Not sure where to post this but is anyone studying or has studied a diploma in metaphysics? I have just started my studies and would love to chat to someone about a couple of things if possible.
Thanks very much, Darcy
Hi Darcy,
I haven't studied a diploma in metaphysics, but like many here we do take an interest in such things. I do attend a course in Practical Philosophy which is based around the vedic teachings (amongst others) of looking at the true nature of Self, Oneness and living in the present moment.
If you'd like to discuss anything like that, ask away. I'm sure many here will love to join in the discussion.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Thanks for your reply Giles. I have been tasked with contacting my spirit guides and I am not sure if this takes a lot of practice or should it come easy?! I managed to speak to my tutor and he said many people have the same feelings as i did on their first attempt(s). I just wanted to compare my course structure to others. I am looking at auras/intuition/spiritguides/astral travel to name a few.
Any input would be great on these subjects.