I need to get a uniform by saturday if possible, so I need recommendations of a company that delivers asap, Simon Jersey has let me down 🙁
Would you recommend a vent at the back or are side vents ok? Tutor said I should go for uniform with a pleat at the back, but most of the ones I've seen are side vents
ANy particualar colour? Does white get filthy really quickly?
ive read some older thread but nothing mentioned the pleats and vents
Thank you
You could try Uniforms direct, but I don't know if they will deliver that fast. They've got a helpline, so they should be able to let you know. They were very reliable for me.
Briliant thank you
Do you have any advice on the vents and pleats?
Simon Jersey have always been great with me, apart from if they are out of stock of a particular colour (or size I suppose) - the hot pink usually takes longer to arrive as it is SO HOT (in a cool way:cool:). Alexandra have some shops and may have one near you so could be worth a try.
good luck
Do you have any advice on the vents and pleats?
I don't think it matters as long as you've got the room to stretch, although I don't the men's styles have as many options.
I don't the men's styles have as many options.
Ain't that the truth! Uniforms for men I can sum up in one word - hideous!!
I have been to all the big beauty shows, spoken to all the big suppliers and they just aint interested in giving us men a decent uniform.
If I had the time and money I'd happily start a small uniform business specialising in guys!
But back to the original question, my advice is avoid white! Nightmare to keep clean, and you'll need several to last you a day - one splash of oil and you can't really wear it for your next client as it looks dirty.