!!! makes sense now...why some days my hair is dry and frizzy and other times is smooth and sleek. i get bad diet days where i drink too much alcohol and eat rubbish.....i'll have to take note if my bad hair is linked to this hehe....thanks. another reason to be healthier then 🙂

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RE: benefits of drinking water

Water do definately improve your health. Also I find that my mind will act more stable and peaceful if I drink water throughout the day.

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RE: benefits of drinking water

I can vouch for the benefits of drinking plenty of water. I drink 3 or 4 litres a day at least, plus a few cups of coffee drug (down from 10 plus).
Always have drunk loads of water and love it.
I'm 55 and thats why people often say I have the skin of a 21 year old .............rhino!!


To extend your understanding, read about water intoxication, kidney function and circular system. And how this all works together.

Too much is always too much
