I have been searching the forums but have yet to find my answer - do you have any suggestions as to which massage techniques I could use on someone with Sciatica? This is another of my case-studies and he would definitely only like very light pressure.
Any comments would be appreciated.
RE: Sciatica
Hi Trudy, welcome to the forum.
Unfortunately light pressure will not sort it out, you need to find out if it is proper sciatica or pseudo sciatica, if its pseudo then just clear out the gluteal paying a lot of attention to periformis muscle which runs diagonally from the sacrum area towards the hip, you need to find it for yourself because it is not in the same place on everyone.
RE: Sciatica
I'm no expert on massage, but my better half has suffered from sciatica and went for a "spinal touch" treatment with my reiki master and found that this helped no end. I was there and saw it being done. It's a very gentle technique, with amazing results.
Here's a link to Spinal Touch HQ... 🙂
Love and Reiki Hugs