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Supervision for massage therapists

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I am recently qualified in holistic massage and IHM and have begun to treat clients. What I am finding is that I have a lot of questions 'What should I do about this ailment' 'what should I do if a client responds this way' 'How to respond to certain issues or worries clients have etc'. I know that it most psycological therapies, therapist have paid supervisors, someone they can disscuss issues with, make sure they are upholding boundaries and such like. I think as new therapist and even as an experienced therapist such support would be really useful. I am wondering if other massage therapists have supervisors or know of this being practised, and if so what the best procedure would be for making contact with a prospective supervisor?

Best wishes

4 Replies
stephen jeffrey
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RE: Supervision for massage therapists

Hi katie, as far as I am aware massage does not have an offical support system.
I found the early part of my career a sometimes a lonely struggle as a result.
All I sugguest you do is to find some local therapists to recieve massage from that have got lots of years of experience so you can get some mentoring and massage at the same time.
Other than that post your problems on HP, your not alone.
regards steve

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RE: Supervision for massage therapists

Thanks Stephen its good to know I am not alone! I have a thought about talking to other therapists, and will contact some definately, Great excuse for a massage as well.

Thanks again

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RE: Supervision for massage therapists

And of course, you have the boards here to ask anything you want. It's really a great resource for any information.


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Joined: 21 years ago

RE: Supervision for massage therapists

Can you not ask your original tutor(s) about issues that arise?

I'm still in touch with my tutors from my training days, and they've always been very helpful and giving with their time and advice. Similarly, I've found that tutors on postgraduate courses that I've done have made themselves available after the courses for anyone wanting to ask questions subsequently, or to arrange a post-course supervision session to hone their skills or obtain answers to things they're finding difficult.

Worth asking!
