Dear all
First of all a big hello, this is my first post here and I'm hoping you can help me.
I am a qualified therapist in both Swedish Massage, Indian Head Massge and have just recently completed an IAIM course in Baby Massage.
I have a meeting with a lady who runs her own salon and she is interested in running baby massge classes. She would like me to do this.
This is a fantastic opportunity but I am really unsure about charging and what's acceptable/not acceptable and need your help to advise me. E.g if I runa course of 5 classes, how much do you think I could charge per person (I live in London) Also, I offer 121 courses where I go to their homes but again, I'm unsure of how much to charge? I can't seem to find anything that can help me and any advice/assistance you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
RE: New to this forum - Pls can you help me?
Hi Hevenly, welcome to HP.
The first thing I would look into before thinking of how much to charge etc is insurance! Your normal insurance may not cover you for teaching, this introduces a whole new set of risks that need to be covered.
Good luck!
Mat xxx
RE: New to this forum - Pls can you help me?
Hi Heavenly
Welcome to the forum.
Mat has made a valid point, insurance to teach is usually an extra £50 - £70 pounds so you need to take this into consideration when calculating you fees.
If you are teaching at a centre then they will charge you for use of there facilities but you might get a few people to teach so that can offset it a little.
Saying that you need to be realistic and you might only have a couple of people so set your prices accordingly unless you specify that you will only do it when you have say six people to teach, the six people need to pay up front as you are setting the time aside for them and incurring additional expenses.
Once you know your overheads the rest is easy to calculate 🙂
RE: New to this forum - Pls can you help me?
Thanks for your responses. I had the meeting with the lady and she is offering me the use of her room. She wants to take 50% of my earnings, I will make about £60.00 per person for a five week course, the maximum I can fit in the room is 4. Also, I have to provide my own oils, literature etc. Do you think that is a bit much? I will earn about 24.00a class after she has taken her cut. What do you think about that?
I have looked into the insurance and I am covered, so it's ok.
RE: New to this forum - Pls can you help me?
Hi Heavenly
That will depend on how long your classes are? and are you talking £60 per class or for the full course?
RE: New to this forum - Pls can you help me?
Hi Paul
It would be £60.00 per person for a 5 week course (1 hour a week)
The maximum I can teach is 4. So, altogether,I would earn £240.00 (she would get half and I have to supply the oils and course literature myself.)
Thanks for your help
RE: New to this forum - Pls can you help me?
Hi Heavenly
You are not going to get through very much in an hour, just time to say hello and have a quick chat and it is over, I would consider doing 2 hours per session and charging a bit more so you are not out of pocket and the recipients have more time for hands on practice each session 🙂
RE: New to this forum - Pls can you help me?
Hi Heavenly
You sound like a really kind person and maybe you need to be careful not to be too giving. I may be the only one here, but I feel that 50% of your income is quite a lot! I wonder if you could negotiate to maybe get her to at least supply oils and things. Is this the only option you have?
If you could hire a small village hall or something you may get it cheaper and be able to get more people in. Not a lot more, of course. Too many may make it feel not so cosy but 6 or 8 could be good??
Just thinking out loud really. Hope you are okay with it.
I just sometimes feel that therapists get a hard deal at their own expense from owners of clinics and rooms.
Good luck.xx
How was your course? I have been trying to get in touch with the IAIM to get information on their courses but the website isnt the most accessible. Will keep trying though.
RE: New to this forum - Pls can you help me?
Also check out the area where you're aiming to practice and see if you can find out the 'perceived' expense of such a class for the people who live there, ie: is it a very affluent area (Hampstead/Chelsea etc) as people living in these areas (generally speaking) have more money for luxuries, mothers don't need to work etc so you might get away with charging a bit more!
RE: New to this forum - Pls can you help me?
Hi heavenly,
i work as an IAIM teacher (amongst other things) and for a 4 week group course i charge each family €100 at present. you may have guessed, not in England but Ireland. i haven't a notion what that is in Quids.
Dunno about your health insurance providers but over here BUPA and VHI both offer refunds up to a certian amount. bupa i think will repay €100 which is a good selling point for some families. get in touch and see what the deal is over there. would the NHS cover any of it for example?
if you are really stumped, check with your local IAIM chapter. over here they are reaaly helpful, imagine it's the same in Eng.
teaching the classes rocks! enjoy it.
Dear all
First of all a big hello, this is my first post here and I'm hoping you can help me.
I am a qualified therapist in both Swedish Massage, Indian Head Massge and have just recently completed an IAIM course in Baby Massage.
I have a meeting with a lady who runs her own salon and she is interested in running baby massge classes. She would like me to do this.
This is a fantastic opportunity but I am really unsure about charging and what's acceptable/not acceptable and need your help to advise me. E.g if I runa course of 5 classes, how much do you think I could charge per person (I live in London) Also, I offer 121 courses where I go to their homes but again, I'm unsure of how much to charge? I can't seem to find anything that can help me and any advice/assistance you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
I think you need to chave teaching qualification level 3 min if I am not mistaken. To be qualified in massage is not enough to teach it